14 research outputs found

    Imaging After Cornea Surgery

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    The cornea is an avascular tissue in the anterior portion of the globe that consists of six layers, including the epithelium, basement membrane, Bowman’s layer, stroma, Descemet’s membrane, and endothelium. The cornea measures approximately 400 μm in thickness centrally and features an intrinsic convex outward curvature, which provides light refraction. Corneal opacification is the second most common cause of blindness worldwide. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy are less common causes. Corneal opacification can result from postinfectious corneal scars, trauma, cicatrizing disorders (e.g., trachoma), nutritional deficiencies (e.g., vitamin A deficiency), and inherited disorders. Treatment options for corneal opacification include corneal transplantation, either penetrating (full-thickness) or lamellar (partial-thickness), or a corneal prosthetic device (keratoprosthesis). Cross-sectional imaging after keratoplasty is obtained when the cornea is opaque – from edema and graft failure or rejection, for example – and direct visualization of the anterior chamber and the fundus is not possible. Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is used to assess the anterior chamber and the drainage angle of the eye and B-scan ultrasound to evaluate the status of the vitreous and retina. Occasionally diagnostic imaging is performed to evaluate for postoperative complications. Otherwise, normal post-keratoplasty changes observed on CT or MRI can be incidental findings on diagnostic imaging performed for unrelated reasons. Imaging with CT or MRI is done after keratoprosthesis implantation to evaluate rare orbital complications of the procedure or to assess for tooth resorption in the case of the osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP). Corneal surgery can also be performed for correcting refractive errors of the eye, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia, usually with the goal of eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. This field is known as orthokeratology and encompasses numerous types of procedures. Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is the most widely performed method of refractive surgery. Other corneal refractive surgical procedures include laser thermal keratoplasty (LTK) and intrastromal corneal ring segments (Intacs). Complications after refractive cornea surgeries are generally diagnosed clinically; anterior segment optical coherence tomography (OCT) can serve as an adjunctive to diagnosis and planning for possible further interventions

    Imaging After Cataract and Intraocular Lens Implant Surgery

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    The intraocular (crystalline) lens is a biconvex structure that serves to refract the incident light in conjunction with the cornea. The crystalline lens is comprised of the lens capsule (which completely surrounds the lens anteriorly and posteriorly), the lens epithelium, and lens fibers (which includes the cortex). Cataracts consist of opacification of the normally transparent intraocular lens and collectively represent the most common cause of vision loss. There are several etiologies for the development of cataracts, which can be congenital or more commonly acquired as a result of age-related degeneration, trauma, intraocular inflammation, exposure to ionizing radiation, and through the use of certain systemic or topical medications, such as corticosteroids. Cataract surgery is generally performed when the decrease in visual acuity or the presence of progressive glare limits a patient’s activities of daily life. Surgical options for treating cataracts include lensectomy with aphakia and lensectomy with artificial intraocular lens implantation (pseudophakia). Intraocular lens implants are also used in the treatment of myopia (phakic intraocular lens implantation) and hyperopia (piggyback intraocular lenses). Imaging after cataract surgery and phakic intraocular lens implantation is indicated for the evaluation of potential complications in cases of intraocular hemorrhage or corneal edema that obscures the clinical view to the fundus. The modalities of choice include B-mode ultrasound, UBM, and OCT. Otherwise, sequelae of cataract surgery and phakic intraocular lens implantation can be encountered as incidental findings on CT and MRI that include the orbits. The corresponding imaging findings of cataract surgery on the various modalities and associated complications are reviewed in the subsequent sections