40 research outputs found

    p75NTR in Huntington's disease: beyond the basal ganglia

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder with a characteristic phenotype including chorea and dystonia, uncoordinated fine movements, cognitive decline and psychiatric disturbances. Even though the clinical diagnosis of HD relies on the manifestation of motor abnormalities, the associated memory impairments have been growing in prominence. Indeed, cognitive deficits are evident along all the disease process even in the prodrome before any motor diagnosis is given

    Mitochondrial fission in Huntington's disease mouse striatum disrupts ER-mitochondria contacts leading to disturbances in Ca2+ efflux and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) homeostasis

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    Mitochondria-associated membranes (MAMs) are dynamic structures that communicate endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria allowing calcium transfer between these two organelles. Since calcium dysregulation is an important hallmark of several neurodegenerative diseases, disruption of MAMs has been speculated to contribute to pathological features associated with these neurodegenerative processes. In Huntington's disease (HD), mutant huntingtin induces the selective loss of medium spiny neurons within the striatum. The cause of this specific susceptibility remain unclear. However, defects on mitochondrial dynamics and bioenergetics have been proposed as critical contributors, causing accumulation of fragmented mitochondria and subsequent Ca2+ homeostasis alterations. In the present work, we show that aberrant Drp1-mediated mitochondrial fragmentation within the striatum of HD mutant mice, forces mitochondria to place far away from the ER disrupting the ER-mitochondria association and therefore causing drawbacks in Ca2+ efflux and an excessive production of mitochondria superoxide species. Accordingly, inhibition of Drp1 activity by Mdivi-1 treatment restored ER-mitochondria contacts, mitochondria dysfunction and Ca2+ homeostasis. In sum, our results give new insight on how defects on mitochondria dynamics may contribute to striatal vulnerability in HD and highlights MAMs dysfunction as an important factor involved in HD striatal pathology

    A selective inhibitor of histone deacetylase 3 prevents cognitive deficits and suppresses striatal CAG repeat expansions in Huntington's disease mice

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder whose major symptoms include progressive motor and cognitive dysfunction. Cognitive decline is a critical quality of life concern for HD patients and families. The enzyme histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) appears to be important in HD pathology by negatively regulating genes involved in cognitive functions. Furthermore, HDAC3 has been implicated in the aberrant transcriptional patterns that help cause disease symptoms in HD mice. HDAC3 also helps fuel CAG repeat expansions in human cells, suggesting that HDAC3 may power striatal expansions in the HTT gene thought to drive disease progression. This multifaceted role suggests that early HDAC3 inhibition offers an attractive mechanism to prevent HD cognitive decline and to suppress striatal expansions. This hypothesis was investigated by treating HdhQ111 knock-in mice with the HDAC3-selective inhibitor RGFP966. Chronic early treatment prevented long-term memory impairments and normalized specific memory-related gene expression in hippocampus. Additionally, RGFP966 prevented corticostriatal-dependent motor learning deficits, significantly suppressed striatal CAG repeat expansions, partially rescued striatal protein marker expression and reduced accumulation of mutant huntingtin oligomeric forms. These novel results highlight RGFP966 as an appealing multiple-benefit therapy in HD that concurrently prevents cognitive decline and suppresses striatal CAG repeat expansions

    Decreased glycogen synthase kinase-3 levels and activity contribute to Huntington's disease

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    Huntington's disease (HD) is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder characterized by brain atrophy particularly in striatum leading to personality changes, chorea and dementia. Glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) is a serine/threonine kinase in the crossroad of many signaling pathways that is highly pleiotropic as it phosphorylates more than hundred substrates including structural, metabolic, and signaling proteins. Increased GSK-3 activity is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's disease and GSK-3 inhibitors have been postulated as therapeutic agents for neurodegeneration. Regarding HD, GSK-3 inhibitors have shown beneficial effects in cell and invertebrate animal models but no evident efficacy in mouse models. Intriguingly, those studies were performed without interrogating GSK-3 level and activity in HD brain. Here we aim to explore the level and also the enzymatic activity of GSK-3 in the striatum and other less affected brain regions of HD patients and of the R6/1 mouse model to then elucidate the possible contribution of its alteration to HD pathogenesis by genetic manipulation in mice. We report a dramatic decrease in GSK-3 levels and activity in striatum and cortex of HD patients with similar results in the mouse model. Correction of the GSK-3 deficit in HD mice, by combining with transgenic mice with conditional GSK-3 expression, resulted in amelioration of their brain atrophy and behavioral motor and learning deficits. Thus, our results demonstrate that decreased brain GSK-3 contributes to HD neurological phenotype and open new therapeutic opportunities based on increasing GSK-3 activity or attenuating the harmful consequences of its decrease

    CD200 is up-regulated in R6/1 transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease

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    In Huntington's disease (HD), striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) are particularly sensitive to the presence of a CAG repeat in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. However, there are many evidences that cells from the peripheral immune system and central nervous system (CNS) immune cells, namely microglia, play an important role in the etiology and the progression of HD. However, it remains unclear whether MSNs neurodegeneration is mediated by a non-cell autonomous mechanism. The homeostasis in the healthy CNS is maintained by several mechanisms of interaction between all brain cells. Neurons can control microglia activation through several inhibitory mechanisms, such as the CD200-CD200R1 interaction. Due to the complete lack of knowledge about the CD200-CD200R1 system in HD, we determined the temporal patterns of CD200 and CD200R1 expression in the neocortex, hippocampus and striatum in the HD mouse models R6/1 and HdhQ111/7 from pre-symptomatic to manifest stages. In order to explore any alteration in the peripheral immune system, we also studied the levels of expression of CD200 and CD200R1 in whole blood. Although CD200R1 expression was not altered, we observed and increase in CD200 gene expression and protein levels in the brain parenchyma of all the regions we examined, along with HD pathogenesis in R6/1 mice. Interestingly, the expression of CD200 mRNA was also up-regulated in blood following a similar temporal pattern. These results suggest that canonical neuronal-microglial communication through CD200-CD200R1 interaction is not compromised, and CD200 up-regulation in R6/1 brain parenchyma could represent a neurotrophic signal to sustain or extend neuronal function in the latest stages of HD as pro-survival mechanism

    Synaptic RTP801 contributes to motor-learning dysfunction in Huntington's disease

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    RTP801/REDD1 is a stress-responsive protein that mediates mutant huntingtin (mhtt) toxicity in cellular models and is up regulated in Huntington's disease (HD) patients' putamen. Here, we investigated whether RTP801 is involved in motor impairment in HD by affecting striatal synaptic plasticity. To explore this hypothesis, ectopic mhtt was over expressed in cultured rat primary neurons. Moreover, the protein levels of RTP801 were assessed in homogenates and crude synaptic fractions from human postmortem HD brains and mouse models of HD. Finally, striatal RTP801 expression was knocked down with adeno-associated viral particles containing a shRNA in the R6/1 mouse model of HD and motor learning was then tested. Ectopic mhtt elevated RTP801 in synapses of cultured neurons. RTP801 was also up regulated in striatal synapses from HD patients and mouse models. Knocking down RTP801 in the R6/1 mouse striatum prevented motor-learning impairment. RTP801 silencing normalized the Ser473 Akt hyperphosphorylation by downregulating Rictor and it induced synaptic elevation of calcium permeable GluA1 subunit and TrkB receptor levels, suggesting an enhancement in synaptic plasticity. These results indicate that mhtt-induced RTP801 mediates motor dysfunction in a HD murine model, revealing a potential role in the human disease. These findings open a new therapeutic framework focused on the RTP801/Akt/mTOR axis

    BDNF Induces Striatal-Enriched Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 61 Degradation Through the Proteasome

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    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes synaptic strengthening through the regulation of kinase and phosphatase activity. Conversely, striatal-enriched protein tyrosine phosphatase (STEP) opposes synaptic strengthening through inactivation or internalization of signaling molecules. Here, we investigated whether BDNF regulates STEP levels/activity. BDNF induced a reduction of STEP61 levels in primary cortical neurons, an effect that was prevented by inhibition of tyrosine kinases, phospholipase C gamma, or the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). The levels of pGluN2B(Tyr1472) and pERK1/2(Thr202/Tyr204), two STEP substrates, increased in BDNF-treated cultures, and blockade of the UPS prevented STEP61 degradation and reduced BDNF-induced GluN2B and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Moreover, brief or sustained cell depolarization reduced STEP61 levels in cortical neurons by different mechanisms. BDNF also promoted UPS-mediated STEP61 degradation in cultured striatal and hippocampal neurons. In contrast, nerve growth factor and neurotrophin-3 had no effect on STEP61 levels. Our results thus indicate that STEP61 degradation is an important event in BDNF-mediated effects

    Altered m6A RNA methylation contributes to hippocampal memory deficits in Huntington's disease mice.

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    N6-methyladenosine (m6A) regulates many aspects of RNA metabolism and is involved in learning and memory processes. Yet, the impact of a dysregulation of post-transcriptional m6A editing on synaptic impairments in neurodegenerative disorders remains unknown. Here we investigated the m6A methylation pattern in the hippocampus of Huntington's disease (HD) mice and the potential role of the m6A RNA modification in HD cognitive symptomatology. m6A modifications were evaluated in HD mice subjected to a hippocampal cognitive training task through m6A immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeRIP-seq) and the relative levels of m6A-modifying proteins (FTO and METTL14) by subcellular fractionation and Western blot analysis. Stereotaxic CA1 hippocampal delivery of AAV-shFTO was performed to investigate the effect of RNA m6A dysregulation in HD memory deficits. Our results reveal a m6A hypermethylation in relevant HD and synaptic related genes in the hippocampal transcriptome of Hdh+/Q111 mice. Conversely, m6A is aberrantly regulated in an experience-dependent manner in the HD hippocampus leading to demethylation of important components of synapse organization. Notably, the levels of RNA demethylase (FTO) and methyltransferase (METTL14) were modulated after training in the hippocampus of WT mice but not in Hdh+/Q111 mice. Finally, inhibition of FTO expression in the hippocampal CA1 region restored memory disturbances in symptomatic Hdh+/Q111 mice. Altogether, our results suggest that a differential RNA methylation landscape contributes to HD cognitive symptoms and uncover a role of m6A as a novel hallmark of HD