75 research outputs found

    Grounding-line basal melt rates determined using radar-derived internal stratigraphy

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    We use ice-penetrating radar data across grounding lines of Siple Dome and Roosevelt Island, Antarctica, to measure the spatial pattern, magnitude and duration of sub-ice-shelf melting at these locations. Stratigraphic layers across the grounding line show, in places, a large-amplitude downwarp at, or slightly downstream of, the grounding line due to sub-ice-shelf basal melting. Localized downwarping indicates that melting is transient; melt rates, or the grounding line position, have changed within a few hundred years in order to produce the observed stratigraphy. Elsewhere, no meltrelated stratigraphic signature is preserved. In part, heterogeneity in the amount of sub-ice-shelf melt is due to regional circulation patterns in the sub-shelf cavity, but local (on the order of tens of kilometers) heterogeneity in the melt pattern may reflect small differences in the shape of the ice-shelf base at the grounding line. We find that all of the grounding lines crossed have been in place for at most ~400 years

    Bed radar reflectivity across the north margin of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica, and implications for margin processes

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.3189/172756506781828890.Surface-based ice-penetrating radar profiles were made across the active north margin (the Snake) of the upper part of Whillans Ice Stream (formerly Ice Stream B, branch B2), West Antarctica, at three locations. Low frequency (about 2 MHz) and the ground deployment of the radar allowed penetration through the near-surface zone of fracturing to detect internal layering and bed reflection characteristics on continuous profiles spanning from the slow-moving ice of Engelhardt Ridge well into the chaotic zone of the shear margin. Internal layers were tracked beneath the chaotic zone, where they are warped but remain continuous. The energy returned from internal layers showed no systematic changes associated with the transition from the undisturbed surface of the slow-moving ice into the fractured surface of the shear margin, thus indicating little effect from the surface crevasses on the penetration of the radar signal. Based on this calibration of the near-surface effects and corrections for path length, spreading and attenuation, we examine the spatial variation of bed reflectivity. Low bed reflectivity found under Engelhardt Ridge extends under the chaotic zone of the margin into fast-moving ice. We argue that the fast motion in a band along the margin is mediated by processes other than deformation of thick dilated till that is the source of lubrication allowing fast motion in the interior of the ice stream

    Sustained High Basal Motion of the Greenland Ice Sheet Revealed by Borehole Deformation

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    Ice deformation and basal motion characterize the dynamical behavior of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS). We evaluate the contribution of basal motion from ice deformation measurements in boreholes drilled to the bed at two sites in the western marginal zone of the GrIS. We find a sustained high amount of basal motion contribution to surface velocity of 44–73% in winter, and up to 90% in summer. Measured ice deformation rates show an unexpected variation with depth that can be explained with the help of an ice-flow model as a consequence of stress transfer from slippery to sticky areas. This effect necessitates the use of high-order ice-flow models, not only in regions of fast-flowing ice streams but in all temperate-based areas of the GrIS. The agreement between modeled and measured deformation rates confirms that the recommended values of the temperature-dependent flow rate factor A are a good choice for ice-sheet models

    High basal melting forming a channel at the grounding line of Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica

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    Antarctica's ice shelves are thinning at an increasing rate, affecting their buttressing ability. Channels in the ice shelf base unevenly distribute melting, and their evolution provides insight into changing subglacial and oceanic conditions. Here we used phase-sensitive radar measurements to estimate basal melt rates in a channel beneath the currently stable Ross Ice Shelf. Melt rates of 22.2 ± 0.2 m a−1 (>2500% the overall background rate) were observed 1.7 km seaward of Mercer/Whillans Ice Stream grounding line, close to where subglacial water discharge is expected. Laser altimetry shows a corresponding, steadily deepening surface channel. Two relict channels to the north suggest recent subglacial drainage reorganization beneath Whillans Ice Stream approximately coincident with the shutdown of Kamb Ice Stream. This rapid channel formation implies that shifts in subglacial hydrology may impact ice shelf stability

    Distributed subglacial discharge drives significant submarine melt at a Greenland tidewater glacier

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    Submarine melt can account for substantial mass loss at tidewater glacier termini. However, the processes controlling submarine melt are poorly understood due to limited observations of submarine termini. Here at a tidewater glacier in central West Greenland, we identify subglacial discharge outlets and infer submarine melt across the terminus using direct observations of the submarine terminus face. We find extensive melting associated with small discharge outlets. While the majority of discharge is routed to a single, large channel, outlets not fed by large tributaries drive submarine melt rates in excess of 3.0 m d−1 and account for 85% of total estimated melt across the terminus. Nearly the entire terminus is undercut, which may intersect surface crevasses and promote calving. Severe undercutting constricts buoyant outflow plumes and may amplify melt. The observed morphology and melt distribution motivate more realistic treatments of terminus shape and subglacial discharge in submarine melt models

    Seasonal Evolution of the Subglacial Hydrologic System Modified by Supraglacial Lake Drainage in Western Greenland

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    The impact of summer surface melt on the dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet is modulated by the state of the subglacial hydrologic system. Studies of ice motion indicate that efficiency of the subglacial system increases over the melt season, decreasing the sensitivity of ice motion to surface melt. However, these inferences are based on limited indirect observations of the subglacial hydrologic system that leave many factors poorly constrained, particularly the presence and stability of subglacial channels. Here we use observations from 11 GPS stations, from which we derive ice velocity, longitudinal strain rates, and basal uplift, alongside observations of surface ablation and supraglacial lake drainage events, to explore the coevolution of ice motion and the subglacial hydrologic system in the Pakitsoq region of western Greenland during the 2011 melt season. We observe ice acceleration after the onset of local surface melting, followed by gradual ice deceleration, consistent with the pattern expected from increased subglacial drainage efficiency. Supraglacial lake drainages appear to precipitate ice deceleration and increased basal traction, suggesting that lake drainages effectively reorganize the local subglacial hydrologic system into a more efficient state that persists through the remainder of the melt season. At high elevations, ice velocity and inferred basal uplift suggest that continued cavity growth or sediment behavior, not subglacial channelization, drive the apparent increase in subglacial efficiency. Our results further indicate that these transient perturbations are critical in the seasonal evolution of ice motion

    Continued deceleration of Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 32 (2005): L22501, doi:10.1029/2005GL024319.Earlier observations indicated that Whillans Ice Stream slowed from 1973 to 1997. We collected new GPS observations of the ice stream's speed in 2003 and 2004. These data show that the ice stream is continuing to decelerate at rates of about 0.6%/yr2, with faster rates near the grounding line. Our data also indicate that the deceleration extends over the full width of the ice plain. Extrapolation of the deceleration trend suggests the ice stream could stagnate sometime between the middle of the 21st and 22nd Centuries.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF-OPP-0229659). IJ’s contribution was supported by the Cryospheric Sciences Program of NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise

    The impact of glacier geometry on meltwater plume structure and submarine melt in Greenland fjords

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    Meltwater from the Greenland Ice Sheet often drains subglacially into fjords, driving upwelling plumes at glacier termini. Ocean models and observations of submarine termini suggest that plumes enhance melt and undercutting, leading to calving and potential glacier destabilization. Here we systematically evaluate how simulated plume structure and submarine melt during summer months depends on realistic ranges of subglacial discharge, glacier depth, and ocean stratification from 12 Greenland fjords. Our results show that grounding line depth is a strong control on plume-induced submarine melt: deep glaciers produce warm, salty subsurface plumes that undercut termini, and shallow glaciers produce cold, fresh surface-trapped plumes that can overcut termini. Due to sustained upwelling velocities, plumes in cold, shallow fjords can induce equivalent depth-averaged melt rates compared to warm, deep fjords. These results detail a direct ocean-ice feedback that can affect the Greenland Ice Sheet