53 research outputs found

    What can long-term data contribute to the ā€œLand-sharing versus Land Sparingā€ debate?

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    Global environmental challenges can only be addressed by multifaceted approaches that integrate biodiversity conservation with sustainability targets. While only 12% of the land surface is in protected areas, 40% is used for food production; the latter areas are therefore critical in managing environmental change in the Anthropocen

    Exploring the significance of land-cover change in South Africa

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    Changing land cover is a phenomenon that is growing in magnitude and significance, both globally1 and in South Africa2 . Changes in land cover include the conversion of natural vegetation to agricultural crops and forest plantations, changes to natural vegetation through bush encroachment and overgrazing, soil erosion, invasion by alien plant species, and accelerating urbanisation. Land-cover changes increasingly relate to climate and atmospheric changes in ways that are currently poorly understood but potentially significant, especially in terms of compromising or enhancing the delivery of vital ecosystem services from rangelands, agricultural croplands, water catchments and conservation areas. Land-cover change is being studied in different ways, and at different scales, by ecologists, plant physiologists, applied biologists and social scientists. A core group of scientists has recently formed the Land Cover Change Consortium (LCCC), which aims to begin integrating the results of the varied approaches to studying land-cover change, and to guide future research directions, with a view to building a better science base for informing policy and management decision-making in conservation, agriculture and environmental management. The group has developed a simple conceptual outline that links field experiments, observation and monitoring, modelling and prediction of land-cover change (Figure 1), and is currently developing a funding base to support collaboration in addressing fundamental questions about how ecosystems might change in the coming decades, in training new graduates, and in communicating effectively with policymakers. The LCCC hopes to provide a theoretical and practical multidisciplinary platform for scientific collaboration on global change issues that also includes different stakeholder groups and contributes to policy and decision-making. Multidisciplinary collaboration is notoriously challenging, but holds great promise for novel insights

    Modelling the complex dynamics of vegetation livestock and rainfall in a semiarid rangeland in South Africa

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    Predicting the effect of different management strategies on range condition is a challenge for farmers in highly variable environments. A model that explains how the relations between rainfall, livestock and vegetation composition vary over time and interact is needed. Rangeland ecosystems have a hierarchical structure that can be described in terms of vegetation composition, stocking rate and rainfall at the ecosystem level, and the performance of individual animals and plants at the lower level. In this paper, we present mathematical models that incorporate ideas from complex systems theory to integrate several strands of rangeland theory in a hierarchical framework. Compared with observed data from South Africa, the model successfully predicted the relationship between rainfall, vegetation composition and animal numbers over 30 years. Extending model runs over 100 years suggested that initial starting conditions can have a major effect on rangeland dynamics (divergence), and that hysteresis is more likely during a series of low rainfall years. Our model suggests that applying an upper threshold to animal numbers may help to conserve the biodiversity and resilience of grazing systems, whilst maintaining farmersā€™ ability to respond to changing environmental conditions, a management option here termed controlled disequilibrium

    Synergy between climate and human land-use maintained open vegetation in southwest Madagascar over the last millennium

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    Madagascar experienced environmental change during the Late-Holocene, and the relative importance of climatic and anthropogenic drivers is still the subject of an ongoing debate. Using palaeoecological records from the southwest region at Lake Longiza, we provide additional records to elucidate the complex history of the island and to identify the changes that occurred in the tropical dry forest during the Late-Holocene. The data showed vegetation changes associated with climate variability until AD 900 as reflected by the variation in grass, dry-adapted taxa, deciduous trees, and isotope records. An increasing effect of human activities was recorded, indicated by increased coprophilous spore concentration, as a result of a shift from foraging to pastoralism leading to further opening of the ecosystem from AD 980. At the same time, the regional palaeoclimate record showed drier conditions from around AD 1000, which could have accentuated the changes in vegetation structure. More open vegetation was likely maintained by increased use of fire and herbivory around the area, as indicated by the multiple peaks in the charcoal and spore records. Since AD 1900, the pollen record from the southwest region showed that the ecosystem became increasingly open with an increased abundance of grass, pioneer taxa, and reduced diversity, which was linked to a simultaneous effect of climate and agropastoralism activities. Our study suggests that the dry conditions around AD 950 initiated the replacement of forest-dominant vegetation with grass-dominant communities over the last millennium, depicted as an open ecosystem at present. Subsequent changes in subsistence activities would have further maintained an open-structured ecosystem.university of cape town https://doi.org/10.13039/501100007112The University Research Committee accredited (URC)southern african science service centre for climate change and adaptive land management https://doi.org/10.13039/501100011013neurosciences research foundation https://doi.org/10.13039/100007431African Origins PlatformPeer Reviewe

    Editorial: Insights in plant conservation

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    A paleoecological context for forest distribution and restoration in Grootbos Nature Reserve, Agulhas Plain, South Africa

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    Grootbos Nature Reserve falls within the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa and comprises fynbos and forest vegetation elements, which exist as alternate stable states and are naturally maintained by feedbacks between vegetation, fire, topography and climate. The objective of this study was to investigate changes in forest extent in the Baviaansfontein valley in Grootbos Nature Reserve in order to understand whether current forest coverage was greater or lesser prior to colonial settlement. Incorporating paleoecology has the potential to define historical ranges of landscape variability that can guide forest restoration programs that are aligned to historical forest occurrence. Not all landscapes are suited for tree planting initiatives as they harbor indigenous open vegetation, which is of conservation value. Historical and palaeoecological information is especially valuable as tree planting initiatives and reforestation programs are becoming more popular. Here we present a combined palynological (pollen, spores, charcoal) and geochemical approach (X-ray fluorescence elemental ratios, Loss-on-ignition), to evaluate the historic extent and distribution of forest and fynbos vegetation for the past ~250 years at Baviaansfontein in the Grootbos Nature Reserve. The start of the record was dominated by pollen typical of asteraceous fynbos, with evidence of forest elements also present, though in low abundance. After 200 years (c.1750 CEā€“1950 CE) of increased input of micro- and macrocharcoal, the subsequent decline in charcoal indicates a decrease in fire occurrence. This decline coincides with increased input of forest pollen taxa, suggesting that fire suppression most likely triggered forest expansion and perhaps initiated the beginning of a biome boundary shift. The continued decline in fire promoted the development of the present-day proteoid fynbos type around ~1980 CE and was responsible for the replacement of the previously more asteraceous-dominated fynbos type. The results show that changes in fire occurrence have driven compositional changes over time within fynbos but also contributed to the expansion of forest at the expense of fynbos. Considering the palaeoecological record and the expected warmer climate with more fires, forest expansion at Baviaansfontein is not recommended. The proteoid-dominated fynbos biome might be similarly negatively affected by warmer climate and a shift to an asteraceous fynbos community could occur in the future

    A framework to assess biogeochemical response to ecosystem disturbance using nutrient partitioning ratios

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    Author Posting. Ā© The Author(s), 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Ecosystems 19 (2016): 387-395, doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9934-1.Disturbances affect almost all terrestrial ecosystems, but it has been difficult to identify general principles regarding these influences. To improve our understanding of the long-term consequences of disturbance on terrestrial ecosystems, we present a conceptual framework that analyzes disturbances by their biogeochemical impacts. We posit that the ratio of soil and plant nutrient stocks in mature ecosystems represents a characteristic site property. Focusing on nitrogen (N), we hypothesize that this partitioning ratio (soil N: plant N) will undergo a predictable trajectory after disturbance. We investigate the nature of this partitioning ratio with three approaches: (1) nutrient stock data from forested ecosystems in North America, (2) a process-based ecosystem model, and (3) conceptual shifts in site nutrient availability with altered disturbance frequency. Partitioning ratios could be applied to a variety of ecosystems and successional states, allowing for improved temporal scaling of disturbance events. The generally short-term empirical evidence for recovery trajectories of nutrient stocks and partitioning ratios suggests two areas for future research. First, we need to recognize and quantify how disturbance effects can be accreting or depleting, depending on whether their net effect is to increase or decrease ecosystem nutrient stocks. Second, we need to test how altered disturbance frequencies from the present state may be constructive or destructive in their effects on biogeochemical cycling and nutrient availability. Long-term studies, with repeated sampling of soils and vegetation, will be essential in further developing this framework of biogeochemical response to disturbance.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DEB-1145815 and 0949420.2016-11-1

    Book Review: Using statistics to understand the environment

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    The Kruger Experience: Ecology and Management of Savanna Heterogeneity

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