713 research outputs found

    Geothermal Casimir Phenomena

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    We present first worldline analytical and numerical results for the nontrivial interplay between geometry and temperature dependencies of the Casimir effect. We show that the temperature dependence of the Casimir force can be significantly larger for open geometries (e.g., perpendicular plates) than for closed geometries (e.g., parallel plates). For surface separations in the experimentally relevant range, the thermal correction for the perpendicular-plates configuration exhibits a stronger parameter dependence and exceeds that for parallel plates by an order of magnitude at room temperature. This effect can be attributed to the fact that the fluctuation spectrum for closed geometries is gapped, inhibiting the thermal excitation of modes at low temperatures. By contrast, open geometries support a thermal excitation of the low-lying modes in the gapless spectrum already at low temperatures.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, contribution to QFEXT07 proceedings, v2: discussion switched from Casimir energy to Casimir force, new analytical results included, matches JPhysA versio

    On the orbital and physical parameters of the HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1 binary system

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    In this paper we explore the consequences of the recent determination of the mass m=(8.7 +/- 0.8)M_Sun of Cygnus X-1, obtained from the Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO)-photon index correlation scaling, on the orbital and physical properties of the binary system HDE 226868/Cygnus X-1. By using such a result and the latest spectroscopic optical data of the HDE 226868 supergiant star we get M=(24 +/- 5)M_Sun for its mass. It turns out that deviations from the third Kepler law significant at more than 1-sigma level would occur if the inclination i of the system's orbital plane to the plane of the sky falls outside the range 41-56 deg: such deviations cannot be due to the first post-Newtonian (1PN) correction to the orbital period because of its smallness; interpreted in the framework of the Newtonian theory of gravitation as due to the stellar quadrupole mass moment Q, they are unphysical because Q would take unreasonably large values. By conservatively assuming that the third Kepler law is an adequate model for the orbital period we obtain i=(48 +/- 7) deg which yields for the relative semimajor axis a=(42 +/- 9)R_Sun. Our estimate for the Roche's lobe of HDE 226868 is r_M = (21 +/- 6)R_Sun.Comment: Latex2e, 7 pages, 1 table, 4 figures. To appear in ApSS (Astrophysics and Space Science

    Gauge Invariant Cutoff QED

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    A hidden generalized gauge symmetry of a cutoff QED is used to show the renormalizability of QED. In particular, it is shown that corresponding Ward identities are valid all along the renormalization group flow. The exact Renormalization Group flow equation corresponding to the effective action of a cutoff lambda phi^4 theory is also derived. Generalization to any gauge group is indicated.Comment: V1: 18 pages, 2 figures; V2: Discussions improved. Version accepted for publication in Physica Script

    Multi-epoch Near-Infrared Interferometry of the Spatially Resolved Disk Around the Be Star Zeta Tau

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    We present interferometric observations of the Be star Zeta Tau obtained using the MIRC beam combiner at the CHARA Array. We resolved the disk during four epochs in 2007-2009. We fit the data with a geometric model to characterize the circumstellar disk as a skewed elliptical Gaussian and the central Be star as a uniform disk. The visibilities reveal a nearly edge-on disk with a FWHM major axis of ~ 1.8 mas in the H-band. The non-zero closure phases indicate an asymmetry within the disk. Interestingly, when combining our results with previously published interferometric observations of Zeta Tau, we find a correlation between the position angle of the disk and the spectroscopic V/R ratio, suggesting that the tilt of the disk is precessing. This work is part of a multi-year monitoring campaign to investigate the development and outward motion of asymmetric structures in the disks of Be stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. 27 pages, 7 Figure

    Coherence properties of the two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We present a detailed finite-temperature Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) treatment of the two-dimensional trapped Bose gas. We highlight the numerical methods required to obtain solutions to the HFB equations within the Popov approximation, the derivation of which we outline. This method has previously been applied successfully to the three-dimensional case and we focus on the unique features of the system which are due to its reduced dimensionality. These can be found in the spectrum of low-lying excitations and in the coherence properties. We calculate the Bragg response and the coherence length within the condensate in analogy with experiments performed in the quasi-one-dimensional regime [Richard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 010405 (2003)] and compare to results calculated for the one-dimensional case. We then make predictions for the experimental observation of the quasicondensate phase via Bragg spectroscopy in the quasi-two-dimensional regime.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Towards a renormalizable standard model without fundamental Higgs scalar

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    We investigate the possibility of constructing a renormalizable standard model with purely fermionic matter content. The Higgs scalar is replaced by point-like fermionic self-interactions with couplings growing large at the Fermi scale. An analysis of the UV behavior in the point-like approximation reveals a variety of non-Gaussian fixed points for the fermion couplings. If real, such fixed points would imply nonperturbative renormalizability and evade triviality of the Higgs sector. For point-like fermionic self-interactions and weak gauge couplings, one encounters a hierarchy problem similar to the one for a fundamental Higgs scalar.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Soliton solutions in an effective action for SU(2) Yang-Mills theory: including effects of higher-derivative term

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    The Skyrme-Faddeev-Niemi (SFN) model which is an O(3) σ\sigma model in three dimensional space upto fourth-order in the first derivative is regarded as a low-energy effective theory of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. One can show from the Wilsonian renormalization group argument that the effective action of Yang-Mills theory recovers the SFN in the infrared region. However, the thoery contains an additional fourth-order term which destabilizes the soliton solution. In this paper, we derive the second derivative term perturbatively and show that the SFN model with the second derivative term possesses soliton solutions.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Effective action for the order parameter of the deconfinement transition of Yang-Mills theories

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    The effective action for the Polyakov loop serving as an order parameter for deconfinement is obtained in one-loop approximation to second order in a derivative expansion. The calculation is performed in d≥4d\geq 4 dimensions, mostly referring to the gauge group SU(2). The resulting effective action is only capable of describing a deconfinement phase transition for d>dcr≃7.42d>d_{\text{cr}}\simeq 7.42. Since, particularly in d=4d=4, the system is strongly governed by infrared effects, it is demonstrated that an additional infrared scale such as an effective gluon mass can change the physical properties of the system drastically, leading to a model with a deconfinement phase transition.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, minor improvements, version to appear in PR

    Asymptotically free scalar curvature-ghost coupling in Quantum Einstein Gravity

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    We consider the asymptotic-safety scenario for quantum gravity which constructs a non-perturbatively renormalisable quantum gravity theory with the help of the functional renormalisation group. We verify the existence of a non-Gaussian fixed point and include a running curvature-ghost coupling as a first step towards the flow of the ghost sector of the theory. We find that the scalar curvature-ghost coupling is asymptotically free and RG relevant in the ultraviolet. Most importantly, the property of asymptotic safety discovered so far within the Einstein-Hilbert truncation and beyond remains stable under the inclusion of the ghost flow.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, RevTe
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