9 research outputs found
The Violation of Cooperative Principle a Case of Humorous Verbal Cartoon in Kompas
This research is aimed at describing the types of maxim violated in humorous verbal cartoon in Kompas, to find out the type of the maxims that is dominantly violated in it and to find out the causes. The method of research is descriptive qualitative research. The data is analyzed by interpreting the conversations and analyzing them based on the types of the maxim violated. From the data, it was found that the violation of the maxim of quality is 12 (20.33%), the violation of the maxim of quantity is 25 (42.37%), the violation of manner is 15 (25.42%), and the violation of the maxim of relevance is 7 (11.86%). The frequency and the percentage shows that maxim of quantity is the dominant type of maxim which is violated
The Analysis of Process in Selected Speeches of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
One aim of this article is to show many kinds of speeches of process in speech. The example of speech is the speech of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. The purpose of this journal is to find out types of processes, they are; material process, mental process, relational process, behavioral process, verbal process, and existential process. It was found that the types of processes in the five speeches of President Bambang Yudhoyono are 1387 verbs and classified the verb into 868 verbs as Material process (62.58%), 46 verbs as Mental process (3.31%), 130 verbs as Relational process (9.37%), 208 verbs as Behavioral process (15%), 25 verbs as Verbal process (1.80%), and 110 verbs as Existential process (7.94%). From the data, it could be known that the dominant process in the selected speech of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was Material process
Improving Students\u27 Vocabulary Achievement Through Anagram Technique in SMP N I Bandar
This study attempts to improve students\u27 vocabulary achievement through anagram technique. This research was conducted by using action research method. The subject of this study was grade VIII students of SMP N I Bandar. The number of the students was thirty one students, consisted of ten boys twenty one girls. They were taught through anagram technique. The instrument used were vocabulary tests, diary notes, interview sheet, questionnaire sheet and observation sheet. The technique of data analysis were quantitative and qualitative. In analyzing the data, the mean of the students\u27 score for the first vocabulary test as orientation was 38,70, for the second vocabulary test as a cycle I test was 66,29, for the third vocabulary test as cycle II test was 82,74. The total percentage of the improvement from the first reading test to the third reading test was 7,12%. The conclusion is that anagram technique can improve the students\u27 vocabulary achievement. The qualitative data show that the students were more interested and motivated on vocabulary achievement through anagram. It is suggested that teachers should apply anagram technique as one of methods to improve students\u27 achievement in vocabulary
The Effect of Sq3r Method on the Students\u27 Ability in Reading Comprehension
The aim of this study is to discover the effect of applying SQ3R method in reading comprehension. Experimental research design is used as the research method. This research took place at MTS AMIN DARUSSALAM MEDAN. There were 2 classes chosen as the sample with 32 students in each class. The classes were divided into two groups namely experimental and control group. The experimental group taught by using SQ3R method and the control group was taught by using conventional method. The instrument used to collect the data was a set of multiple choice tests, which divided as pre test and post test. The result of the research was analyzed by using t-test formula. The result showed that t-test was higher than t-table ( 3,93 > 2,00 ) at the level of significant 0,05 with degree of freedom (df) 60. It means that hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted which shows that SQ3R method significantly improves the student\u27s reading comprehension
Code Mixing in My Stupid Boss Novel
This study deals with the use of code mixing in My Stupid Boss novel. The objectives of this study was to find out the type of code mixing dominantly used and to determine whether in narrative or dialogue context does the code mixing frequently used in My Stupid Boss Novel. The source of data was the sentences of novel entitled My Stupid Boss Novel. The data were limited only in Indonesian- English code mixing used by the author my My Stupid Boss and analyzed based on the types of code mixing which are unit insertion, unit hybridization, sentence insertion, idiom and collocation insertion, reduplication. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The findings show that all the types of code mixing occurred in My Stupid Boss; they were unit insertion 70.51 %, unit hybridization 6.13 %, sentence insertion 21.61 %, idiom and collocation insertion 1.60 % and reduplication 0.15 %. The most dominant type of code mixing was unit insertion. The code mixing was found dominantly in dialogue context 55.47 % while in narrative context 44.53 %.. It is hoped that the result of this study is useful to everyone who wants to study about code mixing
Speech Function in ‘Yeah Mahasiswa\u27 Tweets
This study deals with speech function in ‘Yeah Mahasiswa\u27 tweets. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from the twitter account of Yeah Mahasiswa which chosen purposively. The findings of the research show that there are 105 clauses which consist of 4 speech functions, Statement (84), Question (11), Command (6), andOffer (4). The most dominant type of speech function used by Yeah Mahasiswa wasstatement because it tended to give information in its interaction through its tweets. The occurrence of the dominant speech function due to the context of situation, covering field, tenor and mode