56 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal bleeding in children a serios problem of health

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    Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Gastrointestinal bleeding, especially in children is an alarming event for parents and children, sometimes with dramatic consequences requiring quickly diagnosis and therapeutic approach. The objective of the research is identification of clinical, endoscopic, etiological characteristic of children diagnosed with upper and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Material and methods:It was conducted a descriptive retrospective study over a 3 year period (January 2012 to December 2014) on 107 children aged 1-18 years hospitalized for gastrointestinal bleeding in ”St. Mary” Children’s Emergency Hospital, Iasi. The study group does not include gastrointestinal bleeding from surgical emergencies, infectious diseases, intestinal diseases with immunological or toxic mechanism. Individualized retrospective analysis included historical data, clinical, endoscopic and targeted for etiologic diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding. All patients were investigated by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy/colonoscopy after the procedure was explained and informed consent was obtained. Results: From the batch of 123 children, (45.5%) presented with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB), and 68 (51.2%) presented with lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB), in four cases the source of bleeding was not identified. The main etiologycal aspect of UGB was erosive gastritis 33.9%, oesophagitis in 10.71%, duodenitis in 21.42%, gastric 8.9%, duodenal ulcers 7.4% of cases, Mallory- Weiss syndrome in 5.3%, multiple etiology in10 cases 12.5%. Causes of LGIB were colorectal polyps in 31.5%, ulcerative colitis 9.5%, nonspecific lessions in 25.3% anal fissures 14.2%, intestinal polyposis syndrome 4.7 %. It was practiced concomitent endoscopic surgery for rectal polyps.Conclusions: Lower gastrointestinal bleeding was the most common causes related to minor conditions: colorectal polyps, anal fissures, nonspecific lesions. Non-variceal gastrointestinal bleeding the most common form Associated with erosive gastritis, esophagitis, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer. Endoscopy proved to be a useful investigation in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding and a therapeutic useful tool in certain cases

    Ingestion of NSAIDs a serios problem in young children

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    UMF Gr. T. Popa, Iasi, Romania, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica Moldov

    Diagnostic difficulties in a child with prolonged fever

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    University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania, The 6th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, May 12-14, 2016Introduction: Fever of unknown origin is defined as a rectal temperature higher than 38.3°C more than 3 weeks, the diagnosis of which remains uncertain after initial investigations. Identification of the causes and management of prolonged fever in children is important and is guided by thorough history-taking and repeated physical examinations combined with standard laboratory tests and simple imaging procedures. Clinical case: We report the case of a two-years-old male who had been managed 1 week for rinofaringitis at home and for 6 days in a tertiary clinic were had been placed on various intravenous antibiotics with no clinical improvementand and was finally referred for further management to our hospital. Physical examination revealed pyrexia (temperature of 38.2°C), faringeal congestion and injected tympanic membranes.The signs of meningeal irritation were absent. Other aspects of physical examination were normal. Results of laboratory tests showed nothing of significance apart from anaemia. He received antibiotic treatment. The fever persisted and in 3-rd day of hospitalisation the child becomes drowsy and father describes cutaneous hyperesthesia. The cerebrospinal fluid analysis showed features in keeping with meningeal inflammation and he had a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The brain computed tomography scan revealed a tetraventricular hydrocephalus. He had ventricular shunt and was placed on antituberculous drugs and intravenous steroids but despite this his clinical condition slowly ameliorated and he developed right spastic hemiparesis. Conclusion: The diagnosis of TB meningitis in this patient highlights that when a patient is not obviously exposed to the causative factors of a disease and clinical signs are absent, possible occurrences may present a diagnostic problem

    Breastfeeding - from myth to reality, current conceptions and trends

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    Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Sf. Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaAlăptarea a fost considerată întodeauna ca fi ind ceva natural, normal, de care să se bucure şi pe care să o preţuiască atât mama cât şi copilul. Recomandările marilor Organizaţii şi Societăţi Occidentale cu privire la timpul şi modul în care bebeluşii ar trebui alaptaţi sunt unanim acceptate, deşi potrivit UNICEF nicio ţară din lume nu îndeplineşte integral standardele recomandate privind hrănirea bebeluşilor la sân. La nivel international, locuri fruntaşe în ceea ce priveşte succesul alăptării sunt ocupate de ţări din sud-estul Asiei, Africa de Sud şi de Est cu o rată a alaptării de peste 60%, iar în Europa primele locuri sunt ocupate de ţări precum Norvegia, Suedia, Marea Britanie cu un procent de peste 80%, Replublica Moldova având o rata a alaptarii de 36%, iar în Romania aceasta este de 29,6% (potrivit studiului SAMAS efectuat în 2016). Numărul copiilor alăptaţi la sân s-a îmbunătăţit dacă comparăm cu studiul din anul 2011, în care rata alăptarii era doar 12,6 % (mult sub media europeană), la acest lucru contribuind educaţia perinatală (personal medical, consultanţi în alăptare, educatori perinatali) cu rol esential în creşterea ratei de alăptare exclusivă, în special dacă această consiliere este efectuata printr-un program dedicat de pregătire. În topul femeilor care îşi alăpteaza exclusiv copiii până la şase luni se afl a mamele cu vârsta cuprinsă între 35 şi 40 de ani, unele dintre ele afl ându-se la al doilea sau al treilea copil. Iar la polul opus se afl ă mamele foarte tinere, cu vârsta sub 19 ani, doar 9% dintre ele alăptându-şi copilul în primele şase luni de viaţă. De asemenea, două din zece femei afl ate la primul copil renunţă la alăptare în mai puţin de o lună. Un concept destul de nou şi care câstiga din ce în ce mai mult teren în ţările occidentale este conceptul de ”milksharing” si înfiinţarea de bănci de lapte matern. Programele de sănătate, educaţia perinatală au dus la creşterea ratei alăptării şi conştientizarea benefi ciilor acesteia atât pentru mamă cât şi pentru copil, dar uneori acest fenomen este dus la extrem şi vorbim aici de prelungirea alăptarii pâna la vârsta de 5-6 ani, precum şi alaptarea în tandem. Pentru îmbunătăţirea alăptării, Colectivul Mondial pentru Alăptare cere introducerea unor prevederi legale cu privire la concediul parental plătit şi politici privind alăptarea la locul de muncă, îmbunătăţirea accesului la servicii de consiliere calificată cu privire la alăptare, ca parte a unor pachete cuprinzătoare de politici şi programe în favoarea alăptării, aplicate în unităţile sanitare.Breastfeeding has always been considered to be something natural, normal, to be enjoyed, and to be cherished by both mother and child. The recommendations of large organizations and Western Societies regarding the time and the way babies should be breastfeed are universally accepted, although according to UNICEF, no country in the world complies fully with the recommended standards for feeding babies to the breast. At an international level, the leading positions in breastfeeding success are occupied by South-East Asian countries and South and East Africa with a breastfeeding rate of over 60%, and in Europe the top places are occupied by countries such as Norway, Sweden, Great Britain with over 80%, the Moldova Republic having a breastfeeding rate of 36%, and in Romania this is only 29.6% (according to the SAMAS survey carried out in 2016). The number of breastfed babies improved compared to the 2011 study, where the breastfeeding rate was only 12.6% (well below the European average), to this contributing to perinatal education (medical staff, breastfeeding consultants, perinatal educators) with an essential role in raising the exclusive breastfeeding rate, especially if this counseling is done through a dedicated training program. In the top of mothers who breastfeed exclusively babies up to six months, are mothers aged 35 to 40, some of whom are in the second or third child, at the opposed pole are the very young mothers,under19, only 9% of them breastfeeding their baby during the first six months of life. Also, two out of ten women in the first child give up breastfeeding in less than a month. A fairly new concept and gaining ever more ground in Western countries is the concept of “milk-sharing” and the breast milk banks. Health programs, perinatal education have led to a rise in breastfeeding rates and awareness of its benefits for both mother and child, but sometimes this phenomenon is taken to the extreme and we are talking here about prolonging breastfeeding to 5-6 years of age and breastfeeding in tandem. To improve breastfeeding, the World Breastfeeding Association calls for the introduction of legal provisions on paid parental leave and on breastfeeding policies at the workplace, to improve access to qualified breastfeeding counseling services as part of comprehensive policy packages and programs in favor of breastfeeding applied in sanitary units

    Ожирение у детей – актуальная медико социальная проблема в Румынии

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    Pediatrics, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Jassy, Romania, Psychiatry, Gr. T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Jassy, Romania, Conferința ştiinţifico-practică naţională cu participare internaţională ”Promovarea sănătăţii – o prioritate a sănătăţii publice” 22-24 iunie 2016 Orhei, Republica MoldovaCercetarea indică faptul că copiii cu părinți obezi au risc înalt de a dezvolta obezitate. Părinții pot crea pentru copii un mediu ce va favoriza formarea comportamentelor alimentare sănătoase sau pot promova excesul de greutate. Prevenirea obezității necesită o educație a societății, schimbări sociale, precum și metode pentru asigurarea succesului acestor eforturi. Исследование показывает, что у детей у которых родители страдают ожирением повышен риск развития ожирения. Родители создают для детей условия, которые могут способствовать развитию здорового пищевого поведения или могут способствовать избыточному весу. Необходима профилактика с помощью образования общества и социальных изменений, а также нужно разработать методы, чтобы обеспечить успех этих усилий

    Some Risk Factors of Chronic Functional Constipation Identified in a Pediatric Population Sample from Romania

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    We conducted an observational study over a 1-year period, including 234 children aged 4–18 years and their caregivers and a matching control group. 60.73% of the children from the study group were males. Average age for the onset of constipation was 26.39 months. The frequency of defecation was 1/4.59 days (1/1.13 days in the control group). 38.49% of the patients in the sample group had a positive family history of functional constipation. The majority of children with functional constipation come from single-parent families, are raised by relatives, or come from orphanages. Constipated subjects had their last meal of the day at later hours and consumed fast foods more frequently than the children in the control sample. We found a statistically significant difference between groups regarding obesity/overweight and constipation (χ2=104.94,  df=2,  p<0.001) and regarding physical activity and constipation (χ2=18.419;  df=3;  p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between the number of hours spent watching television/using the computer and the occurrence of the disease (F = 92.162, p<0.001, and 95% Cl). Children from broken families, with positive family history, defective dietary habits, obesity and sedentary behavior, are at higher risk to develop chronic functional constipation


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    Obiective. Identifi carea caracterelor clinice, endoscopice, etiologice la copiii diagnosticaţi cu hemoragie digestivă superioară şi inferioară. Material şi metodă. S-a efectuat un studiu retrospectiv descriptiv pe o perioadă de 3 ani (ianuarie 2010- decembrie 2012) pe 107 copiii cu vârsta între 1 şi 18 ani, internaţi pentru hemoragii digestive în Spitalului Clinic de Copii „Sf. Maria“ Iaşi. Lotul de studiu nu cuprinde hemoragii digestive din urgenţe chirurgicale, boli infecţioase, boli intestinale cu mecanism imunologic sau toxic. Analiza retrospectivă individualizată prin studiul foii de observaţie a cuprins date anamnestice, clinice, endoscopice şi histologice orientate pentru diagnosticul etiologic al hemoragiilor digestive. Toţi pacienţii au fost investigaţi prin endoscopie digestivă superioară/colonoscopie după ce procedura a fost explicată şi s-a obţinut consimţământul informat. Rezultate. Din lotul de 107 copii luaţi în studiu 39 (36,4%) au reprezentat hemoragia digestivă superioară (HDS), dintre care 6 cazuri (5,1% ) de cauza variceală iar 33 (94,8%) de cauză non variceală; şi 68 (63,5%) au prezentat hemoragia digestivă inferioară (HDI). În etiologia HDS gastrita erozivă a reprezentat 12 (30,8%) cazuri, esofagita 6 (15,4%), duodenita 6 (15,4%), ulcerul duodenal 4 (10,3%), ulcerul gastric 2 (5,1%), sindrom Mallory Weiss 1 (2,6%), etiologie multiplă 6 (15,4%) cazuri. Principalele aspecte etiologice ale HDI au fost polipul colo-rectal în 28 (41,2%) cazuri, colită ulcerativă 14 (20,6%), leziuni nespecifi ce 12 (17,6%) fi suri anale 9 (13,4%), sindroame de polipoză intestinală 3 (4,4%), malformaţie vasculară 1 (1,5%), diverticul rectal 1 (1,5%) caz. S-au practicat intervenţii endoscopice concomitente în cazul polipilor colo-rectali. Concluzii. Hemoragia digestivă inferioară a fost cea mai frecventă, corelată cu cauze minore: polipi colorectali, fi suri anale, leziuni nespecifi ce. Hemoragia digestivă non-variceală forma cea mai frecventă s-a asociat cu gastrita erozivă, esofagita, duodenita, ulcerul gastric. Endoscopia digestivă s-a dovedit a fi o investigaţie utilă în diagnosticul hemoragiilor digestive şi cu aport terapeutic în anumite cazuri


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    În ultimul deceniu constipaţia a devenit o problemă actuală de adresabilitate în serviciile de gastroenterologie pediatrică. Obiective. Ne-am propus un studiu pentru a identifi ca prevalenţa constipaţiei şi stabilirea unor corelaţii între dietă şi mediul socio-familial la copii cu vârste cuprinse între 1 şi 17 ani, internaţi în serviciul de Gastroenterologie, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Sfânta Maria“ Iaşi, în perioada 1 ianuarie 2012 – 1 ianuarie 2014. Rezultate. Grupul de studiu a constat dintr-un lot de 994 de pacienţi, reprezentând 9,6% din totalul copiilor spitalizaţi. În ceea ce priveşte prevalenţa constipaţiei nu am observat o diferenţă semnifi cativă între sexe, raportul F/M a fost de 1,3/1, dar am remarcat o proporţie semnifi cativă de pacienţi provenind din mediul urban 68% (676) faţă de 32% (318) din mediul rural. În ceea ce priveşte mediul socio-familial: 34% (338) dintre copii trăiesc cu bunicii, 13,9% (139) provin din familii monoparentale, 6,7% (67) sunt în grija unui asistent maternal şi 2,6% (26) vin din centrele de plasament. În lotul studiat un procent mic de copii au fost alăptaţi, respectiv, 26,2% (261), în prima lună, 10,7% (107) timp de 3 luni în timp ce la 6 luni 98,1% (976) dintre copii au primit o formulă de lapte. Diversifi carea a fost făcută incorect în cazul a 41% (408) dintre pacienţi. Doar 14,6% (145) au raportat consumul zilnic de fructe şi legume, în timp ce 51,1% (508) au luat masa cel puţin o dată pe săptămână la restaurante de tip fast-food. 21,6% (214) practică sport cel puţin 2 ore/săptămână, în timp ce 48,7% (484) petrec cel puţin 3 ore/zi la televizor. 12,8% (128) dintre pacienţi sunt supraponderali şi 5,7% (57) obezi. Concluzii. Constipaţia este o boala care afectează copiii de toate vârstele. Nu sunt diferenţe notabile între sexe. Se remarcă o pondere crescută a pacienţilor din mediu urban cu predominanţa unui regim alimentar inadecvat, lipsa activităţii fi zice, precum şi o pondere crescută a pacienţilor supraponderali. Un rol important în modifi cările psihologice îl deţine mediul socio-familial

    An assessment of the causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in a children’s hospital in northeastern Romania

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    The aims of this five-year retrospective study was to investigate the common etiologies, clinical, biological and pathological patterns of lower gastrointestinal bleeding in children from a hospital center in northeastern Romania. We included in the study 118 children with lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage or two consecutive positive fecal occult blood tests. Patients were divided into three age groups (0-2 years, 3-10 years, 11-18 years) and the findings were reported separately for each group. Gastrointestinal bleeding was more common among 3-10-year-old children. Hematochezia was the most common form of presentation (54.2%), followed by rectorrhagia (40.7%). Each patient underwent a colonoscopy with bioptic mapping. The most common colonoscopy finding was solitary colorectal polyps in 39 cases (33.1%), followed by suggestive aspects for ulcerative colitis in 26 patients (22.0%); only 15 (12.7%) were histologically confirmed. Endoscopic polypectomy was performed in all cases. We report two perforations and one hemorrhage that required surgery