52 research outputs found

    A model roseobacter, ruegeria pomeroyi dss-3, employs a diffusible killing mechanism to eliminate competitors

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    The Roseobacter clade is a group of alphaproteobacteria that have diverse metabolic and regulatory capabilities. They are abundant in marine environments and have a substantial role in marine ecology and biogeochemistry. However, interactions between roseobacters and other bacterioplankton have not been extensively explored. In this study, we identify a killing mechanism in the model roseobacter Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 by coculturing it with a group of phylogenetically diverse bacteria. The killing mechanism is diffusible and occurs when cells are grown both on surfaces and in suspension and is dependent on cell density. A screen of random transposon mutants revealed that the killing phenotype, as well as resistance to killing, require genes within an -8-kb putative gamma-butyrolactone synthesis gene cluster, which resembles similar pheromone-sensing systems in actinomycetes that regulate secondary metabolite production, including antimicrobials. Transcriptomics revealed the gene cluster is highly upregulated in wild-type DSS-3 compared to a nonkiller mutant when grown in liquid coculture with a roseobacter target. Our findings show that R. pomeroyi has the capability to eliminate closely and distantly related competitors, providing a mechanism to alter the community structure and function in its native habitats. IMPORTANCE Bacteria carry out critical ecological and biogeochemical processes and form the foundations of ecosystems. Identifying the factors that influence microbial community composition and the functional capabilities encoded within them is key to predicting how microbes impact an ecosystem. Because microorganisms must compete for limited space and nutrients to promote their own propagation, they have evolved diverse mechanisms to outcompete or kill competitors. However, the genes and regulatory strategies that promote such competitive abilities are largely underexplored, particularly in free-living marine bacteria. Here, genetics and omics techniques are used to investigate how a model marine bacterium is capable of quickly eliminating natural competitors in coculture. We determined that a previously uncharacterized horizontally acquired gene cluster is required for this bacterium to kill diverse competitors. This work represents an important step toward understanding the mechanisms bacterial populations can use to become dominant members in marine microbial communities

    Linking activity and function to ecosystem dynamics in a coastal bacterioplankton community

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    For bacterial communities containing hundreds to thousands of distinct populations, connecting functional processes and environmental dynamics at high taxonomic resolution has remained challenging. Here we use the expression of ribosomal proteins (%RP) as a proxy for in situ activity of 200 taxa within 20 metatranscriptomic samples in a coastal ocean time series encompassing both seasonal variability and diel dynamics. %RP patterns grouped the taxa into seven activity clusters with distinct profiles in functional gene expression and correlations with environmental gradients. Clusters 1-3 had their highest potential activity in the winter and fall, and included some of the most active taxa, while Clusters 4-7 had their highest potential activity in the spring and summer. Cluster 1 taxa were characterized by gene expression for motility and complex carbohydrate degradation (dominated by Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes), and Cluster 2 taxa by transcription of genes for amino acid and aromatic compound metabolism and aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy (Roseobacter). Other activity clusters were enriched in transcripts for proteorhodopsin and methylotrophy (Cluster 4; SAR11 and methylotrophs), photosynthesis and attachment (Clusters 5 and 7; Synechococcus, picoeukaryotes, Verucomicrobia, and Planctomycetes), and sulfur oxidation (Cluster 7; Gammaproteobacteria). The seasonal patterns in activity were overlain, and sometimes obscured, by large differences in %RP over shorter day-night timescales. Seventy-eight taxa, many of them heterotrophs, had a higher %RP activity index during the day than night, indicating a strong diel activity rhythm at this coastal site. Emerging from these taxonomically-and time-resolved estimates of in situ microbial activity are predictions of specific ecological groupings of microbial taxa in a dynamic coastal environment

    Bacterial dimethylsulfoniopropionate degradation genes in the oligotrophic North Pacific subtropical gyre

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    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is an organic sulfur compound that is rapidly metabolized by marine bacteria either by cleavage to dimethylsulfide (DMS) or demethylation to 3-methiolpropionate. The abundance and diversity of genes encoding bacterial DMS production (dddP) and demethylation (dmdA) were measured in the North Pacific subtropical gyre (NPSG) between May 2008 and February 2009 at Station ALOHA (22°45=N, 158°00=W) at two depths: 25mand the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM;~100 m). The highest abundance of dmdA genes was in May 2008 at 25 m, with~16.5% of cells harboring a gene in one of the eight subclades surveyed, while the highest abundance of dddP genes was in July 2008 at 25 m, with~2% of cells harboring a gene. The dmdA gene pool was consistently dominated by homologs from SAR11 subclades, which was supported by findings in metagenomic data sets derived from Station ALOHA. Expression of the SAR11 dmdA genes was low, with typical transcript:gene ratios between 1:350 and 1:1,400. The abundance of DMSP genes was statistically different between 25mand the DCM and correlated with a number of environmental variables, including primary production, photosynthetically active radiation, particulate DMSP, and DMS concentrations. At 25 m, dddP abundance was positively correlated with pigments that are diagnostic of diatoms; at the DCM, dmdA abundance was positively correlated with temperature. Based on gene abundance, we hypothesize that SAR11 bacterioplankton dominate DMSP cycling in the oligotrophic NPSG, with lesser but consistent involvement of other members of the bacterioplankton community

    Coastal ocean metagenomes and curated metagenome-assembled genomes from Marsh Landing, Sapelo Island (Georgia, USA)

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    Microbes play a dominant role in the biogeochemistry of coastal waters, which receive organic matter from diverse sources. We present metagenomes and 45 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) from Sapelo Island, Georgia, to further understand coastal microbial populations. Notably, four MAGs are archaea, with two Thaumarchaeota and two marine group II Euryarchaeota

    Para-Aminobenzoic Acid, Calcium, and c-di-GMP Induce Formation of Cohesive, Syp-Polysaccharide-Dependent Biofilms in Vibrio fischeri

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    The marine bacterium Vibrio fischeri efficiently colonizes its symbiotic squid host, Euprymna scolopes, by producing a transient biofilm dependent on the symbiosis polysaccharide (SYP). In vitro, however, wild-type strain ES114 fails to form SYP-dependent biofilms. Instead, genetically engineered strains, such as those lacking the negative regulator BinK, have been developed to study this phenomenon. Historically, V. fischeri has been grown using LBS, a complex medium containing tryptone and yeast extract; supplementation with calcium is required to induce biofilm formation by a binK mutant. Here, through our discovery that yeast extract inhibits biofilm formation, we uncover signals and underlying mechanisms that control V. fischeri biofilm formation. In contrast to its inability to form a biofilm on unsupplemented LBS, a binK mutant formed cohesive, SYP-dependent colony biofilms on tTBS, modified LBS that lacks yeast extract. Moreover, wild-type strain ES114 became proficient to form cohesive, SYP-dependent biofilms when grown in tTBS supplemented with both calcium and the vitamin para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA); neither molecule alone was sufficient, indicating that this phenotype relies on coordinating two cues. pABA/calcium supplementation also inhibited bacterial motility. Consistent with these phenotypes, cells grown in tTBS with pABA/calcium were enriched in transcripts for biofilm-related genes and predicted diguanylate cyclases, which produce the second messenger cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP). They also exhibited elevated levels of c-di-GMP, which was required for the observed phenotypes, as phosphodiesterase overproduction abrogated biofilm formation and partially rescued motility. This work thus provides insight into conditions, signals, and processes that promote biofilm formation by V. fischeri. IMPORTANCE Bacteria integrate environmental signals to regulate gene expression and protein production to adapt to their surroundings. One such behavioral adaptation is the formation of a biofilm, which can promote adherence and colonization and provide protection against antimicrobials. Identifying signals that trigger biofilm formation and the underlying mechanism(s) of action remain important and challenging areas of investigation. Here, we determined that yeast extract, commonly used for growth of bacteria in laboratory culture, inhibits biofilm formation by Vibrio fischeri, a model bacterium used for investigating host-relevant biofilm formation. Omitting yeast extract from the growth medium led to the identification of an unusual signal, the vitamin para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA), that when added together with calcium could induce biofilm formation. pABA increased the concentrations of the second messenger, c-di-GMP, which was necessary but not sufficient to induce biofilm formation. This work thus advances our understanding of signals and signal integration controlling bacterial biofilm formation

    Microbial Niche Diversification in the Galápagos Archipelago and Its Response to El Niño

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    The Galápagos Archipelago is located at the intersection of several major oceanographic features that produce diverse environmental conditions around the islands, and thus has the potential to serve as a natural laboratory for discerning the underlying environmental factors that structure marine microbial communities. Here we used quantitative metagenomics to characterize microbial communities in relation to archipelago marine habitats, and how those populations shift due to substantial environmental changes brought on by El Niño. Environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity, inorganic dissolved nutrients, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations varied throughout the archipelago, revealing a diversity of potential microbial niches arising from upwelling, oligotrophic to eutrophic gradients, physical isolation, and potential island mass effects. The volumetric abundances of microbial community members shifted with these environmental changes and revealed several taxonomic indicators of different water masses. This included a transition from a Synechococcus dominated system in the west to an even mix of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in the east, mirroring the archipelago’s mesotrophic to oligotrophic and productivity gradients. Several flavobacteria groups displayed characteristic habitat distributions, including enrichment of Polaribacter and Tenacibaculum clades in the relatively nutrient rich western waters, Leeuwenhoekiella spp. that were enriched in the more nutrient-deplete central and eastern sites, and the streamlined MS024-2A group found to be abundant across all sites. During the 2015/16 El Niño event, both environmental conditions and microbial community composition were substantially altered, primarily on the western side of the archipelago due to the reduction of upwelling from the Equatorial Undercurrent. When the upwelling resumed, concentrations of inorganic nutrients and DOC at the western surface sites were more typical of mesopelagic depths. Correspondingly, Synechococcus abundances decreased by an order of magnitude, while groups associated with deeper water masses were enriched, including streamlined roseobacters HTCC2255 and HIMB11, Thioglobacaceae, methylotrophs (Methylophilaceae), archaea (Nitrosopumilaceae), and distinct subpopulations of Pelagibaceriales (SAR11 clade). These results provide a quantitative framework to connect community-wide microbial volumetric abundances to their environmental drivers, and thus incorporation into biogeochemical and ecological models

    Draft genome sequence of a harveyi clade bacterium isolated from lolliguncula brevis squid

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    Vibrio species of the Harveyi clade are commonly found in free-living and host-associated marine habitats. Here, we report the draft genome sequence for a Harveyi clade bacterium, Vibrio sp. strain LB10LO1, which was isolated from the Atlantic brief squid Lolliguncula brevis

    Microbially-mediated transformations of estuarine dissolved organic matter

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    Microbially-mediated transformations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a marsh-dominated estuarine system were investigated at the molecular level using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry. In addition to observing spatial and temporal variability in DOM sources in the estuary, multiple incubations with endogenous microorganisms identified the influence of DOM composition on biodegradation. A clear microbial preference for degradation of compounds associated with marine DOM relative to those of terrestrial origin was observed, resulting in an overall shift of the remaining DOM toward a stronger terrigenous signature. During short, 1-day long incubations of samples rich in marine DOM, the molecular formulae that were enriched had slightly smaller mass (20-30 Da) and number of carbon atoms compared to the molecular formulae that were depleted. Over longer time scales (70 days), the mean differences in molecular mass between formulae that were depleted and enriched were substantially larger (~270 Da). The differences in elemental composition over daily time scales were consistent with transformations in functional groups; over longer time scales, the differences in elemental composition may be related to progressive transformations of functional groups of intermediate products and/or other reactions. Our results infused new data toward the understanding of DOM processing by bacterioplankton in estuarine systems

    Protistan plankton communities in the Galápagos Archipelago respond to changes in deep water masses resulting from the 2015/16 El Niño

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    The Galápagos Archipelago lies within the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean at the convergence of major ocean currents that are subject to changes in circulation. The nutrient-rich Equatorial Undercurrent upwells from the west onto the Galápagos platform, stimulating primary production, but this source of deep water weakens during El Niño events. Based on measurements from repeat cruises, the 2015/16 El Niño was associated with declines in phytoplankton biomass at most sites throughout the archipelago and reduced utilization of nitrate, particularly in large-sized phytoplankton in the western region. Protistan assemblages were identified by sequencing the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene. Dinoflagellates, chlorophytes and diatoms dominated most sites. Shifts in dinoflagellate communities were most apparent between the years; parasitic dinoflagellates, Syndiniales, were highly detected during the El Niño (2015) while the dinoflagellate genus, Gyrodinium, increased at many sites during the neutral period (2016). Variations in protistan communities were most strongly correlated with changes in subthermocline water density. These findings indicate that marine protistan communities in this region are regimented by deep water mass sources and thus could be profoundly affected by altered ocean circulation

    Mosaic patterns of B-vitamin synthesis and utilization in a natural marine microbial community

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    Aquatic environments contain large communities of microorganisms whose synergistic interactions mediate the cycling of major and trace nutrients, including vitamins. B-vitamins are essential coenzymes that many organisms cannot synthesize. Thus, their exchange among de novo synthesizers and auxotrophs is expected to play an important role in the microbial consortia and explain some of the temporal and spatial changes observed in diversity. In this study, we analyzed metatranscriptomes of a natural marine microbial community, diel sampled quarterly over one year to try to identify the potential major B-vitamin synthesizers and consumers. Transcriptomic data showed that the best-represented taxa dominated the expression of synthesis genes for some B-vitamins but lacked transcripts for others. For instance, Rhodobacterales dominated the expression of vitamin-B12 synthesis, but not of vitamin-B7, whose synthesis transcripts were mainly represented by Flavobacteria. In contrast, bacterial groups that constituted less than 4% of the community (e.g., Verrucomicrobia) accounted for most of the vitamin-B1 synthesis transcripts. Furthermore, ambient vitamin-B1 concentrations were higher in samples collected during the day, and were positively correlated with chlorophyll-a concentrations. Our analysis supports the hypothesis that the mosaic of metabolic interdependencies through B-vitamin synthesis and exchange are key processes that contribute to shaping microbial communities in nature