1,877 research outputs found

    Earnings Inequalities and Educational Mobility in Brazil over Two Decades

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    This paper studies the impact of changes in educational opportunities on various definitions of labour market inequalities in Brazil over two decades (1976-96). Using four editions of the nationally representative PNAD survey, we analyze the evolution of overall inequalities and inequalities of opportunity in 40-49 year old males’ earnings. We design and implement semiparametric decompositions of the respective effects of (i) schooling expansion, (ii) changes in the structure of earnings, and (iii) changes in intergenerational educational mobility. Earnings inequalities varied little over the period, with a peak in the late 1980s that can be imputed to hyperinflation. First of all, the decompositions show that changes in the distribution of education contributed to the increase in both overall earnings inequalities and inequalities of opportunity among the oldest generations, before sharply reducing them among the post-WWII cohorts. Secondly, the decrease in returns to education also contributed to equalizing labour market opportunities in the 1988-96 period. Thirdly and lastly, the changes in educational mobility were not large enough to significantly affect earnings inequalities, whereas it is shown that they should play a prominent role in equalizing opportunities in the future.Equality of opportunities, Labour market, Inequality decomposition, Brazil

    The Measurement of Educational Inequality: Achievement and Opportunity

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    This paper proposes two related measures of educational inequality: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple variance (or standard deviation) of test scores. Its selection is informed by consideration of two measurement issues that have typically been overlooked in the literature: the implications of the standardization of test scores for inequality indices, and the possible sample selection biases arising from the Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) sampling frame. The measure of inequality of educational opportunity is given by the share of the variance in test scores that is explained by pre-determined circumstances. Both measures are computed for the 57 countries in which PISA surveys were conducted in 2006. Inequality of opportunity accounts for up to 35 percent of all disparities in educational achievement. It is greater in (most of) continental Europe and Latin America than in Asia, Scandinavia, and North America. It is uncorrelated with average educational achievement and only weakly negatively correlated with per capita gross domestic product. It correlates negatively with the share of spending in primary schooling, and positively with tracking in secondary schools.educational inequality, educational achievement, inequality of opportunity

    Angular dependent planar metamagnetism in the hexagonal compounds TbPtIn and TmAgGe

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    Detailed magnetization measurements, M(T,H,theta), were performed on single crystals of TbPtIn and TmAgGe (both members of the hexagonal Fe_2P/ZrNiAl structure type), for the magnetic field H applied perpendicular to the crystallographic c axis. These data allowed us to identify, for each compound, the easy-axes for the magnetization, which coincided with high symmetry directions ([120] for TbPtIn and [110] for TmAgGe). For fixed orientations of the field along each of the two six-fold symmetry axes, a number of magnetically ordered phases is being revealed by M(H,T) measurements below T_N. Moreover, T ~ 2 K, M(H)|_theta measurements for both compounds (with H applied parallel to the basal plane), as well as T = 20 K data for TbPtIn, reveal five metamagnetic transitions with simple angular dependencies: H_{ci,j} ~ 1/cos(theta +/- phi), where phi = 0^0 or 60^0. The high field magnetization state varies with theta like 2/3*mu_{sat}(R^{3+})*cos(theta), and corresponds to a crystal field limited saturated paramagnetic, CL-SPM, state. Analysis of these data allowed us to model the angular dependence of the locally saturated magnetizations M_{sat} and critical fields H_c with a three coplanar Ising-like model, in which the magnetic moments are assumed to be parallel to three adjacent easy axes. Furthermore, net distributions of moments were inferred based on the measured data and the proposed model

    The measurement of educational inequality : achievement and opportunity

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    This paper proposes two related measures of educational inequality: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple variance (or standard deviation) of test scores. Its selection is informed by consideration of two measurement issues that have typically been overlooked in the literature: the implications of the standardization of test scores for inequality indices, and the possible sample selection biases arising from the Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) sampling frame. The measure of inequality of educational opportunity is given by the share of the variance in test scores that is explained by pre-determined circumstances. Both measures are computed for the 57 countries in which PISA surveys were conducted in 2006. Inequality of opportunity accounts for up to 35 percent of all disparities in educational achievement. It is greater in (most of) continental Europe and Latin America than in Asia, Scandinavia, and North America. It is uncorrelated with average educational achievement and only weakly negatively correlated with per capita gross domestic product. It correlates negatively with the share of spending in primary schooling, and positively with tracking in secondary schools.Teaching and Learning,Secondary Education,Education For All,Poverty Impact Evaluation,Tertiary Education

    Radiative transitions in mesons in a non relativistic quark model

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    In the framework of the non relativistic quark model, an exhaustive study of radiative transitions in mesons is performed. The emphasis is put on several points. Some traditional approximations (long wave length limit, non relativistic phase space, dipole approximation for E1 transitions, gaussian wave functions) are analyzed in detail and their effects commented. A complete treatment using three different types of realistic quark-antiquark potential is made. The overall agreement with experimental data is quite good, but some improvements are suggested.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figure

    The measurement of inequality of opportunity : theory and an application to Latin America

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    What part of the inequality observed in a particular country is due to unequal opportunities, rather than to differences in individual efforts or luck? This paper estimates a lower bound for the opportunity share of inequality in labor earnings, household income per capita and household consumption per capita in six Latin American countries. Following John Roemer, the authors associate inequality of opportunity with outcome differences that can be accounted for by morally irrelevant pre-determined circumstances, such as race, gender, place of birth, and family background. Thus defined, unequal opportunities account for between 24 and 50 percent of inequality in consumption expenditure in the sample. Brazil and Central America are more opportunity-unequal than Colombia, Ecuador, or Peru."Opportunity profiles,"which identify the social groups with the most limited opportunity sets, are shown to be distinct from poverty profiles: ethnic origin and the geography of birth are markedly more important as determinants of opportunity deprivation than of outcome poverty, particularly in Brazil, Guatemala, and Peru.Inequality,Rural Poverty Reduction,Access to Finance,Equity and Development,Services&Transfers to Poor

    African traits and conflict of identity in Cumboto

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    SPNS 101.R07: Elementary Spanish I

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    The measurement of educational inequality: Achievement and opportunity

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    This paper proposes two related measures of educational inequality: one for educational achievement and another for educational opportunity. The former is the simple variance (or standard deviation) of test scores. Its selection is informed by consideration of two measurement issues that have typically been overlooked in the literature: the implications of the standardization of test scores for inequality indices, and the possible sample selection biases arising from the Program of International Student Assessment (PISA) sampling frame. The measure of inequality of educational opportunity is given by the share of the variance in test scores that is explained by pre-determined circumstances. Both measures are computed for the 57 countries in which PISA surveys were conducted in 2006. Inequality of opportunity accounts for up to 35 percent of all disparities in educational achievement. It is greater in (most of) continental Europe and Latin America than in Asia, Scandinavia, and North America. It is uncorrelated with average educational achievement and only weakly negatively correlated with per capita gross domestic product. It correlates negatively with the share of spending in primary schooling, and positively with tracking in secondary schools.Educational inequality, educational achievement, inequality of opportunity.

    SPAN 202.01: Intermediate Spanish II

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