35,298 research outputs found

    Separating the basic logics of the basic recurrences

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    This paper shows that, even at the most basic level, the parallel, countable branching and uncountable branching recurrences of Computability Logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) validate different principles

    Barnes Hospital Bulletin

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    The present article introduces ptarithmetic (short for "polynomial time arithmetic") -- a formal number theory similar to the well known Peano arithmetic, but based on the recently born computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) instead of classical logic. The formulas of ptarithmetic represent interactive computational problems rather than just true/false statements, and their "truth" is understood as existence of a polynomial time solution. The system of ptarithmetic elaborated in this article is shown to be sound and complete. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a polynomial time solution and, furthermore, such a solution can be effectively extracted from a proof of T. And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a polynomial time solution is represented by some theorem T of the system. The paper is self-contained, and can be read without any previous familiarity with computability logic.Comment: Substantially better versions are on their way. Hence the present article probably will not be publishe

    Introduction to Cirquent Calculus and Abstract Resource Semantics

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    This paper introduces a refinement of the sequent calculus approach called cirquent calculus. While in Gentzen-style proof trees sibling (or cousin, etc.) sequents are disjoint sequences of formulas, in cirquent calculus they are permitted to share elements. Explicitly allowing or disallowing shared resources and thus taking to a more subtle level the resource-awareness intuitions underlying substructural logics, cirquent calculus offers much greater flexibility and power than sequent calculus does. A need for substantially new deductive tools came with the birth of computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) - the semantically constructed formal theory of computational resources, which has stubbornly resisted any axiomatization attempts within the framework of traditional syntactic approaches. Cirquent calculus breaks the ice. Removing contraction from the full collection of its rules yields a sound and complete system for the basic fragment CL5 of computability logic. Doing the same in sequent calculus, on the other hand, throws out the baby with the bath water, resulting in the strictly weaker affine logic. An implied claim of computability logic is that it is CL5 rather than affine logic that adequately materializes the resource philosophy traditionally associated with the latter. To strengthen this claim, the paper further introduces an abstract resource semantics and shows the soundness and completeness of CL5 with respect to it.Comment: To appear in Journal of Logic and Computatio

    On Polynomial Multiplication in Chebyshev Basis

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    In a recent paper Lima, Panario and Wang have provided a new method to multiply polynomials in Chebyshev basis which aims at reducing the total number of multiplication when polynomials have small degree. Their idea is to use Karatsuba's multiplication scheme to improve upon the naive method but without being able to get rid of its quadratic complexity. In this paper, we extend their result by providing a reduction scheme which allows to multiply polynomial in Chebyshev basis by using algorithms from the monomial basis case and therefore get the same asymptotic complexity estimate. Our reduction allows to use any of these algorithms without converting polynomials input to monomial basis which therefore provide a more direct reduction scheme then the one using conversions. We also demonstrate that our reduction is efficient in practice, and even outperform the performance of the best known algorithm for Chebyshev basis when polynomials have large degree. Finally, we demonstrate a linear time equivalence between the polynomial multiplication problem under monomial basis and under Chebyshev basis

    Cirquent calculus deepened

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    Cirquent calculus is a new proof-theoretic and semantic framework, whose main distinguishing feature is being based on circuits, as opposed to the more traditional approaches that deal with tree-like objects such as formulas or sequents. Among its advantages are greater efficiency, flexibility and expressiveness. This paper presents a detailed elaboration of a deep-inference cirquent logic, which is naturally and inherently resource conscious. It shows that classical logic, both syntactically and semantically, is just a special, conservative fragment of this more general and, in a sense, more basic logic -- the logic of resources in the form of cirquent calculus. The reader will find various arguments in favor of switching to the new framework, such as arguments showing the insufficiency of the expressive power of linear logic or other formula-based approaches to developing resource logics, exponential improvements over the traditional approaches in both representational and proof complexities offered by cirquent calculus, and more. Among the main purposes of this paper is to provide an introductory-style starting point for what, as the author wishes to hope, might have a chance to become a new line of research in proof theory -- a proof theory based on circuits instead of formulas.Comment: Significant improvements over the previous version
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