7 research outputs found

    Modifications in relaxin’s serum levels during acetatefree biofiltration (AFB): only a new biomarker?

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    Aims.We evaluated relaxin’s behaviour during a haemodialytic session and the effects of its intradialytic variability on blood pressure. Methods. We enrolled 25 patients and evaluated relaxin’s levels during a haemodialytic session. We also dosed interdialytic relaxin and enrolled 10 healthy subjects and 16 patients with III stage chronic renal failure as controls. Results. Haemodialyzed patients have relaxin’s baseline concentrations higher than healthy controls, but lower than chronic patients. During the treatment, relaxin is removed; it increases again throughout the interdialytic phase. Furthermore, relaxin’s pre- haemodialytic concentration positively and significantly correlates with systolic, diastolic, and mean BP; such correlations disappear at the end of the treatment. Conclusion. Relaxin’s removal during the treatment may intervene in the pathogenesis of intradialytic hypertension. Hence, relaxin could be not only a new biomarker but also an active player in the intradialytic variations of blood pressure

    Circulating thyrotropin is upregulated by estradiol

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    After encountering two women with serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels greater in periovulatory phase than in other days of the menstrual cycle, we hypothesized that TSH levels could be sensitive to changes in circulating estrogens in women. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether serum TSH increases after an induced acute increase of serum estradiol, and compare serum TSH increase with that of prolactin (PRL) which is a classic estradiol-upregulated pituitary hormone. In this retrospective study, we resorted to stored frozen sera from 55 women who had undergone the GnRH agonist (buserelin)-acute stimulation test of ovarian steroidogenesis. This test, that is preceded by dexamethasone administration to suppress adrenal steroidogenesis, had been performed to show an increased buserelin-stimulated response of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, a response that is frequent in polycystic ovary syndrome. Fifty-five women had enough serum volume at pertinent times (first observation early in the follicular phase and all times of the test) to permit assay of serum estradiol, TSH and PRL. Before dexamethasone administration, estradiol averaged 26.4 ± 15.5 pg/ml (reference range 23–139, follicular phase), TSH 1.78 ± 0.86 mU/L (reference range 0.3–4.2) and PRL 409.4 ± 356 mU/L (reference range 70.8–556) (mean ± SD). Serum estradiol, TSH and PRL averaged 47.2 ± 27 pg/ml, 0.77 ± 0.48 mU/L and 246.4 ± 206.8 mU/L just prior to the buserelin injection, but they peaked at 253.4 ± 113.5 pg/ml (nv 83–495, midcycle), 3.30 ± 1.65 mU/L and 540.3 ± 695.2 mU/L after injection. The responses to buserelin of estradiol, TSH and PRL were of wide magnitude. There was a significant correlation between TSH peak and serum estradiol peak, betweeen AUC0-24 h-TSH and AUC0-24 h-estradiol, or between PRL peak and estradiol peak and AUC0-24 h -PRL and AUC0-24 h-estradiol in only a subgroup of women. Therefore, women with estradiol-dependent increase in serum TSH do exist. Reference bands of serum TSH dependent on the phases of the menstrual cycle should be available

    Effects of a New Flavonoid and Myo-Inositol Supplement on Some Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Risk in Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized Trial

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    Background and Aim. Cardiovascular risk is increased in women with menopause and metabolic syndrome. Aim of this study was to test the effect of a new supplement formula, combining cocoa polyphenols, myo-inositol, and soy isoflavones, on some biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in postmenopausal women with metabolic syndrome. Methods and Results. A total of 60 women were enrolled and randomly assigned (n=30 per group) to receive the supplement (NRT: 30 mg of cocoa polyphenols, 80 mg of soy isoflavones, and 2 gr of myo-inositol), or placebo for 6 months. The study protocol included three visits (baseline, 6, and 12 months) for the evaluation of glucose, triglycerides, and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), adiponectin, visfatin, resistin, and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (bone-ALP). At 6 months, a significant difference between NRT and placebo was found for glucose (96±7 versus 108±10 mg/dL), triglycerides (145±14 versus 165±18 mg/dL), visfatin (2.8±0.8 versus 3.7±1.1 ng/mL), resistin (27±7 versus 32±8 µg/L), and b-ALP (19±7 versus 15±5 µg/mL). No difference in HDL-C concentrations nor in adiponectin levels between groups was reported at 6 months. Conclusions. The supplement used in this study improves most of the biomarkers linked to metabolic syndrome. This Trial is registered with NCT01400724

    High frequency of empty sella, with gender differences, in the early neuroradiology evaluation of patients with traumatic brain injury. A prospective study

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    One-hundred four persons aged ≥ 18 years (62 males and 42 females) who were admitted for traumatic brain injury (TBI) underwent brain computed tomography (CT) scan and assay of serum cortisol, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), thyrotropin (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4). The main purpose was to assess any gender difference and the rate of empty sella (ES).Women were more likely to have empty sella (19/42 [45.2%] vs 19/62 [30.6%], P = 0.15, OR = 1.9), which was more frequently total ES or TES (16/19 [84.2%] vs 3/19 [15.8%], P = 0.0025, OR = 11.6). Neuroradiology was normal in the remaining 65 patients. Patients with TES were approximately 20–30 years older than both patients with partial ES (PES) and normal sella, but only the comparison with normal sella was significant (P = 0.001 all patients, P = 0.005 males). Presumed deficiency of IGF-1, cortisol or TSH occurred in 33 persons (31.7%; 20 Males [32.2%], 13 Females [30.9%]), 14 (13.5%; 10 M [16.2%], 4F [9.5%]) or 8 (7.7%; 1 M [1.7%], 7F [16.7%]), with only TSH deficiency having significant intergender difference (P = 0.007). The highest or lowest rates of IGF-1 deficiency occurred in men with PES (41.7%) or men with TES (14.3%), of cortisol deficiency in men with PES (33.3%) or women with PES (zero), and TSH deficiency in women with TES (18.7%) or both men and women with PES (zero) and men with normal sella (zero). Within ES, males with no deficiency were older compared to males with at least one hormone deficiency (75.7 ± 17.4 vs 55.6 ± 18.9, P = 0.022); in turn, the former males were also older compared with normal sella males having no hormone deficiency (54.1 ± 25.2, P = 0.023).In conclusion, ES is detectable in almost 40% of persons who undergo CT within 24 h from TBI. A number of intergender differences concerning ES and the hormones evaluated are apparent. Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, Post-traumatic hypopituitarism, Empty sella, Computed tomograph

    A video of best practice recommendations for making botulinum toxin therapy safe during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The physician and patient come into close contact during botulinum toxin treatments, increasing the chances of COVID-19 infection. Therefore, it is essential to use an effective injection method that can prevent infection with SARS-CoV-2 virus. In order to minimize the risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission during botulinum toxin treatment in the COVID-19 era, the Italian Botulinum Toxin Network study group of the Italian Society of Neurology has prepared a video of best practice recommendations on how to organize the work of a clinic performing botulinum toxin treatments

    IER-SICH Nomogram to Predict Symptomatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Thrombectomy for Stroke

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