4 research outputs found

    Diversity and Abundance of Club and Coral Fungi in the Upper Lane Cove Valley

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    The Kingdom Fungi are central players in the ecology and biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems. Despite this importance, the diversity, distribution and abundance of fungal species are poorly known. Here, we undertook an intensive survey of club and coral fungi in the Upper Lane Cove Valley, Sydney, Australia. Over a two-year period, we collected more than 1100 specimens, and identified these to genus using a combination of DNA barcoding and morphology. The majority of specimens did not match any sequences in GenBank at more than 95% similarity, meaning that many of these fungi are either poorly represented in DNA databases, or are potentially novel species. A number of hotspots for fungal diversity and abundance were identified, largely along creek lines draining southwest through coachwood dominated vegetation. Notably, these hotspots all lie outside the adjacent Lane Cove National Park

    House sparrows as sentinels of childhood lead exposure

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    Data for modelling vegetable uptake of trace metals in soil for the VegeSafe program

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    Here we detail the soil to vegetable transfer factor (uptake) data and calculation procedures for vegetable trace metal uptake estimation that are presented in Taylor et al. (2021).Firstly, we present the literature review of trace metal uptake data, describing uptake from soil to vegetable produce determined in global experimental studies. After selecting the uptake factors most applicable to the VegeSafe dataset, using similar soil trace metal concentrations and studies that consider only the edible parts of plants, we applied these uptake factors to VegeSafe soils. Using this approach, we were able to estimate trace metal concentrations in home grown produce across the 3,609 homes included in our VegeSafe study.Using Australian and global food standards, we calculated the soil trace metal concentrations that would potentially result in exceedance of Australian and global food safety criteria. Our process followed the method detailed in the Australian soil guidelines (NEPM, 2013). Also presented are the numbers of individual samples and vegetable gardens that are likely to exceed food safety criteria in the three largest cities of Australia: Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Individual household vegetable garden trace metal uptake data were aggregated across standarised geographic areas (Statistical Area Level 3) as established by the Australian Bureau of Statistics to visualise the geospatial distribution of potential trace metal risk from home produce.These modelled data provide the basis for prioritising locations, trace metals and soils for future empirically-based studies of trace metal contamination in home-grown produce

    A citizen science approach to identifying trace metal contamination risks in urban gardens

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    We launched the VegeSafe program in 2013 to assist Australians concerned about exposure to contaminants in their soils and gardens. VegeSafe analyses garden soils provided by citizens for trace metals at our laboratory at little to no cost, with easy-to-follow guidance on any intervention required. The response was overwhelming—Australians submitted 17,256 soils from 3,609 homes, and in turn VegeSafe researchers now have unparalleled household-scale data, providing new insights into urban trace metal contamination. The results are sobering, with 35% of homes, particularly those that are older, painted and located in inner cities having soils above the Australian residential guideline (300 mg/kg) for the neurotoxic trace metal lead (Pb). Exposure pathway, blood Pb concentration and vegetable uptake modelling showed the communities in these locations were most at risk. VegeSafe is transformative: 94% of participants better understood contaminants, 83% felt safer in their home environment and 40% undertook remedial action based on their results. The two-way nature of this program enables education of citizens about environmental contaminants, advances public health, and delivers impactful science