6,639 research outputs found

    Highly parallel sparse Cholesky factorization

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    Several fine grained parallel algorithms were developed and compared to compute the Cholesky factorization of a sparse matrix. The experimental implementations are on the Connection Machine, a distributed memory SIMD machine whose programming model conceptually supplies one processor per data element. In contrast to special purpose algorithms in which the matrix structure conforms to the connection structure of the machine, the focus is on matrices with arbitrary sparsity structure. The most promising algorithm is one whose inner loop performs several dense factorizations simultaneously on a 2-D grid of processors. Virtually any massively parallel dense factorization algorithm can be used as the key subroutine. The sparse code attains execution rates comparable to those of the dense subroutine. Although at present architectural limitations prevent the dense factorization from realizing its potential efficiency, it is concluded that a regular data parallel architecture can be used efficiently to solve arbitrarily structured sparse problems. A performance model is also presented and it is used to analyze the algorithms

    Optimal expression evaluation for data parallel architectures

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    A data parallel machine represents an array or other composite data structure by allocating one processor (at least conceptually) per data item. A pointwise operation can be performed between two such arrays in unit time, provided their corresponding elements are allocated in the same processors. If the arrays are not aligned in this fashion, the cost of moving one or both of them is part of the cost of the operation. The choice of where to perform the operation then affects this cost. If an expression with several operands is to be evaluated, there may be many choices of where to perform the intermediate operations. An efficient algorithm is given to find the minimum-cost way to evaluate an expression, for several different data parallel architectures. This algorithm applies to any architecture in which the metric describing the cost of moving an array is robust. This encompasses most of the common data parallel communication architectures, including meshes of arbitrary dimension and hypercubes. Remarks are made on several variations of the problem, some of which are solved and some of which remain open

    Endoscopic measurements using a panoramic annular lens

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    The objective of this project was to design, build, demonstrate, and deliver a prototype system for making measurements within cavities. The system was to utilize structured lighting as the means for making measurements and was to rely on a stationary probe, equipped with a unique panoramic annular lens, to capture a cylindrical view of the illuminated cavity. Panoramic images, acquired with a digitizing camera and stored in a desk top computer, were to be linearized and analyzed by mouse-driven interactive software

    Endoscopic inspection using a panoramic annular lens

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    The objective of this one year study was to design, build, and demonstrate a prototype system for cavity inspection. A cylindrical view of the cavity interior was captured in real time through a compound lens system consisting of a unique panoramic annular lens and a collector lens. Images, acquired with a digitizing camera and stored in a desktop computer, were manipulated using image processing software to aid in visual inspection and qualitative analysis. A detailed description of the lens and its applications is given

    Two New Western Atlantic Species of the Gobiid Fish Genus Gobionellus, with Remarks on Characteristics of the Genus

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    Two new western Atlantic species of Gobionellus (family Gobiidae) are described and figured. G. comma, which is presently known only from the southern Caribbean Sea, off Venezuela, is characterized primarily by a dark, comma-shaped bar in the suborbital area. G. atripinnis, which has been found only in the western Gulf of Mexico, from southern Texas to Veracruz, Mexico, is most readily distinguished by an elongate black blotch in the male\u27s spinous dorsal fin and in having 16 pectoral fin rays. G. comma is closely related to the eastern Pacific G. manglicola. The relationships of G. atripinnis are more obscure. Important diagnostic characters of Gobionellus are presented, together with preliminary conclusions concerning the interrelationships of the genera Evorthodus and Oxyurichthys, which closely resemble Gobionellus in several important ways. Although groundwork is laid for possible synonymization of these genera (including discussion of nomenclatural problems), such action is deferred until more comprehensive studies are completed. A total of 14 coarse-scaled species of Gobionellus are recognized. These are included in a taxonomic key, which also includes a geographic range statement for each species. Also included in the key are the two species of Evorthodus, which are frequently confused with the coarse-scaled Gobionellus. This key does not include the recently-described G. munizi Vergara 1978, specimens of which we have not had the opportunity to examine. Comments are included, however, regarding this species\u27 validity and probable relationships, based on text of the original description and accompanying figures

    Fast Sorting on a Distributed-Memory Architecture

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    We consider the often-studied problem of sorting, for a parallel computer. Given an input array distributed evenly over p processors, the task is to compute the sorted output array, also distributed over the p processors. Many existing algorithms take the approach of approximately load-balancing the output, leaving each processor with Θ(n/p) elements. However, in many cases, approximate load-balancing leads to inefficiencies in both the sorting itself and in further uses of the data after sorting. We provide a deterministic parallel sorting algorithm that uses parallel selection to produce any output distribution exactly, particularly one that is perfectly load-balanced. Furthermore, when using a comparison sort, this algorithm is 1-optimal in both computation and communication. We provide an empirical study that illustrates the efficiency of exact data splitting, and shows an improvement over two sample sort algorithms.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    An Investigation into Quantifying Micron-G Changes in a Gravitational Field of 1G

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    This project called for the development of an accelerometer designed to be used in conjunction with gravity shielding experiments. The device had to measure local gravitational changes on the order of a few micro-G's (micron-G) with a spatial resolution greater than one measurement per ten square centimeters. Measurements had to be made at a minimum rate of two per second. Tasks included the design, development and demonstration of a prototype. The deliverable consisted of three copies of this final report. The study resulted in the development of a Transversely Suspended Accelerometer (TSA) which met all of the technical specifications. Different generations of the device were demonstrated to NASA/MSFC personnel as they were developed. The final prototype is available for further demonstration and future use. The study draws attention to the fact that the magnetic fields required to produce gravitational shielding may result in apparent decreases in the weights of suspended objects on the order of those attributed to the effect itself. This observation reinforces the need to quantify the influences of the magnetic field on any measurement device used to study gravitational shielding. This task was accomplished for the TSA

    wFleaBase: the Daphnia genome database

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    BACKGROUND: wFleaBase is a database with the necessary infrastructure to curate, archive and share genetic, molecular and functional genomic data and protocols for an emerging model organism, the microcrustacean Daphnia. Commonly known as the water-flea, Daphnia's ecological merit is unequaled among metazoans, largely because of its sentinel role within freshwater ecosystems and over 200 years of biological investigations. By consequence, the Daphnia Genomics Consortium (DGC) has launched an interdisciplinary research program to create the resources needed to study genes that affect ecological and evolutionary success in natural environments. DISCUSSION: These tools include the genome database wFleaBase, which currently contains functions to search and extract information from expressed sequenced tags, genome survey sequences and full genome sequencing projects. This new database is built primarily from core components of the Generic Model Organism Database project, and related bioinformatics tools. SUMMARY: Over the coming year, preliminary genetic maps and the nearly complete genomic sequence of Daphnia pulex will be integrated into wFleaBase, including gene predictions and ortholog assignments based on sequence similarities with eukaryote genes of known function. wFleaBase aims to serve a large ecological and evolutionary research community. Our challenge is to rapidly expand its content and to ultimately integrate genetic and functional genomic information with population-level responses to environmental challenges. URL:
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