3 research outputs found
Diagnosa Penyakit Hepatitis Menggunakan Metode Weighted Product
Hepatitis is an inflammatory process in the liver tissue. Hepatitis in lay language is often referred to as liver or jaundice. Viral hepatitis infection can develop into cirrhosis or hardening of the liver even liver cancer, inflammation / inflammation and injury to the liver due to hepatic reactions to various conditions, especially viruses, drugs and alcohol. Hepatitis Diagnosis Expert System has been developed with a weighted product method. The weight product method diverts the results of the assessment of each attribute. The results of these multiplications have not been meaningful if they have not been compared with standard values. The weight for the benefit attribute functions as a positive power in the multiplication process, while the cost weight functions as a negative power multiplying the attribute value of each symptom that has been weighted for.From the results of the trials that have been carried out the system has been able to diagnose hepatitis A, B, C, D, E based on the symptoms entered by the patient
Sistem Informasi Penjualan Barang dan Jasa pada Studio Photo Topaz Hexagon Medan Berbasis Web
Sales information system in Hexagon Medan Topaz Photo Studio is web-based to process the sales system that occurs, process multiple reports, provide up-to-date information about the photo studio and product products provided. With the information system on the sale of goods and services in the topaz hexagon field photo studio, it is expected to simplify and speed up the processing of data and information in the Topaz Hexagon Photo Studio in Medan. And can produce data and information on the results of sales activities that occur and produce accountability reports more quickly and practically. The system built is easy to learn by users (users) and the programming language used is PHP and MySQL to create a databas
E-Learning pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta Pencawan Medan Program Studi Multimedia
Teknologi web memungkinkan perancangan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh (e-learning) tanpa dibatasi oleh waktu, tempat maupun ruang. Perancangan sistem memanfaatkan alat-alat perancangan seperti diagram alir data, entity relationship diagram dan diaplikasikan menggunakan bahasa HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP dan basisdata MySQL. E-learning yang dibangun pada SMK Pencawan Medan mendukung proses belajar siswa, mempermudah interaksi siswa dengan materi, diskusi antara siswa dengan guru maupun sesama siswa dalam forum diskusi, mengirim file tugas dan mengerjakan quis yang nantinya dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur dalam mengukur sejauh mana tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap suatu materi. Siswa dapat saling berbagi informasi dan dapat mengakses bahan-bahan belajar setiap saat dan berulang-ulang, dengan kondisi yang demikian siswa dapat lebih memantapkan penguasaannya terhadap materi pembelajaran