17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by titanium particles released during implantoplasty of dental implants

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    Implantoplasty is a mechanical decontamination technique that consists of removing the threads and polishing and smoothing the dental implant surface. During implantoplasty there is a large release of titanium metal particles that might provoke a proinflammatory response and reduce the viability of osteogenic cells. We analyze the inflammatory and osteogenic response induced by Ti6Al4V particles released during implantoplasty and by as-received commercially pure Ti particles. Macrophages stimulated with metal particles obtained by implantoplasty and with as-received Ti particles showed an increased proinflammatory expression of TNF-alpha and a decreased expression of TGF-beta and CD206. Regarding cytokine release, there was an increase in IL-1 beta, while IL-10 decreased. The osteogenic response of Ti6Al4V extracts showed a significant decrease in Runx2 and OC expression compared to the controls and commercially pure Ti extracts. There were no relevant changes in ALP activity. Thus, implantoplasty releases metal particles that seems to induce a pro-inflammatory response and reduce the expression of osteogenic markers

    Reconstrucci贸n de dientes endodonciados mediante postes de fibras de carbono con matriz ep贸xido (Composipost庐)

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    Se describen las propiedades y la utilizaci贸n cl铆nica del Composipost庐, un poste intrarradicular de composite reforzado con fibras de carbono con matriz ep贸xido, para la reconstrucci贸n de dientes endodonciados. Se presentan los resultados del an谩lisis al microscopio electr贸nico de barrido del Composipost庐 cementado en el interior del canal radicular de un diente, as铆 como los resultados de los estudios mec谩nicos sobre resistencia a la compresi贸n y m贸dulo de elasticidad en compresi贸n (m贸dulo de Young) del poste Composipost庐. El estudio al microscopio electr贸nico de barrido demostr贸 la disposici贸n longitudinal de las fibras, orientadas en una misma direcci贸n y paralelas entre s铆, inmersas en la resina ep贸xido. Se confirm贸 una excelente uni贸n del cemento al diente y al poste. Los resultados de resistencia demostraron que la diferencia entre los valores publicados por la Sociedad RTD (Recherches Techniques Dentaires) y los observados en este estudio carecen de relevancia cl铆nica y que el m贸dulo de elasticidad en compresi贸n del Composipost庐 es 贸ptimo para la reconstrucci贸n de dientes endodonciado

    Roughness and bonding strength of bioactive apatite layer on dental implants

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    This study examined the roughness and bonding strength of the chemical-made apatite layer in comparison with the titanium surface and the plasma-sprayed apatite. Commercially pure titanium plates were heated and chemically treated to deposit crystalline apatite on their surface. The roughness of the titanium surface of the original samples and the apatite surface was analyzed by a roughness surface tester. A scratch test was used to compare the adhesion of the chemical apatite layer to the titanium with the adhesion of a plasma-sprayed layer. A dense bone-like apatite layer was formed on the surface of the titanium by a simple chemical method. The surface roughness test showed that the chemical apatite coating increased the roughness of the samples. The scratch test showed that the bonding strength of the chemical-made apatite coatings to the titanium substrate was higher than the plasma-sprayed apatite coatings. The apatite layer produced by chemical treatment did not show a lower roughness than the titanium substrate. This chemical apatite layer also bonded tighter to the titanium than the plasma-sprayed apatite. This chemically made apatite coating is expected to provide a long-term implant-bone fixation

    Propiedades mec谩nicas de las uniones soldadas mediante l谩ser de diferentes metales utilizados en pr贸tesis bucal

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    Se han realizado diferentes uniones soldadas, mediante l谩ser, entre los diferentes metales y aleaciones m谩s utilizados en la pr贸tesis bucal. Los metales utilizados han sido aleaci贸n de oro, aleaci贸n de paladio, cromo-cobalto y titanio puro; las soldaduras se realizaron entre los diferentes metales (soldadura heterog茅nea ) y entre el mismo metal (soldadura homog茅nea). Se realizaron ensayos mec谩nicos de tracci贸n y se determinaron la tensi贸n m谩xima y la deformaci贸n a rotura de todas las soldaduras. Se compararon los resultados de las muestras soldadas con la coladas. Mediante microscop铆a electr贸nica de barrido se estudiaron las fracturas de las diferentes uniones

    Obtenci贸n de la aleaci贸n NiTi para aplicaciones dentales

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    Por sus caracter铆sticas la aleaci贸n Ni-Ti podr铆a usarse en pr贸tesis dental. Se describen sus propiedades novedosas en el campo de la odontolog铆a restauradora como son la pseudoelasticidad que proporciona grandes deformaciones el谩sticas y el efecto de memoria de forma que le confiere la capacidad de recuperar la forma mediante cambios t茅rminos. Se expone la obtenci贸n de una aleaci贸n cuya composici贸n qu铆mica y proceso de fabricaci贸n, riguroso y complejo, determinan que el paso de la fase martensitica a la fase austenitica se realice entre temperaturas biocompatibles con los tejidos de la boca. Y por 煤ltimo se describe el proceso de colado de dicha aleaci贸n con la t茅cnica de la cera perdida, normalmente usada en los laboratorios de pr贸tesis dental

    Comportamiento mec谩nico de los postes de fibras de carbono usados en la reconstrucci贸n de dientes endonciados

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    En este trabajo se estudi贸 el comportamiento mec谩nico de postes de fibras de carbono unidas con resina epoxi (comercialmente llamado Composipost庐) usado para la reconstrucci贸n de dientes endodonciados. Los ensayos consistieron en aplicar fuerzas de flexi贸n a estos postes, estudiando su comportamiento mec谩nico, como si estuvieran acoplados a la dentina. Para modelizar las fuerzas de la masticaci贸n que se producen de forma fisiol贸gica en la boca, se aplicaron diferentes fuerzas a diferentes 谩ngulos, respecto al eje de los po tes. Las fuerzas se aplicaron con una m谩quina de ensayos electromec谩nica Instrm1庐 conectada a un si tema inform谩tico, con lo que se pudo determinar las fuerzas m谩ximas que pod铆an soportar los postes para cada 谩ngulo. Finalmente se observ贸 la fractura del poste, mediante microscopio electr贸nico de barrido, pudi茅ndose determinar los mecanismos de fractura de dicho material compuesto

    Determinaci贸n de la resistencia a la corro颅si贸n mediante el c谩lculo de la resistencia de polarizaci贸n de diferentes metales utilizados en odontolog铆a

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    Se ha determinado para seis materiales met谩licos usualmente utilizados en Odontolog铆a, la resistencia a la corrosi贸n en el medio salivar, mediante la determinaci贸n de la resistencia a la polarizaci贸n de cada uno de ellos. Se ha calculado la intensidad de corrosi贸n (icorr) y se ha observado el efecto de protecci贸n que ejerce la capa de pasivaci贸n que se forma en la superficie del metal

    Dental casting alloys behaviour during power toothbrushing with toothpastes of various abrasivities. Part II: corrosion and ion release

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term effect of abrasivity of toothpastes normally used over the corrosion behavior and ion release of the different dental casting alloys. Three dental casting alloys (Ni-Cr, Co-Cr and commercially pure Ti) were studied. Four specimens of each material were immersed, brushed without paste or brushed with one of four toothpastes of different Relative Dentine Abrasivity (RDA 50, 52, 80, and 114). An electric toothbrush with a load of 250 g was used for 420 min. Corrosion behavior was determined by means a potenciostat with high sensitivity and the ion release determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Two-way ANOVA and non-parametric tests were used to detect significant differences. Titanium specimens exhibited the best corrosion behavior after and before the toothbrushed, being the worst of the three alloys the Cr-Ni. Titanium oxide produced spontaneously on the Ti surface is the main cause of the high corrosion resistance of the material. However, the eutectoid of the CrNi with chemical composition between different phases produces pitting on the phases boundaries with an important decrease of the corrosion resistance. Besides, the CrNi produces high values of the Ni and Cr release. Slight increment in roughness were observed after toothbrushing and depended on the material but not on the toothpaste used. The increase of the microhardness (residual stresses) provokes a decrease of the corrosion resistance and an increase of the ion release

    Dental casting alloys behaviour during power toothbrushing with toothpastes with various abrasivities. Part I: wear behavior

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long term effect of abrasivity of toothpastes normally used over the surface and mechanical properties of dental casting alloys. Three dental casting alloys (Ni-Cr, Co-Cr, c.p. Ti) and one ceramic were chosen. Four specimens of each material were immersed in artificial saliva, brushed without or with one of four toothpastes of different Relative Dentine Abrasivity (RDA 50, 52, 80, and 114). An electric toothbrush with a load of 250 g was used for 420 min. Mass loss was determined by difference in weight, microhardness and surface roughness were also measured. Two-way ANOVA and non-parametric tests were used to detect significant differences. Titanium specimens (478 microg/cm(2)) exhibited the most mass loss, whereas ceramic (282 microg/cm(2)) and Co-Cr (262 microg/cm(2)) exhibited the least. However, ceramic demonstrated the most volume loss (0.239 mm(3)). The abrasivity effect of the toothpaste correlated with the RDA values. Slight variations in microhardness were observed after toothbrushing and depended on the material but not on the toothpaste used. Material surfaces were slightly smoothed by toothbrushing but no significant differences were detected. Dental casting alloys and ceramic are susceptible to abrasion by brushing with an electric toothbrush depending on the RDA value of the toothpaste. Variations in microhardness and surface roughness were not clinically relevant