916 research outputs found

    Monstrous child: Rosamond Lehmann's war writing

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    Jessica Gildersleeve discusses Rosamond Lehmann's short story 'When the Waters Came' (1946), focusing on its representation of war, children, and writing. Drawing on psychoanalytic theories of anxiety, Gildersleeve argues that Lehmann's story seeks to displace its own origins, problematically burying the monstrous child of war

    The Knowledge Imperative in Academic Waste(lands)

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    The Outcast and the Rite: Stories of Landscape and Fear

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    Review of Melissa Edmundsen's edition of Helen de Guerry Simpson's "The Outcast and the Rite: Stories of Landscape and Fear, 1925-1938

    The Gay Science and the Rosarium Philosophorum

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    This article will continue the work presented in a previous one (Gildersleeve, 2015) by combining Heidegger’s work on Nietzsche’s The Gay Science and Thus Spoke Zarathustra with Jung’s work on the Rosarium Philosophorum. The overall purpose is to illustrate the further congruency between Heidegger and Jung’s work. Specifically, the article will focus on providing an ontological explanation of Jung’s interpretation of the Rosarium Philosophorum with the use of Heidegger’s writing on Nietzsche

    The phenomenology and ontology of complexes

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    The purpose of this article is to illustrate the congruency between the work of philosopher Martin Heidegger and psychologist Carl Jung. Specifically, this article will focus on providing a phenomenological description of Jung’s complex theory with the use of Heidegger’s ontology. In addition, this article will demonstrate how a Daseinsanalytic description of narcissism is significantly elucidating when read with a phenomenological understanding of complexes. In particular, this article argues that the meaning of a complex is phenomenologically disclosed when Dasein’s world is conspicuously experienced as unready to hand and 'not-being-at-home'. In the experience of a complex, angst, conscience and guilt are saliently disclosed in a moment of conspicuous obstructiveness and obstinacy, which results in the ready to- hand losing its readiness-to-hand in a certain way. The authentic and inauthentic understanding of the meaning of complexes as a consequence of this moment will be described and related to Jung’s psychoanalysis

    Jung's transcendent function as Nietzsche's will to power and eternal recurrence of the same

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    This article will retrieve Heidegger’s interpretation on Nietzsche’s Will to Power and a phenomenological interpretation of Jung’s writing on complexes and the Rosarium Philosophorum to project a new meaning to explain Jung’s transcendent function. By the end of this article, the reader should have gained a more detailed and specific description of complexes, the Rosarium Philosophorum and the transcendent function because further aspects of the phenomenology and ontology have been highlighted which includes understanding the transcendent function as Nietzsche’s Will to Power

    7 Habits of Highly Productive Pastures

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    For many agriculture producers in the Upper Midwest, 2012 will be recalled as a memorable year, presenting both challenges and opportunities. Due to widespread drought and high feeding costs, the beef industry is taking another hard look at increasing feeding efficiency, including figuring out how to get the best returns possible from pastures, harvested forages, and crop residues. Many pastures will need some extra TLC in the coming year to overcome the extreme drought conditions of 2012. This winter, spend some time thinking about what is really important to optimize potential of your pastures and develop a game plan for making it happen

    Shell Mound

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    Desire and one-sidedness: extroversion’s enemies within, introversion’s enemies without

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    This article will provide a thorough Lacanian and Heideggerian analysis of Jung’s 1923 book Psychological Types. In particular, this article will demonstrate how one-sidedness of introversion or extraversion leads an analysand to experience the obstructiveness of a complex. I will use my past writing, which integrated Žižek’s interpretation of Lacan with my Heideggerian interpretation of Jung to show why this one-sidedness leads to the obstructiveness of a complex. In contrast, an analysand adheres to ‘the ethics of psychoanalysis’ when there is not an one-sidedness of introversion or extraversion. This can be simplified by noting that introverts neglect the desire of the Other compared to the extrovert who neglects acting 'in conformity with the desire that is in you'. I aim to show that a balance is required between introversion and extroversion for the analysand to be at ‘home in the world’ and this can be restored with a unification of opposites through Jung’s transcendent function

    Optimizing forage and pasture resources with annual crops

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    Cover crops are plants seeded into agricultural fields, either within or outside of the regular growing season, with the primary purpose of improving or maintaining ecosystem quality (Midwest Cover Crops Council website definition). Recognition of the many benefits and on-farm use of cover crops is increasing across the Upper Midwest. A number of cover crops, particularly small grains, annual grasses, legumes and brassicas can also provide significant forage value in an integrated crop/ livestock production system when utilized as annual pasture and/or harvested forage resources for livestock production
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