10 research outputs found

    Multiple health behaviour change primary care intervention for smoking cessation, physical activity and healthy diet in adults 45 to 75 years old (EIRA study): a hybrid effectiveness-implementation cluster randomised trial

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    Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a) a Multiple Health Behaviour Change (MHBC) intervention on reducing smoking, increasing physical activity and adherence to a Mediterranean dietary pattern in people aged 45–75 years compared to usual care; and b) an implementation strategy. Methods: A cluster randomised effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial-type 2 with two parallel groups was conducted in 25 Spanish Primary Health Care (PHC) centres (3062 participants): 12 centres (1481 participants) were randomised to the intervention and 13 (1581 participants) to the control group (usual care). The intervention was based on the Transtheoretical Model and focused on all target behaviours using individual, group and community approaches. PHC professionals made it during routine care. The implementation strategy was based on the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Data were analysed using generalised linear mixed models, accounting for clustering. A mixed-methods data analysis was used to evaluate implementation outcomes (adoption, acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility and fidelity) and determinants of implementation success. Results: 14.5% of participants in the intervention group and 8.9% in the usual care group showed a positive change in two or all the target behaviours. Intervention was more effective in promoting dietary behaviour change (31.9% vs 21.4%). The overall adoption rate by professionals was 48.7%. Early and final appropriateness were perceived by professionals as moderate. Early acceptability was high, whereas final acceptability was only moderate. Initial and final acceptability as perceived by the participants was high, and appropriateness moderate. Consent and recruitment rates were 82.0% and 65.5%, respectively, intervention uptake was 89.5% and completion rate 74.7%. The global value of the percentage of approaches with fidelity =50% was 16.7%. Eight CFIR constructs distinguished between high and low implementation, five corresponding to the Inner Setting domain. Conclusions: Compared to usual care, the EIRA intervention was more effective in promoting MHBC and dietary behaviour change. Implementation outcomes were satisfactory except for the fidelity to the planned intervention, which was low. The organisational and structural contexts of the centres proved to be significant determinants of implementation effectiveness. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03136211. Registered 2 May 2017, “retrospectively registered”. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Comparing watchful waiting with antidepressants for the management of subclinical depression symptoms to mild-moderate depression in primary care: a systematic review.

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    The benefits of watchful waiting (WW) over antidepressants (ADs) for the treatment of depression in primary care (PC) are unclear. We aimed to systematically review the evidence supporting either WW or ADs for the treatment of subclinical depressive symptoms and mild-moderate depression in a PC setting. This systematic review was registered at PROSPERO (42016036345). Four electronic sources (EMBASE, PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Knowledge) were systematically searched from inception to November 2016 for controlled trials comparing WW and ADs in PC following established guidelines. The studies had to include adult population with new symptoms of subclinical depression or mild-moderate depression. Patients in the intervention group should receive a WW approach, while patients in the control group underwent treatment with ADs. The abstraction form included information on the setting, characteristics of the study population, total sample size, size of the control and intervention groups and date of the study. Outcome measures and variability were extracted. The scarcity of studies and the considerable clinical and methodological heterogeneity discouraged us from performing a meta-analysis. Three articles were included and qualitatively synthesized. There was no evidence for the superiority of one treatment option over the other, although two of the studies suggested small differences in favour of ADs when less conservative analyses were conducted (per protocol analysis and analysis not adjusted for missingness predictors). Superiority was not demonstrated by either treatment option. More robust evidence is needed to inform recommendations for the management of depressive symptoms in PC

    Pediatric Medication Noninitiation in Spain.

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate medication noninitiation prevalence in the pediatric population and identify the explanatory factors underlying this behavior. METHODS: Observational study of patients (<18 years old) receiving at least 1 new prescription (28 pharmaceutical subgroups; July 2017 to June 2018) in Catalonia, Spain. A prescription was considered new when there was no prescription for the same pharmaceutical subgroup in the previous 6 months. Noninitiation occurred when a prescription was not filled within 1 month or 6 months (sensitivity analysis). Prevalence was estimated as the proportion of total prescriptions not initiated. To identify explanatory factors, a multivariable multilevel logistic regression model was used, and adjusted odds ratios were reported. RESULTS: Overall, 1 539 003 new prescriptions were issued to 715 895 children. The overall prevalence of 1-month noninitiation was 9.0% (ranging from 2.6% [oral antibiotics] to 21.5% [proton pump inhibitors]), and the prevalence of 6-month noninitiation was 8.5%. Noninitiation was higher in the youngest and oldest population groups, in children from families with a 0% copayment rate (vulnerable populations) and those with conditions from external causes. Out-of-pocket costs of drugs increased the odds of noninitiation. The odds of noninitiation were lower when the prescription was issued by a pediatrician (compared with a primary or secondary care clinician). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of noninitiation of medical treatments in pediatrics is high and varies according to patients' ages and medical groups. Results suggest that there are inequities in access to pharmacologic treatments in this population that must be taken into account by health care planners and providers

    Diagnostic accuracy and treatment approach to depression in primary care : predictive factors

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    Objective: The study assessed the predictive factors of diagnostic accuracy and treatment approach (antidepressants versus active monitoring) for depression in primary care. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study that uses information from a naturalistic prospective controlled trial performed in Barcelona (Spain) enrolling newly diagnosed patients with mild to moderate depression by GPs. Treatment approach was based on clinical judgement. Diagnosis was later assessed according to DSM-IV criteria using Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) interview by an external researcher. Patients (sociodemographic, psychiatric diagnosis, severity of depression and anxiety, health-related quality of life, disability, beliefs about medication and illness and comorbidities) and GP factors associated with diagnostic accuracy and treatment approach were assessed using multilevel logistic regression. Variables with missing data were imputed through multiple imputations. Results: Two hundred sixty-three patients were recruited by 53 GPs. Mean age was 51 years (SD = 15). Thirty percent met DSM-IV criteria for major depression. Mean depression symptomatology was moderate-severe. Using multivariate analyses, patients’ beliefs about medicines were the only variable associated with the antidepressant approach. Specialization in general medicine and being a resident tutor were associated with a more accurate diagnosis. Conclusions: Clinical depression diagnosis by GPs was not always associated with a formal diagnosis through a SCID-I. GPs’ training background was central to an adequate depression diagnosis. Patients’ beliefs in medication were the only factor associated with treatment approach. More resources should be allocated to improving the diagnosis of depression

    Modelos teóricos de promoción de la salud en la práctica habitual en atención primaria de salud

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    Objetivo: Comprender a qué modelos teóricos se ajusta la práctica actual de la prevención primaria ypromoción de la salud en atención primaria de salud en diferentes centros de salud de siete comunidadesautónomas de España, según los/las profesionales de distintas disciplinas de este ámbito asistencial. Método: Investigación cualitativa descriptiva en la que participaron 145 profesionales de 14 centros desalud de siete comunidades autónomas de España. El muestreo fue teórico. Se realizaron 14 grupos dediscusión. El análisis de datos se realizó siguiendo procedimientos del análisis de contenido temático y de acuerdo con siete modelos teóricos de promoción de la salud a nivel micro, meso y macro. Resultados: Las prácticas de los profesionales de los centros participantes en relación con las actividadesde prevención primaria y promoción de la salud se adhieren principalmente a modelos intrapersonales, centrándose en ayudar a que las personas se empoderen aumentando la conciencia de riesgo y de los beneficios del cambio en los comportamientos, y guiándolas en la implementación de un comportamientosaludable. Algunos/as profesionales realizan actividades que encajan en modelos interpersonales, implicando a la familia y al propio profesional en las estrategias. Solo en algunos casos las prácticas actualesencajan en modelos comunitarios de promoción de la salud. Conclusiones: Las prácticas de prevención primaria y promoción de la salud de los profesionales de atención primaria siguen principalmente modelos intrapersonales, en algunos casos modelos interpersonalesy más puntualmente modelos comunitarios. Es necesario potenciar la participación de la ciudadanía y laorientación comunitaria de los servicios de atención primaria de salud. Objective: To understand which theoretical models apply to current primary care practice of primary prevention and health promotion in a sample of primary health centres of seven autonomous regions in Spain according to the various professionals involved. Method: Descriptive qualitative research with the participation of 145 professionals from 14 primary health centres of seven autonomous regions in Spain. Theoretical sampling was used and 14 discussion groups were carried out. Data analysis followed thematic contents analysis procedures and was based on seven health promotion theoretical models at micro-, meso- and macro-level. Results: Current practice of primary prevention and health promotion activities mainly follow intrapersonal models, which focus on assisting the empowerment of patients by means of raising awareness of risk and benefits of behavioural change and on guiding the adoption of the new healthy behaviour. To a lesser degree, the activities of some professionals adhere to interpersonal models, which involve also the family and the health professional. In only a few instances community models of health promotion were used. Conclusions: Primary prevention and health promotion practice of primary healthcare professionals follow mainly intrapersonal models, few cases use interpersonal models and community models are only occasionally employed. Advance of public participation and community orientation in primary healthcare services is needed

    Spanish Catheter Ablation Registry. 18th Official Report of the Spanish Society of Cardiology Working Group on Electrophysiology and Arrhythmias (2018)

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    Registro Español de Ablación con Catéter. XVIII Informe Oficial de la Sección de Electrofisiología y Arritmias de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (2018)

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