34 research outputs found

    Human Beings in Antarctica

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    Research on Antarctica has been continuing for over a century. While living in Antarctica remains difficult owing to the extreme conditions there, expeditions have progressed greatly in improving accommodations. Expeditioners are exposed to a harsh natural environment such as coldness, dryness, dramatic change in sunshine time, ultraviolet rays, and high altitude. They also live in an extreme condition: closed small groups, absolute isolation, limited equipment and supplies, and no evacuation. As such, expedition members are placed in an extreme physical and mental state. Antarctic doctors are responsible for protecting the health of members who are wintering-over. Statistical analysis of diseases showed that the most common cases were of injuries followed by internal medicine and dental problems. Some diseases were related to environmental factors. Medical operations such as medical screening expedition, remote medical care, and telehealth care contribute to the safety, and better health management systems are themselves subjects of research. Medical researches and operations are advancing and supporting one another. As a simulation of space, the Antarctic experience and the related breakthrough are utilised in space research. Outcomes of research on Antarctica contribute to the better understanding of human society as well

    2007ネン ナンキョク イガク イリョウ ワークショップ ホウコク

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    2007年の南極医学医療ワークショップが8月25日,国立極地研究所で開催された.このワークショップの目的は我が国における南極医学医療研究の到達点を明らかにし今後の研究のあり方について討議し,次期観測隊の医学医療研究を支援することである.今年は宇宙航空研究開発機構,国立スポーツ科学研究所,大学など29施設から45人が参加し,7セッション19件の演題報告を受けて活発な討議が行われた.また中国,韓国,インドからの報告があり日本も含めアジアで越冬しているすべての国の医師が集まった.昭和基地からもテレビ会議システムを使用して発表があった.討議されたテーマは南極医学医療研究の世界の動向について,アジア各国の医学医療活動の報告と連携の模索,閉鎖隔離環境の心理学調査,南極高所医学,医学研究の倫理手続き,南極基地のレジオネラ属菌,昭和基地における遠隔医療支援システム,南極海の漁船で発生した救急患者の支援活動,乾燥地医学などであった.A workshop on Antarctic medical research and medicine 2007 was held on August 25, 2007 at the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo. Forty five members from 29 institutes participated in the workshop including doctors from China, Korea and India in addition to Japan. Wintering over doctors currently stationed at Syowa Station also participated in the meeting and made presentations via a telecommunication system. A partial list of the issues discussed included international trends in Antarctic medical research, Asian reports of Antarctic medical activities, high altitude medicine in Antarctica, informed consent and ethical procedure in medical research, Legionella - survey at Antarctic wintering stations, real-time tele-consultation system for Antarctic medicine, rescue operation for brain stroke patients aboard fishing vessels in the Antarctic ocean and arid land medicine

    Evaluating Health Impact at High Altitude in Antarctica and Effectiveness of Monitoring Oxygen Saturation

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    [Background] The Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) has been conducting research activities in inland Antarctica, which is extremely cold dryland covered with a thick ice sheet. This environment may cause a health disorder called acute mountain sickness (AMS). To improve the safety of expedition members, we evaluated the impact of extreme environmental conditions on human health and the effectiveness of monitoring of hypoxia for the early detection of AMS. [Methods] In total, 9 members from JARE 59 were studied. Dome Fuji Station (Dome F), located 3,810 m above sea level (ASL), was the destination of the research party. We analyzed daily AMS scores (higher values correspond to more severe AMS-related symptoms), physiological findings, and percutaneous arterial blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) during the inland activity. We also determined the factors related to AMS scores. [Results] The average AMS score on arrival at Dome F was significantly higher than that at the departure point (560 m ASL). The average SpO2 level was significantly lower than that at other points. The SpO2 level correlated negatively with the AMS score in Spearman’s rank correlation. Generalized estimating equations analysis showed that the AMS score was negatively associated with SpO2 level and positively associated with age. [Conclusion] Hypoxia is a contributory factor to AMS which we can easily assess by measuring the SpO2 level with a pulse oximeter. SpO2 monitoring is a potentially useful health management tool for members in inland Antarctic expeditions. In addition, our results are helpful for understanding physiological responses and health issues in extreme environments

    2012ネン ナンキョク イガク イリョウ ワークショップ ホウコク

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    2012 年の南極医学医療ワークショップが7月28日,国立極地研究所で開催された.このワークショップは,日本の南極地域観測での医学・医療の成果を報告し,同時に次期の医学研究計画の立案を支援することを目的として,2004年から毎年開催されている.今年は30施設から37人の参加者があり,南極医学の多様な問題,南極現場での医療に関して14演題の報告がなされた. 2006年からは南極観測にかかわる中国,インド,韓国の医学・医療担当者の参加を得ており,今年も中国,韓国からの報告があった.本ワークショップは南極医学研究および医療に関し,アジアにおける重要なネットワークとして機能しており,情報交換および議論を通して南極医学研究および医療での発展が期待できる.本報告ではそれぞれの報告の要旨を掲載する.The "Workshop on Antarctic Medical Research and Medicine 2012" was held on 28 July 2012 at the National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan. This workshop has been held annually since 2004 to present results from medical research and operational medicine conducted by the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE) and to discuss medical research programs for the next expedition team. Thirty-seven participants from 30 institutes contributed to the workshop. There were 14 presentations concerning various aspects of Antarctic medical research and practical medicine. Antarctic medical doctors from China, India, and Korea have also participated in this workshop since 2006. Chinese and Korean medical doctors who will be members of the next wintering team reported on their countries\u27 Antarctic medical activities of this year. This workshop plays an important role as a local Asian network for Antarctic medical research and medicine. It is expected that the workshop will stimulate and encourage participating researchers to develop Antarctic medical research projects and medicine through the exchange of information and discussion. This article summarizes the collected abstracts from the workshop

    2004ネン ナンキョク ニオケル イリョウ イガク ケンキュウ ニカンスル ケンキュウ シュウカイ ノ ホウコク

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    004年の「南極における医療・医学研究集会」が8月28日,国立極地研究所で開催された.主な内容は「南極の高所がヒトに与える影響」,「南極でのストレスがアミノ酸脂肪酸代謝に与える影響」,「越冬基地におけるレジオネラ菌調査」,「南極における紫外線障害とその対策」,「46次隊の医学研究計画」であった.16施設から合計22名が参加し,口頭発表10演題,ポスター発表1演題,文書発表1演題について,活発な討論が行われた.A meeting on Antarctic Medical Research was held at NIPR on August 28, 2004. Twenty two members participated in the meeting with ten oral presentations, one poster presentation and one report paper. The main subjects were The human responses in the Antarctic highland", The influence of the cold stress on the amino acids and lipid metabolism", Legionella contamination at the Antarctic wintering stations". The JARE-46 medical research program" was also reported and discussed

    2006ネン ナンキョク イガク イリョウ ケンキュウ シュウカイ ホウコク

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    南極医学医療研究集会は,わが国の南極医学研究と医療問題についての研究成果を報告・討論し,次期の観測隊における医学研究に寄与することを目的として毎年行われている.2006年の本研究集会は8月26日,国立極地研究所講堂で行われた.27施設から42名が参加し18の演題報告がなされ,近年では最大規模の研究集会となった. 参加者は越冬経験医師をはじめ,共同研究を行っている大学や研究機関の研究者,関連領域の研究を行っている宇宙開発機構やスポーツ科学研究所などの研究者,南極に興味のある一般病院の臨床医など多彩であった. 2004年より昭和基地に導入されたテレビ会議システムを活用して,昭和基地の医師もリアルタイム映像で討論に参加した.また韓国,中国の越冬医師が初めて参加した.これは3カ国の極地研究所による事前の準備と連携により実現した.集会では各国の南極基地の医療状況や医学研究活動が報告され,活発な意見交換がなされた.南極医学医療研究分野におけるアジア連携の端緒となることが期待される.A workshop on Antarctic Medical Research and Medicine 2006 was held at the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) on 26 August, 2006. Forty two participants from 27 institutes attended. The members consist of medical doctors with Antarctic experience, human biologists, research scientists in other fields, logistic staff members of the expedition and also medical doctors interested in Antarctica. The current resident doctor at Syowa Station joined the discussion through a telecommunication system. Doctors with Antarctic experience from China and Korea also participated in the workshop. They gave presentations on their Antarctic activities, followed by an active discussion session. Eighteen presentations were given on various topics, including the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 in medical research, space medicine, telemedicine, an international comparative study of medical operations, psychological surveys, Antarctic high-altitude medicine, Legionella surveillance and nutritional studies

    ショウワキチ ニ オケル エットウタイイン ノ エイヨウ セッシュリョウ ニ ツイテ : ダイ39ジ エットウタイ ノ ショクジ キロク ノ カイセキ

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    第39次越冬隊の医療隊員が、越冬期間中に自分自身の摂取した食事をすべてデジタルカメラで記録した。このデジタルカメラの画像から摂取した食品重量を推定して栄養分析を行った。エネルギー摂取量は日本人の栄養所要量に示される生活活動強度Iのエネルギー所要量よりも若干高値を示したが、1月の摂取量は有意に高値を示した。PFC比からみるとたんぱく質および脂肪の比率が高く、炭水化物比が低い傾向を認めた。特に不足を認めた栄養素はビタミンCと食物繊維とカルシウムで、これらについては食材の確保や保管などの問題が関与すると考えられ、ビタミン剤等による補給の必要性を示すものである。The nutritional supply of wintering personnel at Syowa Station was analyzed throughout the year 1998. Analysis was performed employing digital pictures of food chosen and consumed by one of the station personnel (medical doctor: male) throughout the year. Food consumption was estimated from the pictures, and energy and nutrient consumption were determined using food-content software. The average daily food value was calculated for every month, and compared with the nutritional standard for normal Japanese citizens. Mean energy consumption was significantly higher in January, when outdoor activities were required, and significantly lower in June, when outdoor activities were lower due to the polar night. Protein (P) and fat (F) intake were higher and carbohydrate (C) was less than the Recommended Daily Amounts for Japanese throughout the year. The consumption of Vitamin C was highest in April, and showed lower values after June. Sodium chloride intake showed an increasing trend throughout the year, possibly due to increased use of preserved food. The supply of fiber was about 50% of the recommended amount for Japanese, possibly due to the limited supply of fresh vegetables and fruit

    Workshop on Antarctic medical research and medicine 2007

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    A workshop on Antarctic medical research and medicine 2007 was held on August 25, 2007 at the National Institute of Polar Research in Tokyo. Forty five members from 29 institutes participated in the workshop including doctors from China, Korea and India in addition to Japan. Wintering over doctors currently stationed at Syowa Station also participated in the meeting and made presentations via a telecommunication system. A partial list of the issues discussed included international trends in Antarctic medical research, Asian reports of Antarctic medical activities, high altitude medicine in Antarctica, informed consent and ethical procedure in medical research, Legionella - survey at Antarctic wintering stations, real-time tele-consultation system for Antarctic medicine, rescue operation for brain stroke patients aboard fishing vessels in the Antarctic ocean and arid land medicine

    A Very Elderly Case of Idiopathic Superior Lumbar Hernia Showing Atypical Symptoms

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