90 research outputs found

    Measuring the Circle: Emerging Trends in Philanthropy for First Nations

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    The Circle had the opportunity to undertake a multi-part research project to gain a more robust understanding of non-governmental funding to Aboriginal beneficiaries and causes in Canada over the past few years. The year-long knowledge gathering process included three inter-related activities: (a) mining Canada Revenue Agency data to map the Aboriginal funding economy in Canada from 2005 to 2011; (b) a set of Key Informant interviews with representatives from a sample of grantmakers surfaced through the mapping activity; and (c) a series of case studies to showcase some leading funders in the Aboriginal funding sphere or initiatives dedicated to building community capacity as well as supporting Aboriginal beneficiaries and causes. This report contains the key findings from the three-part research initiative

    Like Your President: A Case for Online Voting

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    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey allowed displaced residents to vote in the 2012 elections by email. The option to vote online has been available to military members stationed overseas since 2009. New Jersey’s decision to open online voting to civilians raises the question of why this shift didn’t take place sooner. Assuming New Jersey’s system holds up under post-election scrutiny, why not utilize it to the fullest extent possible? Online voter registration is already permitted by eleven states, including the liberal, infrastructure-rich, population-heavy California and the conservative, sparsely populated Alaska. Extending the registration system to voting itself could save taxpayers significant amounts of money, encourage young people to get involved in politics early on, and provide millions of Americans with a more convenient way to vote

    The Futility of Walls: How Traveling Corporations Threaten State Sovereignty

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    Inversions--mergers in which one firm merges with another abroad to avoid taxes in its home country--have spread as globalization has reduced many of the transactional costs associated with relocating. As firms acquire the power to choose the laws that govern them, they challenge the sovereignty of nation-states, who find their ability to tax and regulate firms depleted. States and firms compete in a game of cat and mouse to adapt to this new global reality. The subversion of state power by these firms reveals the futility of walls, both literal and regulatory. This Essay describes the phenomenon of these “traveling corporations” and analyzes several remedies that could limit future mergers. We conclude by arguing that inversions provoke deglobalization and yet may continue to flourish despite it as firms take the lead in dictating global norms

    The Congressional Review Act and the Toxic Politics of Net Neutrality

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    بناء الإمكانيات للمسهلين في تمكين الطلاب من خلال مساعدة الزراعة المائية في معهد التنويرية الإسلامي بقرية سندنجلاكا كارنجتنجاه شيانجور

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    يهدف هذا البحث العملي إلى إدراك عمليات المساعدة ببناء الإمكانيات مع الخريجين الذين سيكونون مسهلين في تمكين الطلاب من خلال الزراعة المائية في معهد التنويرية الإسلامي. و يهدف أيضاً إلى إدراك التأثير عند الخريجين على مدّى البرنامج، وكذا إلى التناسب بين تلك العملية ومبادئ الدعوة بالحال. وأما المنهج المستخدم في هذا البحث فهو بمقاربة (ABCD) وباستخدام إجراءات Appreciative Inquiry من خلال أربع مراحل (Discovery, Dream, Design, dan Destiny) على مدّى العملية، هناك ثلاثة برامج مخططّة مع الخريجين، يعني المقاسمة العلمية والتعلّم بالعمل في الزراعة المائية، وإدارة التسويق وطريقة قراءة الأسواق. باستخدام تحليل فاختار الخطوة الأولى كأولياتها الرئيسية. وغير ذلك يكون رؤيا مؤسس كيائي الحاج محسن تنويري خيرة رئيسية كمحرك تنمية الموجودات غيرها. وأما المحصلة هذا البحث فهي التأثير المهمّ الخاصّ للخريجين ومنه ظهرت الخواطر الجديدة لتنمية الزراعة المائية وزيادة التنصيب الجديد، وكذا يمكن البرنامج أن ينمّي إمكنياتهم بالمقارنة 2:1، الذين أن يكونوا مسهلي تمكين الطلاب حين يرجع الطلاب إلى المعهد. وكذا أن يكون هذا البرنامج تنمية مهارتهم بعد انتشار الوباء كورونا. الكلمات الأساسية: بناء الإمكانيات، رؤيا كيائي الحاج محسن تنويري، الزراعة المائية

    Ekonomický rozvoj kanadskej Akrtídy a dopad ťažby nerastných surovín na populáciu Inuitov

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    The bachelor thesis analyses and compares three main periods of the economic development in the Canadian Arctic, starting from the years 1950's until the end of the administrative of Prime Minister Harper in 2015. Mining of natural resources, as the base of the North's development, has been seen by the federal government also as a tool for cultural assimilation of Inuit into the dominant society. Nevertheless, participation of Inuit in mining activities and in fact in the whole employment culture has had serious impact on Aboriginal communities who have never been consulted about the federal strategy. However, while the first phase of development is characterized by strict colonialist approach of the government, the situation started to change during the second phase, characterized by a rising of Inuit's political participation and their first demonstrations of discontent. Although during the third, neoliberal era, several new mechanisms in order to improve the dialogue between Inuit, mining companies and the government were accepted, social conditions in Inuit communities remain below the Canadian average and with the government "laissez-faire" attitude they are not to be changed any time soon.Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá analýzou a porovnávaním troch hlavných období vo vývoji ťažby nerastných surovín v kanadskej Arktíde a jej dopadov na domorodých Inuitov, začínajúc 50. rokmi 20. storočia a končiac administratívou premiéra Harpera v rokoch 2006 až 2015. Ťažba nerastných surovín ako prostriedok, cez ktorý vláda podnikala svoju víziu ekonomického rozvoja oblasti zahájeného "Severnou víziou" premiéra Diefenbakera, sa stala tiež nástrojom na integráciu Inuitov do modernej kanadskej spoločnosti. Zapojenie do systému zamestnania v baniach však malo na populáciu Inuitov hlboké socio-ekonomické následky, ktoré sú v komunitách viditeľné dodnes. Kým však v počiatkoch ťažobných aktivít bol prístup vlády k integrácii pôvodných obyvateľov značne kolonialistický, v druhej sledovanej fáze sa postoj vďaka politickej agitácii Inuitov začal meniť. No hoci sa počas neoliberálnej éry postupne formoval spoločný dialóg a rovnoprávne postavenie inuitskej a majoritnej kanadskej kultúry, federálna vláda naďalej vidí v kanadskej Arktíde najmä jej ekonomický potenciál, zatiaľ čo životné podmienky Inuitov dlhodobo ostávajú na nízkej úrovni.Department of North American StudiesKatedra severoamerických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Ghost Towns and Zombie Mines: The Historical Dimensions of Mine Abandonment, Reclamation, and Redevelopment in the Canadian North

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    In the past two decades a new approach to mining history has emerged to ask, in effect, what happens after the gold rush. Authors such as Richard V. Francaviglia, Ben Marsh, William Wyckoff, and more recently David Robertson have all extended their narratives beyond the demise of mining towns to question what they consider to be the “mining imaginary,” the idea that the historical end-point for mining activity is inevitably community collapse and ecological destruction. They provide valuable case studies where communities have survived past the end of mining, diversifying their economies through industrial activity or the development of tourism. Historical memory often provides a sense of continuity for these communities, as mining heritage landscapes and museums become touchstones of tourist activity, and ecological restoration activities reveal a deep sense of attachment to the mining landscape. For this loosely defined community resilience school of mining history, mining is not an ephemeral economic activity but offers communities a long-term sense of deep intimacy with their history of labour within the local landscape

    The Johnsonian Spring Edition Apr. 6, 1994

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    The Johnsonian is the weekly student newspaper of Winthrop University. It is published during fall and spring semesters with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. We have proudly served the Winthrop and Rock Hill community since 1923.https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/thejohnsonian1990s/1125/thumbnail.jp

    Advancing Student Achievement in the United States Public Schools Through Labor-Management Collaboration: The FMCS\u27s Evolving Role in Education Reform

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    (Excerpt) At this juncture, a word of caution concerning the merits of the debate: It is for the parties, not an individual mediator or the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (“FMCS”), to determine what role, if any, student test scores should play in teacher evaluations and/or compensation. What the foregoing discussion augurs, however, is the likelihood that for the foreseeable future, this issue—along with others I will identify throughout this paper—will present a recurring problem in collective bargaining negotiations between school districts and their respective teacher unions