1,975 research outputs found

    A Lagrangian analysis of the variation in moisture sources related to drier and wetter conditions in regions around the Mediterranean Basin

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    Here, we describe our use of the Lagrangian 3-D FLEXPART model to investigate the variation in sources of moisture related to the drier and wetter conditions of the different regions that surround the Mediterranean Basin. We carried out seasonal analyses for the period from March 2000 to February 2005, and identified those years with the highest and lowest rates of precipitation by season, averaged over eight different continental regions. The variation in specific humidity along the 10-day backward trajectories of the particles identified over the target areas was tracked for the selected period, and the characteristics of the moisture sources were then compared between wetter and drier conditions by season. Although they only represented a relatively short period, the results suggest that in most of the years chosen, the moisture sources were more extensive and/or more intense during wetter periods. The contribution of the north Atlantic as a source of moisture is apparent for the Iberian Peninsula, for France and for Central North Africa. Otherwise, the Mediterranean Sea is the predominant source for Eastern North Africa, and for the Italian and Balkan Peninsulas. Local sources provide moisture for the Eastern Mediterranean and Western North Africa

    Effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) and UC-C irradiation on postharvest quality of red raspberries

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    Red raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) are highly appreciated by consumers. However, their postharvest shelf life scarcely exceeds 5 d under the refrigeration temperatures usually applied during commercialization, due to their high susceptibility to dehydration, softening and rot incidence. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the ability of UV-C radiation (UV1: 2 kJ m-2 and UV2: 4 kJ m-2 ), passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) with transmission rates (TR) for O2 and CO2 of 1805 mL d-1 and 1570 mL d-1 (MAP1), and 902 mL d-1 and 785 mL d-1 (MAP2), respectively, and the combination of both technologies to prolong raspberries’ shelf life at 6¿ C. Their influence on respiration, physicochemical parameters, and microbiological and nutritional quality was assessed during 12 d of storage. The combination of 4 kJ m-2 UV-C radiation and a packaging film with O2 and CO2 transmission rates of 902 mL d-1 and 785 mL d-1, respectively, produced a synergistic effect against rot development, delaying senescence of the fruit. The UV2MAP2 and MAP2 samples only showed 1.66% rot incidence after 8 d of storage. The UV2MAP2 samples also had higher bioactive content (1.76 g kg-1 of gallic acid equivalents (GAE), 1.08 g kg-1 of catechin equivalents (CE) and 0.32 g kg-1 of cyanidin 3-O-glucoside equivalents (CGE)) than the control samples at the end of their shelf life. Moreover, the mass loss was minimal (0.56%), and fruit color and firmness were maintained during shelf life. However, the rest of the batches were not suitable for commercialization after 4 d due to excessive mold development. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    CLIWOC multilingual meteorological dictionary

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    This dictionary is the first attempt to express the wealth of archaic logbook wind force terms in a form that is comprehensible to the modern-day reader. Oliver and Kington (1970) and Lamb (1982) have drawn attention to the importance of logbooks in climatic studies, and Lamb (1991) offered a conversion scale for early eighteenth century English wind force terms, but no studies have thus far pursued the matter to any greater depth. This text attempts to make good this deficiency, and is derived from the research undertaken by the CLIWOC project1 in which British, Dutch, French and Spanish naval and merchant logbooks from the period 1750 to 1850 were used to derive a global database of climatic information. At an early stage in the project it was apparent that many of the logbook weather terms, whilst conforming to a conventional vocabulary, possessed meanings that were unclear to twenty-first century readers or had changed over time. This was particularly the case for the important element of wind force; but no special plea is entered for the evolution in nautical vocabulary, which often reflected more wide-ranging changes in the respective native languages.The key objective was to translate the archaic vocabulary of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century mariner into expressions directly comparable with the Beaufort Scale (see Appendix I). Only then could the projects scientific programme be embarked upon. This dictionary is the result of the largest undertaking into logbook studies that has yet been carried out. Several thousand logbooks from British, Dutch, French and Spanish archives were examined, and the exercise offered a unique opportunity to explore the vocabulary of the one hundred year period beginning in 1750. The logbooks from which the raw data have been abstracted range widely across the North and South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans. Only the Pacific, largely in consequence of the paucity of regular naval activity in that area, is not well represented. The range of climates encountered in this otherwise wide geographic domain gives ample opportunity for the full range of the mariners nautical weather vocabulary to be assessed, from the calms of the Equatorial regions, through the gales of the mid-latitude systems to the fearsome storms of the tropical latitudes. The Trade Winds belts, the Doldrums, the unsettled mid-latitudes, even the icy wastes of the high latitudes, are all embraced in this study. It is not here intended to pass any judgements on the climatological record of the logbooks, and this text seeks only to provide a means of understanding archaic wind force terms and, other than to indicate those items that were not commonly used, no information is given on the frequency with which different terms appeared in the logbooks. Attention is, furthermore, confined to Dutch, English, French and Spanish because these once great imperial powers were the only nations able to support wide-ranging ocean-going fleets with their attendant collections of logbooks and documents over this long period of time. The work is offered to the wider academic community in the hope that they will prove to be of as much value as it has been to the CLIWOC team

    Effect of nucleon exchange on projectile multifragmentation in the reactions of 28Si + 112Sn and 124Sn at 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon

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    Multifragmentation of quasiprojectiles was studied in reactions of 28Si beam with 112Sn and 124Sn targets at projectile energies 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon. The quasiprojectile observables were reconstructed using isotopically identified charged particles with Z_f <= 5 detected at forward angles. The nucleon exchange between projectile and target was investigated using isospin and excitation energy of reconstructed quasiprojectile. For events with total reconstructed charge equal to the charge of the beam (Z_tot = 14) the influence of beam energy and target isospin on neutron transfer was studied in detail. Simulations employing subsequently model of deep inelastic transfer, statistical model of multifragmentation and software replica of FAUST detector array were carried out. A concept of deep inelastic transfer provides good description of production of highly excited quasiprojectiles. The isospin and excitation energy of quasiprojectile were described with good overall agreement. The fragment multiplicity, charge and isospin were reproduced satisfactorily. The range of contributing impact parameters was determined using backtracing procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Postscript figures, LaTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. C ( Dec 2000

    Update of the European paediatric respiratory medicine syllabus

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    The 10-year-old European syllabus for paediatric respiratory medicine (PRM; also known as paediatric pulmonology) was updated by a consensus-based method using an expert task force for redrafting, and a subsequent Delphi process to achieve consensus. There was a high degree of consensus for the final syllabus, which has been streamlined and made more relevant to current practice. All modules are now mandatory apart from the undertaking of research projects, which is optional. Although there are still a number of countries in Europe which do not recognise PRM as a separate subspecialty, there are paediatric respiratory physicians practising in every country in Europe, and a current and harmonised European syllabus in the subspecialty remains important for defining the training and areas of practice of PRM practitioners

    Thermal excitation of heavy nuclei with 5-15 GeV/c antiproton, proton and pion beams

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    Excitation-energy distributions have been derived from measurements of 5.0-14.6 GeV/c antiproton, proton and pion reactions with 197^{197}Au target nuclei, using the ISiS 4π\pi detector array. The maximum probability for producing high excitation-energy events is found for the antiproton beam relative to other hadrons, 3^3He and pˉ\bar{p} beams from LEAR. For protons and pions, the excitation-energy distributions are nearly independent of hadron type and beam momentum above about 8 GeV/c. The excitation energy enhancement for pˉ\bar{p} beams and the saturation effect are qualitatively consistent with intranuclear cascade code predictions. For all systems studied, maximum cluster sizes are observed for residues with E*/A \sim 6 MeV.Comment: 14 pages including 5 figures and 1 table. Accepted in Physics Letter B. also available at http://nuchem.iucf.indiana.edu

    Inhomogeneous isospin distribution in the reactions of 28Si + 112Sn and 124Sn at 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon

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    We have created quasiprojectiles of varying isospin via peripheral reactions of 28Si + 112Sn and 124Sn at 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon. The quasiprojectiles have been reconstructed from completely isotopically identified fragments. The difference in N/Z of the reconstructed quasiprojectiles allows the investigation of the disassembly as a function of the isospin of the fragmenting system. The isobaric yield ratio 3H/3He depends strongly on N/Z ratio of quasiprojectiles. The dependences of mean fragment multiplicity and mean N/Z ratio of the fragments on N/Z ratio of the quasiprojectile are different for light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments. Observation of a different N/Z ratio of light charged particles and intermediate mass fragments is consistent with an inhomogeneous distribution of isospin in the fragmenting system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 Postscript figures, RevTe

    Lectinhistoquímica del granuloma inducido por el bacilo de Calmette Guérin en Piaractus mesopotamicus

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    Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate, by means of lectinhistochemistry (LHC), the expression of carbohydrates in granulomas induced by the bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in muscle tissue of Piaractus mesopotamicus after 33 days. Material and methods: Histological sections with 3 µm thick were incubated with the following lectins: WGA (Wheat germ agglutinin), DBA (Dolichos biflorus agglutinin) and HPA (Helix pomatia agglutinin), and the results were evaluated by light microscopy. Results: Acid fast bacilli were stained by Ziehl Neelsen (ZN) and strong labeled by WGA in the cytoplasm of macrophages. Labeling with DBA was intense in fibroblasts and weak in macrophages. On the other hand, HPA binding was stronger in macrophages, especially in those that were in close contact with epithelioid cells, without evidence of binding to fibroblasts. The epithelioid cells were not labeled by the used lectins, but they were identified by Hematoxilin-Eosin (HE). The lectins labeled specific type saccharides in glycoproteins, as N-acetylglucosamine present in bacilli and macrophages, as well as N-acetyl-galactosamine in macrophages. The control group showed no inflammation or lectin binding. Conclusions. This technique may be useful in identifying receptors for WGA, DBA and the HPA lectins in epithelioid granuloma induced by BCG in P. mesopotamicus.Objetivo: El presente estudio fue realizado para evaluar por medio de lectinhistoquímica (LHC), la expresión de carbohidratos en granulomas inducidos por el bacilo de Calmette-Guérin (BCG) en músculo de Piaractus mesopotamicus después de 33 días. Materiales y métodos: Cortes histológicos de 3 µm de grosor fueron incubados con las siguientes lectinas: WGA (Wheat germ aglutinin), DBA (Dolichos biflorus agglutin) y HPA (Helix pomatia agglutinin), y los resultados evaluados por medio de microscopia de luz. Resultados: Bacilos ácido resistentes fueron identificados por la tinción de Ziehl Neelsen(ZN). Se observó un marcaje intenso con WGA en el citoplasma de macrófagos. El marcaje con DBA fue intenso en fibroblastos y débil en macrófagos. Con la lectina HPA el marcaje fue intenso en macrófagos, principalmente en los que estaban en estrecho contacto con las células epitelióides, externamente se observó marcaje débil en fibroblastos. Las células epitelióides no fueron marcadas por las lectinas, pero fueron identificadas con la tinción de Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE). Las lectinas tuvieron un tipo de marcaje específico en algunos monosacáridos, como N-acetilglucosamina presente en los bacilos y en macrófagos, y N-acetilgalactosamina en macrófagos. En el grupo control no fue observada inflamación así como tampoco marcaje con las lectinas. Conclusiones. Esta técnica resultó eficiente en la identificación de receptores para las lectinas WGA, DBA y HPA en el granuloma epitelióide inducido por BCG en P. mesopotamicus.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria