26 research outputs found

    Habiter à Bamako : conditions de logement et réponses des ménages dans une ville sahélienne

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    Cet article porte sur les conditions d'habitation des ménages vivant à Bamako, la capitale du Mali. À l'aide de deux indices se rapportant à la nature des matériaux de construction et à la disponibilité des services urbains, nous faisons d'abord ressortir une différenciation des conditions d'habitation dans l'espace bamakois, mais aussi une diffusion du caractère rudimentaire de ces conditions sur l'ensemble du territoire de la ville. Il se dégage ensuite de notre analyse que les conditions d'habitation sommaires ne sont pas réservées qu'aux seuls locataires, mais constituent également le lot d'un pourcentage élevé de propriétaires-occupants, la proportion des locataires et des propriétaires concernés variant cependant d'un type de quartiers à l'autre. Enfin, nous examinons deux types de réponses des ménages face à leurs conditions d'habitation, à savoir modifier leur logement ou le quitter, en dégageant une nette différence entre locataires et propriétaires.This article addresses the housing conditions in Bamako, the capital of Mali. Referring to the building materials and the availability of urban services, we first outline a diffentiation in housing conditions within the territory of the city, while underscoring the rudimentary nature of these conditions throughout this territory. Then, we show that these rudimentary housing conditions are not limited to tenants, but also concern a significant proportion of owner-occupiers. However the proportion of the tenants and owner-occupiers concerned varies from one type of neighbourhood to another. Finally, we examine two types of households' answers relating to their housing conditions, transforming their dwelling or moving, and we point out a difference between tenants and owner-occupiers

    L’acquisition du vocabulaire chez les jeunes enfants au Québec : le rôle de l’environnement familial et économique

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    Cette étude s’intéresse aux facteurs associés à l’acquisition du vocabulaire réceptif des enfants d’âge préscolaire en examinant plus spécifiquement la relation entre diverses caractéristiques de l’environnement familial et économique dans lequel les enfants grandissent. Les analyses de cette étude reposent sur les données de l’Étude longitudinale du développement des enfants du Québec (ÉLDEQ), dont 1 782 enfants âgés d’environ 3 1/2 ans ont répondu à l’Échelle de vocabulaire en images Peabody (ÉVIP). Cette étude met d’abord en évidence le rôle de la précarité économique et des activités de stimulation des parents sur l’acquisition du vocabulaire réceptif chez les jeunes enfants. Elle fait également ressortir l’importance des données longitudinales prospectives pour mieux cerner ce qui, dans l’environnement familial et économique des enfants, peut contribuer à favoriser le développement des habiletés cognitives des enfants.This study addresses the factors associated with receptive vocabulary acquisition in children of preschool age. It specifically examines the link between various characteristics of the family and the economic environment in which children are growing up. The analyses in this study are based on data from the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), in which 1 782 children approximately 3½ years old were administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). The study reveals the role of economic insecurity and parental stimulation activities in receptive vocabulary acquisition of toddlers. It also indicates the importance of prospective longitudinal data in gaining a better understanding of the family and economic factors that can help foster the development of cognitive skills in children

    Transcriptional regulation of the human α6 integrin gene by the transcription factor NFI during corneal wound healing

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    Purpose. Wound healing of the corneal epithelium is highly influenced by regulation of integrin gene expression. A recent study demonstrated that laminin (LM), a major constituent of the extracellular matrix (ECM), reduces expression of the human α6 integrin subunit gene by altering the properties of the transcription factor (TF) Sp1. In this work, a target site was identified for the TF nuclear factor I (NFI) on the human α6 gene, and its regulatory influence was characterized in corneal epithelial cells. Methods. Plasmids bearing the α6 promoter fused to the CAT gene were transfected into human (HCECs) and rabbit (RCECs) corneal epithelial cells grown on LM. The DNA-binding site for NFI in the α6 promoter was identified by DNase I footprinting. Expression and DNA binding of NFI was monitored by Western blot, RT-PCR, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSAs), and its function was investigated through RNAi and NFI overexpression assays. Results. All NFI isoforms were found to be expressed in HCECs and RCECs. Transfection analyses revealed that NFI is a repressor of α6 expression in both types of cells. LM increases expression of NFI, whereas inhibition of each NFI isoform increases promoter activity suggesting that NFI is a key repressor of α6 transcription. In addition, the negative influence of NFI appears to be potentiated by the degradation of Sp1 when cells are grown on LM. Conclusions. Repression of α6 expression therefore contributes to the final steps of corneal wound healing by both reducing proliferation and allowing attachment of the epithelium to the basal membrane

    Differential binding of the transcription factors Sp1, AP-1, and NFI to the promoter of the human α5 integrin gene dictates its transcriptional activity

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    Purpose. Damage to the corneal epithelium results in the massive secretion of fibronectin (FN) shortly after injury and induces the expression of its integrin receptor α5β1. The authors reported previously that FN induces α5 expression in human corneal epithelial cells and rabbit corneal epithelial cells by altering the binding of the transcription factor (TF) Sp1 to a regulatory element from the α5 promoter that it is also flanked by binding sites for the TFs NFI and AP-1. Here, they assessed the function of NFI and AP-1 on α5 gene expression and evaluated the contribution of FN to their overall regulatory influence. Methods. TF binding to the α5 promoter was evaluated in vitro by electrophoretic mobility shift assays and in vivo by ligation-mediated PCR or chromatin immunoprecipitation. TFs expression was monitored by Western blot, whereas their influence was assessed by transfection and RNAi analyses. Results. Coexpression of Sp1, NFI, and AP-1 was demonstrated in all cell types, and each TF was shown to bind efficiently to the α5 promoter. Whereas both AP-1 and Sp1 activated expression directed by the α5 promoter, NFI functioned as a potent repressor of that gene. Interestingly, FN could either promote or repress α5 promoter activity in a cell density–dependent manner by differentially altering the ratio of these TFs. Conclusions. These results suggest that α5 gene expression is likely dictated by subtle alterations in the nuclear ratio of TFs that either repress (NFI) or activate (Sp1 and AP-1) α5 transcription in corneal epithelial cells

    Robustness Analysis and Behavior Discrimination in Enzymatic Reaction Networks

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    Characterizing the behavior and robustness of enzymatic networks with numerous variables and unknown parameter values is a major challenge in biology, especially when some enzymes have counter-intuitive properties or switch-like behavior between activation and inhibition. In this paper, we propose new methodological and tool-supported contributions, based on the intuitive formalism of temporal logic, to express in a rigorous manner arbitrarily complex dynamical properties. Our multi-step analysis allows efficient sampling of the parameter space in order to define feasible regions in which the model exhibits imposed or experimentally observed behaviors. In a first step, an algorithmic methodology involving sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine bifurcation thresholds for a limited number of model parameters or initial conditions. In a second step, this boundary detection is supplemented by a global robustness analysis, based on quasi-Monte Carlo approach that takes into account all model parameters. We apply this method to a well-documented enzymatic reaction network describing collagen proteolysis by matrix metalloproteinase MMP2 and membrane type 1 metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) in the presence of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase TIMP2. For this model, our method provides an extended analysis and quantification of network robustness toward paradoxical TIMP2 switching activity between activation or inhibition of MMP2 production. Further implication of our approach is illustrated by demonstrating and analyzing the possible existence of oscillatory behaviors when considering an extended open configuration of the enzymatic network. Notably, we construct bifurcation diagrams that specify key parameters values controlling the co-existence of stable steady and non-steady oscillatory proteolytic dynamics

    Economic Integration of New Immigrants in the Montreal Labor Market: A Longitudinal Approach

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    The flow of legal immigrants to Quebec was about 30,000 per year in the middle of the 1990s, relative to a population of seven million. If this were on the scale of the population of France, it would represent close to 250,000 immigrants annually, more than twice the actual number. The issue of integration of immigrants is thus of great importance for Quebec, all the more so in that the Canadian province is subject to a specific "competition ": the attractiveness exercised by the rest of Canada, for economic and linguistic reasons, as much on foreigners who envisage immigrating to Canada as on those who have already come to Quebec. Victor Piché, Jean Renaud and Lucie Gingras present results of a longitudinal survey done with a sample of immigrants from the beginning of the 1990s. They conclude that in addition to the level of education and job qualifications, the country of origin remains an important determinant of success in integration, probably due to labour market discrimination. Especially penalised are migrants who come from North Africa, from the Middle East, Asia and South America.The flow of legal immigrants to Quebec was about 30,000 per year in the middle of the 1990s, relative to a population of seven million. If this were on the scale of the population of France, it would represent close to 250,000 immigrants annually, more than twice the actual number. The issue of integration of immigrants is thus of great importance for Quebec, all the more so in that the Canadian province is subject to a specific "competition ": the attractiveness exercised by the rest of Canada, for economic and linguistic reasons, as much on foreigners who envisage immigrating to Canada as on those who have already come to Quebec. Victor Piché, Jean Renaud and Lucie Gingras present results of a longitudinal survey done with a sample of immigrants from the beginning of the 1990s. They conclude that in addition to the level of education and job qualifications, the country of origin remains an important determinant of success in integration, probably due to labour market discrimination. Especially penalised are migrants who come from North Africa, from the Middle East, Asia and South America.Piché Victor, Renaud Jean, Gingras Lucie.- La inserción económica de los nuevos inmi- grantes en el mercado de trabajo en Montreal: un análisis longitudinal La inserción económica de los inmigrantes se analiza frecuentemente desde el punto de vista transversal, a través de censos y encuestas. En este articulo analizamos el proceso de inserción de los inmigrantes en el mercado de trabajo a partir de una encuesta longitudinal llevada a cabo en Montreal a partir de una cohorte de inmigrantes llegados a Québec en 1989. La hipótesis central de nuestra investigación es que el origen nacionál de los inmigrantes jue- ga un papel discriminante en la inserción económica, que definimos a partir del acceso al primer empleo y el numero de semanas de actividad durante los primeros 18 meses de resi- dencia. Una vez tomamos en cuenta el efecto de variables socio - demográficas y de capital humano, los resultados indican que los inmigrantes procedentes de paises en desarrollo y de Europa del Este tienen más dificultades en el mercado de trabajo que los procedentes de Es- tados Unidos, Francia y el resto de Europa.Piché Victor, Renaud Jean, Gingras Lucie. Economic Integration of New Immigrants in the Montreal Labor Market: A Longitudinal Approach. In: Population (English edition), 57ᵉ année, n°1, 2002. pp. 57-82

    L'insertion économique des nouveaux immigrants dans le marché du travail à Montréal : une approche longitudinale

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    Piché Victor, Renaud Jean, Gingras Lucie.- L'insertion économique des nouveaux immigrants dans le marché du travail à Montréal : une approche longitudinale L'insertion économique des immigrants est le plus souvent étudiée avec des données transversales (recensements et enquêtes). Ici, nous analysons le processus d'insertion des immigrants dans le marché du travail à partir d'une enquête longitudinale réalisée à Montréal auprès d'une cohorte d'immigrants arrivés au Québec en 1989. L'hypothèse centrale de notre recherche est que l'origine nationale des immigrants joue un rôle discriminant dans l'insertion économique, définie ici par l'accès au premier emploi et le nombre de semaines travaillées pendant les 18 premiers mois après l'arrivée. Une fois prises en compte les variables socio- démographiques et de capital humain, les résultats indiquent que les immigrants provenant des pays en développement et ceux de l'Europe de l'Est ont plus de difficultés que ceux provenant des États-Unis, de la France et du reste de l'Europe à s'insérer dans le marché du travail.Piché Victor, Renaud Jean, Gingras Lucie- La inserción económica de los nuevos inmi- grantes en el mercado de trabajo en Montreal: un análisis longitudinal La inserción económica de los inmigrantes se analiza frecuentemente desde el punto de vista transversal, a través de censos y encuestas. En este articulo analizamos el proceso de inserción de los inmigrantes en el mercado de trabajo a partir de una encuesta longitudinal lle- vada a cabo en Montreal a partir de una cohorte de inmigrantes llegados a Québec en 1989. La hipótesis central de nuestra investigación es que el origen nacionál de los inmigrantes jue- ga un papel discriminante en la inserción económica, que definimos a partir del acceso al primer empleo y el numero de semanas de actividad durante los primeros 18 meses de resi- dencia. Una vez tomamos en cuenta el efecto de variables socio - demográficas y de capital humano, los resultados indican que los inmigrantes procedentes de paises en desarrollo y de Europa del Este tienen más dificultades en el mercado de trabajo que los procedentes de Estados Unidos, Francia y el resto de Europa.Piché Victor, Renaud Jean, Gingras Lucie. L'insertion économique des nouveaux immigrants dans le marché du travail à Montréal : une approche longitudinale. In: Population, 57ᵉ année, n°1, 2002. pp. 63-89

    Chapitre IX. L’enquête « Insertion des migrants en milieu urbain au Sahel »

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    1. Préliminaires 1.1. Nom précis de l’enquête « Enquête sur l’insertion des migrants en milieu urbain au Sahel - Bamako ». Nom abrégé : « IMMUS-Bamako ». 1.2. Problématique et objectifs L’objectif central de la recherche sur l’insertion des migrants en milieu urbain du Sahel est d’étudier l’évolution des conditions de vie de même que les modalités de l’insertion urbaine des populations dans un contexte d’aggravation de la crise économique et de paupérisation des ménages au Mali. Les principau..

    Development and feasibility of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy for fear of cancer recurrence

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    This paper describes the development, content, and preliminary results of a group cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for fear of cancer recurrence (FCR). A manualized CBT intervention was developed and offered to 38 patients with various cancer types and stages in two hospitals. Four weekly group CBT sessions were administered by two licensed psychologists as part of routine care. Patients completed self-report scales before the first treatment session and, a second time, 1 month after the last session. Overall, 33 patients had clinical levels of FCR at baseline. The participants’ satisfaction toward the group CBT for FCR was high. Significant reductions on the total score and most subscales of the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI) were observed, as well as significant improvements on most of the other psychological variables measured (i.e., insomnia, anxiety, depression, dysfunctional beliefs about cancer, and intolerance of uncertainty). In addition, 52% of the patients with clinical levels of FCR (FCRI-severity subscale score ≥ 13) at baseline no longer reached this clinical threshold at posttreatment. These preliminary results suggest that our group CBT for FCR is well accepted and feasible, and shows promising efficacy for decreasing FCR and improving other psychological variables among cancer patients. The next step is to investigate the efficacy of this minimal intervention in larger and controlled clinical trials, as well as its usefulness as part of a stepped care approach. This low-cost intervention is easy to implement in various clinical settings and has a strong potential to help large numbers of patients with FCR