21 research outputs found

    Virtual Lesions of the IFG Abolish Response Facilitation for Biological and Non-Biological Cues

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    Humans are faster to perform a given action following observation of that same action. Converging evidence suggests that the human mirror neuron system (MNS) plays an important role in this phenomenon. However, the specificity of the neural mechanisms governing this effect remain controversial. Specialist theories of imitation suggest that biological cues are maximally capable of eliciting imitative facilitation. Generalist models, on the other hand, posit a broader role for the MNS in linking visual stimuli with appropriate responses. In the present study, we investigated the validity of these two theoretical approaches by disrupting the left and right inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) during the preparation of congruent (imitative) and incongruent (complementary) actions cued by either biological (hand) or non-biological (static dot) stimuli. Delivery of TMS over IFG abolished imitative response facilitation. Critically, this effect was identical whether actions were cued by biological or non-biological stimuli. This finding argues against theories of imitation in which biological stimuli are treated preferentially and stresses the notion of the IFG as a vital center of general perception–action coupling in the human brain

    Understanding communicative actions:A repetitive TMS study

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    Previous work has shown that the right posterior superior temporal sulcus (RpSTS) is involved in inferring both instrumental goals and communicative intentions of observed actions (1, 2), using previous knowledge to generate perceptual and/or conceptual inferences (3, 4). Here, we disturb neural activity in RpSTS to test whether this region is necessary for understanding the meaning of novel communicative actions. Thirteen subjects received two 20 min sessions of low-frequency (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), either over RpSTS (50,-42,14) or over a control region (area MT+, -43,-70,10), before performance of a communicative game and a control task. The game involved controlled non-verbal communicative interactions between pairs of subjects (40 trials). Each pair was asked to jointly create a goal configuration of two geometrical tokens, using the movements of the tokens on a gameboard as the only available communicative channel (5). One participant (a confederate) knew the goal configuration, and she moved her token on the gameboard to inform an addressee (a participant) where and how to position his token. The control task was a visual search paradigm that involved the same stimuli, responses, joint attention, and inter-subjects dependencies, but no communicative necessities. Performance was indexed by Task Efficiency, defined as the number of correct responses per unit of planning time, and by Efficiency Rate, defined as the rate of change (across trials) in Task Efficiency. After rTMS over RpSTS, but not left MT+, the Efficiency Rate of the addresses was reduced in the communicative game, but not in the visual search. In contrast, after rTMS over left MT+, subjects were not able to benefit from experience gained during the previous trials of the visual search task (Task X Site interaction, p<0.05). There were no corresponding interactions between tasks and site of rTMS intervention on the Task Efficiency parameter. These findings qualify how RpSTS contributes to understanding the meaning of non-verbal communicative actions. Repetitive TMS over RpSTS did not disrupt the ability of addressees to interpret novel communicative actions. Rather, this region appears to be necessary for incorporating previous knowledge, accumulated during interactions with a communicative partner, to constrain the inferential process that leads to action understanding

    Prospective, blind study of the triple stimulation technique in the diagnosis of ALS

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    Abstract Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of magnetic cortical stimulation with the triple stimulation technique (TST) to identify upper motor neuron (UMN) involvement in patients suspected of having ALS. Methods: Fifty-nine patients were recruited to undergo TST in addition to the standard work-up for suspected motor neuron disease. TST combines transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex with collision studies, which results in a higher sensitivity in detecting UMN involvement. Primary outcome was the number of abnormal TST results in patients with possible ALS. The positivity rate was converted to the number needed to test with TST (NN-TST) for one extra diagnosis of ALS. Results: Fifty patients underwent TST. In the total group (n 059), 18 patients had a motor neuron disorder but did not fulfil criteria for &apos;probable&apos; or &apos;definite&apos; ALS. In four of these patients TST was abnormal (NN-TST, 4.5). One TST was erroneously interpreted as abnormal. TST findings were normal in inclusion body myositis and peripheral nerve disorders. Conclusion: This prospective and blind study confirms open studies of TST in the evaluation of ALS. We suggest that TST can be used to arrive at a diagnosis of &apos;probable&apos; or &apos;definite&apos; ALS in patients lacking UMN signs in the upper extremities

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study

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    BACKGROUND: Preparation of the direction of a forthcoming movement has a particularly strong influence on both reaction times and neuronal activity in the primate motor cortex. Here, we aimed to find direct neurophysiologic evidence for the preparation of movement direction in humans. We used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to evoke isolated thumb-movements, of which the direction can be modulated experimentally, for example by training or by motor tasks. Sixteen healthy subjects performed brisk concentric voluntary thumb movements during a reaction time task in which the required movement direction was precued. We assessed whether preparation for the thumb movement lead to changes in the direction of TMS-evoked movements and to changes in amplitudes of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) from the hand muscles. RESULTS: When the required movement direction was precued early in the preparatory interval, reaction times were 50 ms faster than when precued at the end of the preparatory interval. Over time, the direction of the TMS-evoked thumb movements became increasingly variable, but it did not turn towards the precued direction. MEPs from the thumb muscle (agonist) were differentially modulated by the direction of the precue, but only in the late phase of the preparatory interval and thereafter. MEPs from the index finger muscle did not depend on the precued direction and progressively decreased during the preparatory interval. CONCLUSION: Our data show that the human corticospinal movement representation undergoes progressive changes during motor preparation. These changes are accompanied by inhibitory changes in corticospinal excitability, which are muscle specific and depend on the prepared movement direction. This inhibition might indicate a corticospinal braking mechanism that counteracts any preparatory motor activation

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study

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    Abstract Background Preparation of the direction of a forthcoming movement has a particularly strong influence on both reaction times and neuronal activity in the primate motor cortex. Here, we aimed to find direct neurophysiologic evidence for the preparation of movement direction in humans. We used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to evoke isolated thumb-movements, of which the direction can be modulated experimentally, for example by training or by motor tasks. Sixteen healthy subjects performed brisk concentric voluntary thumb movements during a reaction time task in which the required movement direction was precued. We assessed whether preparation for the thumb movement lead to changes in the direction of TMS-evoked movements and to changes in amplitudes of motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) from the hand muscles. Results When the required movement direction was precued early in the preparatory interval, reaction times were 50 ms faster than when precued at the end of the preparatory interval. Over time, the direction of the TMS-evoked thumb movements became increasingly variable, but it did not turn towards the precued direction. MEPs from the thumb muscle (agonist) were differentially modulated by the direction of the precue, but only in the late phase of the preparatory interval and thereafter. MEPs from the index finger muscle did not depend on the precued direction and progressively decreased during the preparatory interval. Conclusion Our data show that the human corticospinal movement representation undergoes progressive changes during motor preparation. These changes are accompanied by inhibitory changes in corticospinal excitability, which are muscle specific and depend on the prepared movement direction. This inhibition might indicate a corticospinal braking mechanism that counteracts any preparatory motor activation.</p

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study-7

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    Voluntary response, for each of the five precues and each of the three EMG channels.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/9/51</p><p>BMC Neuroscience 2008;9():51-51.</p><p>Published online 17 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2453131.</p><p></p

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study-1

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    S were selected and the EMG and accelerometer signals recorded in those trials are plotted. The upper six sets are EMG traces; the lower four sets are accelerometer traces. The vertical lines mark the time when the TMS pulse was applied.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/9/51</p><p>BMC Neuroscience 2008;9():51-51.</p><p>Published online 17 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2453131.</p><p></p

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study-4

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    He baseline direction, or () inside the ± 30° zone around the precue. Baseline, preparatory, and response intervals are marked by light, medium, or dark grey background, respectively (see Figure 1). Compared to the baseline interval, increasingly more TMS-evoked movements fell outside the baseline zone. Thus, the angles of the TMS-evoked movements were modulated over time, indicating changes in the thumb movement cortical representation. However, there was no increase in the number of TMS-evoked movements that fell into the ± 30° zone around the precued direction. *< 0.05, **< 0.01.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/9/51</p><p>BMC Neuroscience 2008;9():51-51.</p><p>Published online 17 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2453131.</p><p></p

    Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study-6

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    Ach of the five precues induced a thumb movement in a different direction, with little overlap between movements in response to different precues.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Changes in corticospinal excitability and the direction of evoked movements during motor preparation: A TMS study"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2202/9/51</p><p>BMC Neuroscience 2008;9():51-51.</p><p>Published online 17 Jun 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2453131.</p><p></p