16 research outputs found

    Rôle des neuromodulateurs dans les fonctions visuelles : l'angiotensine II et la dopamine

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Neurons Controlling Voluntary Vocalization in the Macaque Ventral Premotor Cortex

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    The voluntary control of phonation is a crucial achievement in the evolution of speech. In humans, ventral premotor cortex (PMv) and Broca's area are known to be involved in voluntary phonation. In contrast, no neurophysiological data are available about the role of the oro-facial sector of nonhuman primates PMv in this function. In order to address this issue, we recorded PMv neurons from two monkeys trained to emit coo-calls. Results showed that a population of motor neurons specifically fire during vocalization. About two thirds of them discharged before sound onset, while the remaining were time-locked with it. The response of vocalization-selective neurons was present only during conditioned (voluntary) but not spontaneous (emotional) sound emission. These data suggest that the control of vocal production exerted by PMv neurons constitutes a newly emerging property in the monkey lineage, shedding light on the evolution of phonation-based communication from a nonhuman primate species

    Simultaneous scalp recorded EEG and local field potentials from monkey ventral premotor cortex during action observation and execution reveals the contribution of mirror and motor neurons to the mu-rhythm

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    The desynchronization of alpha and beta oscillations (mu rhythm) in the central scalp EEG during action observation and action execution is thought to reflect neural mirroring processes. However, the extent to which mirror neurons (MNs) or other populations of neurons contribute to such EEG desynchronization is still unknown. Here, we provide the first evidence that, in the monkey, the neuronal activity recorded from the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) strongly contributes to the EEG changes occurring in the beta band over central scalp electrodes, during executed and observed actions. We simultaneously recorded scalp EEG and extracellular activity, Multi Unit Activity (MUA) and Local Field Potentials (LFP), from area F5 of two macaques executing and observing grasping actions. We found that MUA highly correlates with an increase in high gamma LFP power and, interestingly, such LFP power increase also correlates to EEG beta – and in part also to alpha – desynchronization. In terms of timing of signal changes, the increase in high gamma LFP power precedes the EEG desynchronization, during both action observation and execution, thus suggesting a causal role of PMv neuronal activity in the modulation of the alpha and beta mu-rhythm. Lastly, neuronal signals from deeper layers of PMv exert a greater contribution than superficial layers to the EEG beta rhythm modulation, especially during the motor task. Our findings have clear implications for EEG studies in that they demonstrate that the activity of different populations of neurons in PMv contribute to the generation of the mu-rhythm

    Discontinuité structurale et niveaux de développement : analyse des isomorphismes entre domaines cognitifs distincts

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    Cette recherche porte sur la comparaison des niveaux de développement de trois épreuves cognitives de type piagétien: l'Épreuve des Concentrations portant sur la comparaison de rapports numériques, l'Épreuve des Coffrets portant sur un problème de logique propositionnelle, et Vues Orthogonales Codées portant sur la reproduction par dessin, à l'aide de codes, de formes géométriques tridimensionnelles. Les deux premières sont de nature logico-arithmétique, la dernière géométrique. Elles sont toutes les trois soumises à365 jeunes adultes de secondaire IV. Les données sont traitées conjointement par une analyse de Rasch, afin de vérifier l'ordre de difficulté des items et leur unidimensionnalité, et une analyse structurale, afin de décrire des niveaux de développement pour les items des trois épreuves. Des critères de niveaux sont déterminés, permettant de modéliser le développement cognitif sous forme de niveaux d'appréhension de plus en plus complexes des composantes d'une tâche cognitive

    Anatomical bases of fast parietal grasp control in humans: A diffusion-MRI tractography study

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    The dorso-posterior parietal cortex (DPPC) is a major node of the grasp/manipulation control network. It is assumed to act as an optimal forward estimator that continuously integrates efferent outflows and afferent inflows to modulate the ongoing motor command. In agreement with this view, a recent per-operative study, in humans, identified functional sites within DPPC that: (i) instantly disrupt hand movements when electrically stimulated; (ii) receive short-latency somatosensory afferences from intrinsic hand muscles. Based on these results, it was speculated that DPPC is part of a rapid grasp control loop that receives direct inputs from the hand-territory of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) and sends direct projections to the hand-territory of the primary motor cortex (M1). However, evidence supporting this hypothesis is weak and partial. To date, projections from DPPC to M1 grasp zone have been identified in monkeys and have been postulated to exist in humans based on clinical and transcranial magnetic studies. This work uses diffusion-MRI tractography in two samples of right- (n = 50) and left-handed (n = 25) subjects randomly selected from the Human Connectome Project. It aims to determine whether direct connections exist between DPPC and the hand control sectors of the primary sensorimotor regions. The parietal region of interest, related to hand control (hereafter designated DPPChand), was defined permissively as the 95% confidence area of the parietal sites that were found to disrupt hand movements in the previously evoked per-operative study. In both hemispheres, irrespective of handedness, we found dense ipsilateral connections between a restricted part of DPPChand and focal sectors within the pre and postcentral gyrus. These sectors, corresponding to the hand territories of M1 and S1, targeted the same parietal zone (spatial overlap > 92%). As a sensitivity control, we searched for potential connections between the angular gyrus (AG) and the pre and postcentral regions. No robust pathways were found. Streamline densities identified using AG as the starting seed represented less than 5 % of the streamline densities identified from DPPChand. Together, these results support the existence of a direct sensory-parietal-motor loop suited for fast manual control and more generally, for any task requiring rapid integration of distal sensorimotor signals