11 research outputs found

    Atheism and discrimination in the face of contemporary changes in the world

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    The aim of this article is to present the situation of atheists around the world in the face of political and cultural changes in the world due to the increase in religious radicalism, particularly Islamic one, migration and terrorism. The article is of an illustrative character and presents the review of English literature in the scope of the discussed subject matter. Furthermore, the results of the latest global reports on prevalence of atheism in the world and the phenomenon of discrimination against persons not identifying with any faith: atheists, humanists or freethinkers were presented. The results of the selected, recent studies on the social perception of atheists and the phenomena of discrimination against them were shown. Another raised issue was the new social movement called New Atheism widespread mainly in the countries of the Western culture that in the future can constitute a new social and political challenge. Conclusions: Between 2005 and 2012 the number of atheists increased by 3% and currently they constitute 13% of the population of the world, while the percentage of religious people decreased by 9%. Atheists like other minority groups are discriminated against and their situation is dependent on the country in which they live. However, the vast majority of countries in the world violates the rights of persons identifying themselves as atheists. Still, in some countries, the declaration of atheism is forbidden, and in 13 countries the death penalty can be imposed.The aim of this article is to present the situation of atheists around the world in the face of political and cultural changes in the world due to the increase in religious radicalism, particularly Islamic one, migration and terrorism. The article is of an illustrative character and presents the review of English literature in the scope of the discussed subject matter. Furthermore, the results of the latest global reports on prevalence of atheism in the world and the phenomenon of discrimination against persons not identifying with any faith: atheists, humanists or freethinkers were presented. The results of the selected, recent studies on the social perception of atheists and the phenomena of discrimination against them were shown. Another raised issue was the new social movement called New Atheism widespread mainly in the countries of the Western culture that in the future can constitute a new social and political challenge. Conclusions: Between 2005 and 2012 the number of atheists increased by 3% and currently they constitute 13% of the population of the world, while the percentage of religious people decreased by 9%. Atheists like other minority groups are discriminated against and their situation is dependent on the country in which they live. However, the vast majority of countries in the world violates the rights of persons identifying themselves as atheists. Still, in some countries, the declaration of atheism is forbidden, and in 13 countries the death penalty can be imposed

    The knowledge and the attitude of students from the selected Lublin’s universities towards the influenza vaccination

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    Among all of the infectious diseases, it is influenza that affects the most people. The high infectiousness is it’s characteristic, therefore people fall ill to it, regardless of age or gender. When it comes to the flu illness, the highest risk group are children and people over 65.The airways’ infection caused by the flu virus is a serious health issue all around the world, causing 3-5 millions of clinical infections and 250-500 thousands deaths per year

    The improvement of medical services as an essential component of changes to the medical care system

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    The high quality of the medical services, it’s constant improvement and custom approach to the patients needs stand as one of the most important issues of modern healthcare. The patient, being beneficiary, shapes the market of health services through expressing his opinions and expectations. The exclusion of their feedback during management might lead to the loss of reputation on the medical services market. The term “quality”, same as “health” is subjective. Defining quality will depend on experience, knowledge, demands, and expectations of the clients. The aim of the article is to survey the patients’ opinions and expectations towards the quality of healthcare services. The patients expect the constant improvement of that quality during ongoing changes to the healthcare system. They place it very high on their priorities' list. To them quality equals security and medical professionalism. The nature of providing medical services entails that higher quality demand are not possible to meet without overall improvement of how the patients are taken care of

    Medical 3D printing – the future is here

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    Introduction: Continuous advances in polymer development and thriving 3D printing methods enable us to reproduce components with exceptional print precision and ensure material biocompatibility under sterile conditions. All this comes down to the fact that the resulting prints better fulfill their roles in the world of medicine and enable patients to recover faster. This precision translates into the main advantage of 3D printing, i.e. personalisation of models with perfectly reproduced structures of a given patient based on CT or MRI tests. At the same time, these prints can be used for didactic purposes by medical students from the very beginning of their professional career, which in the future will make it much easier to perform difficult and complicated operations. Aim of the study: Presentation of the application and positive aspects of 3D printing in medicine. Summary: 3D printing is a permanent feature on the pages of modern medicine. Thanks to it we get to know the personalized morphology of given structures, we more accurately prepare ourselves for the procedure and more often prevent probable complications, and our medical staff receives another dose of knowledge, which they translate into the profession. Conclusions: Training on perfectly reproduced copies printed in 3D can certainly attest to the high qualifications of specialist doctors. The use of widely understood 3D printing technique in medicine is slowly becoming commonplace

    Ateizm i dyskryminacja w obliczu współczesnych zmian na świecie

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    The aim of this article is to present the situation of atheists around the world in the face of political and cultural changes in the world due to the increase in religious radicalism, particularly Islamic one, migration and terrorism. The article is of an illustrative character and presents the review of English literature in the scope of the discussed subject matter. Furthermore, the results of the latest global reports on prevalence of atheism in the world and the phenomenon of discrimination against persons not identifying with any faith: atheists, humanists or freethinkers were presented. The results of the selected, recent studies on the social perception of atheists and the phenomena of discrimination against them were shown. Another raised issue was the new social movement called New Atheism widespread mainly in the countries of the Western culture that in the future can constitute a new social and political challenge.The aim of this article is to present the situation of atheists around the world in the face of political and cultural changes in the world due to the increase in religious radicalism, particularly Islamic one, migration and terrorism. The article is of an illustrative character and presents the review of English literature in the scope of the discussed subject matter. Furthermore, the results of the latest global reports on prevalence of atheism in the world and the phenomenon of discrimination against persons not identifying with any faith: atheists, humanists or freethinkers were presented. The results of the selected, recent studies on the social perception of atheists and the phenomena of discrimination against them were shown. Another raised issue was the new social movement called New Atheism widespread mainly in the countries of the Western culture that in the future can constitute a new social and political challenge

    Logopedist role in childhood cerebral palsy – case report

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    This is a case study of a 5 years old girl, born as a premature child (27 weeks of pregnancy - extreme prematurity) with a very low birth weight and diagnosed with childhood cerebral palsy and drug-resistant epilepsy. In physical examination was shown: increased thoracic kyphosis, lopsidedness, contracted thoracic muscles, sciatica shin, hip-lumbar muscles, lower limbs in internal rotation. Girl should not be self-service and requires the help of a second person. She is circulatory efficient. She has also limb paresis, sensory disorders, perception, speech development disorders and eye damage.The girl has undergone logopedic therapy. Initially, the adaptation to the new environment and speech therapist was very hard. The observations, help in various situations and various games have made the therapy successful. During the therapy, it was noticed that the girl was sitting incorrectly. The parents also reported problems with acceptance of louder sounds and music (confirmed by the therapist and psychologist), which, however, improves during the therapy. Body motor skills in the described patient is very weak. Since the beginning of the therapy, a full logopedic examination was conducted and specialist tests were performed, which were evaluated on the basis of established scales. The girl is also under physiotherapist's care. The evaluation of the course of therapy shows the progress, and on the basis of the results of examinations and observations, a plan of further therapy has been prepared

    The Internet as a source of information on health and disease

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    The Internet has become a significant factor influencing the public health area. It contributes to higher awareness of the health problems in the society and to the greater self-reliance of the patients, it helps to carry out the health promotion campaigns and health education with more effectiveness. Having at our disposal an enormous reserves of specialized knowledge, we become more and more aware patients. One of the most frequent usages of the Internet in the context of one’s health is searching for the medical information – whether it is for the diagnosis, finding the proper form of treatment, looking into the opinion of given specialist, make an appointment with a doctor, collect the results of examinations and so on. The Internet has become one of the most important sources of medical information, and the information on health. However, it also poses a certain threats to the health. It may be used to propagate disadvantageous or even dangerous behaviours, to distribute the addictive or other harmful substances, to promote substances of alleged healthy effectiveness, and to spread untested methods of treatment that is contradictory with modern medical knowledge

    Non-surgical methods for the correction of the hump and the tip of the nose

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    Introduction: It can be said that the nose is the most characteristic element of every face. It occupies one third of the middle part of the face. For this reason, it is very important in creating face profile. In addition, its distortions are important due to the aesthetic appearance of the face, which in turn can significantly affect the personal and professional life of a person. In aesthetic medicine, mainly non-surgical methods of correction of the hump and the tip of the nose are preferred. For this purpose, special substances called hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin are used. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to present non-surgical methods of correction of the hump and the tip of the nose. Materials and methods: The research method is an analysis of the literature on the subject of contemporary trends in aesthetic medicine. Conclusions: In conclusion, it should be stated that the use of hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin allows you to quickly achieve the effect without having to undergo a complicated surgery. In addition, these are solutions with a much lower risk than in the case of surgical methods. Key words: nose, hyaluronic acid, botulinum toxi

    Ocena dostępności dawców koncentratów krwinek płytkowych o oznaczonych antygenach leukocytarnych i płytkowych dla pacjentów z przeciwciałami anty-HLA i/lub anty-HPA

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    Clinical efficacy of PC transfusions in patients immunized with Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) and/or Human Platelet Antigens (HPA) can be improved by relying on platelets from donors typed for HPA and/or HLA. A specific group of PC recipients are newborns with alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) resulting from maternal alloimmunization during pregnancy against specific fetal platelet antigens HPA (especially HPA-1a) produced by the mother as a result of fetomaternal HPA incompatibility. The study aim was to assess the demand and availability for HPA/HLA typed donors in Poland. Outcome of a survey distributed to 23 Polish blood transfusion centers (CKiK) supplemented by data acquired in direct contact (phone) revealed that: 1/ demand for PCs from donors with HLA and/or HPA typed antigens was reported in 7/23 (33.3%) CKiK; 2 / over a 1.5 year period, 1 788 PCs were prepared for patients with anti-HLA- antibodies, 63 PCs for patients with anti-HPA-antibodies and 58 PCs - for patients with anti-HLA and anti-HPA antibodies. FNAIT neonates were transfused with 35 PCs from register donors and 176 PCs from casual donors; 3 / in 13/23 CKiK (61.9%) PC selection for immunized patients was mainly based on crossmatching in LCT; 4 / registers report of 12,885 donors typed for HLA Class I antigens including 417 donors typed for HPA; 5 / nation-wide there are 133 HPA-1a negative donors available for immunized patients; they were selected after typing of 5 872 donors; The number of HPA/HLA typed donors for immunized patients is insufficient. as compared to other countries. Moreover, the demand for registered donors is steadily growing due to expension of FNAIT diagnostics currently performed at the Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine (IHiT) but also in the laboratories of CKiK. One of the responsibilities of the blood transfusion service is to provide PCs for immunized patients.Wstęp. Skuteczność przetoczeń koncentratów krwinek płytkowych (KKP) u pacjentów uodpornionych antygenami HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) i/lub HPA (Human Platelet Antigens) można zwiększyć, stosując KKP od dawców nieposiadających antygenów, do których pacjent wytworzył przeciwciała anty-HLA i/lub anty-HPA. Szczególną grupę biorców KKP stanowią noworodki z alloimmunologiczną małopłytkowością płodowo-noworodkową (AIMPN), wynikającą z niszczenia płytek dziecka przez matczyne przeciwciała skierowane do antygenów płytek (szczególnie HPA-1a), które matka tworzy z powodu konfliktu płytkowego. W krajach wysoko rozwiniętych dla pacjentów zimmunizowanych dostępni są dawcy o oznaczonych antygenach HLA i HPA.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena zapotrzebowania i dostępności takich dawców w Polsce na podstawie wyników ankiety rozesłanej do 23 Centrów Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa (CKiK) oraz dodatkowych informacji ustnych uzyskanych z CKiK.Wyniki. Wyniki uzyskane z 21 CKiK wykazały, że:1) zapotrzebowania na KKP od dawców z oznaczonymi antygenami HLA i/lub HPA zgłoszono do 7/21 (33,3%) CKiK; 2) w skali całego kraju w ciągu 1,5 roku przygotowano: 1788 KKP dla pacjentów z przeciwciałami anty-HLA, 63 KKP dla pacjentów z anty-HPA, 58 KKP dla pacjentów z anty-HLA i anty-HPA; dla noworodków z AIMPN przygotowano 35 KKP od dawców bez antygenu, do którego były skierowane przeciwciała u matki i 176 KKP pochodzących od dawców przypadkowych; 3) w 13/21 (61,9%) CKiK dobór dawców KKP dla pacjentów zimmunizowanych odbywa się głównie na podstawie próby krzyżowej w teście limfocytotoksycznym (LCT); 4) rejestry dawców z oznaczonymi antygenami HLA klasy I zawierają dane 12 885 osób, u 417 z nich zbadano antygeny HPA; 5) w skali kraju do przetoczeń dla pacjentów zimmunizowanych antygenami HPA dostępnychjest 133 dawców HPA-1a ujemnych, wyselekcjonowanych na podstawie badań 5872 dawców. Wnioski. W Polsce, w porównaniu z innymi krajami, liczba dawców z oznaczonymi antygenami HLA i/lub HPA dla pacjentów zimmunizowanych jest niewystarczająca. Ponadto zapotrzebowanie na dawców z rejestru ciągle rośnie dzięki rozwojowi diagnostyki AIMPN wykonywanej nie tylko w Instytucie Hematologii i Transuzjologii (IHiT), ale także w laboratoriach CKiK. Pion krwiodawstwa jest zobowiązany do zabezpieczenia dostępności dawców KKP przeznaczonych dla pacjentów uodpornionych