34 research outputs found

    Single nucleotide polymorphism rs11614913 associated with CC genotype in miR-196a2 is overrepresented in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma, but not salivary gland tumors in Polish population

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    The miRNA-196a2 has shown significance in the development of various neoplasms, including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The oncogenic functionality of this miRNA is mediated via its potential to target annexin A1 mRNA, a tumor suppressor gene involved in inhibition of the NF-kappa B pathway. Interestingly, recent data indicate a susceptibility for aforementioned neoplasms in patients with the CC genotype vs the CT and TT genotypes of the rs11614913 SNP located within the DNA sequence of the miR-196a2 that results in elevated expression of the gene. To further investigate this phenomenon, we genotyped this SNP in 40 patients with laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC), the most common tumor of the head and neck region and 60 patients with salivary gland tumors (SGT) that show a yet unexplained incidence increase in the last two decades. In agreement with previous reports, we have identified a statistically significant (p < 0.05) overrepresentation of the CC genotype in LSCC patients and demonstrated in LSCC cell lines that it results in elevated expression of miR-196a2 as compared to cell lines with the TT genotype of the respective SNP. Importantly, none of these correlations was found in patients with SGT. These findings underline the importance of the SNP rs11614913 for LSCC development in the Polish population and moreover highlight the different genetic background of the two studied neoplasms of the head and neck region

    Assessing Various Control Samples for Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Selection of optimal control samples is crucial in expression profiling tumor samples. To address this issue, we performed microarray expression profiling of control samples routinely used in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma studies: human bronchial and tracheal epithelial cells, squamous cells obtained by laser uvulopalatoplasty and tumor surgical margins. We compared the results using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering versus tumor samples and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. A general observation from our study is that the analyzed cohorts separated according to two dominant factors: "malignancy", which separated controls from malignant samples and "cell culture-microenvironment" which reflected the differences between cultured and non-cultured samples. In conclusion, we advocate the use of cultured epithelial cells as controls for gene expression profiling of cancer cell lines. In contrast, comparisons of gene expression profiles of cancer cell lines versus surgical margin controls should be treated with caution, whereas fresh frozen surgical margins seem to be appropriate for gene expression profiling of tumor samples.</p

    Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines show high tolerance for siRNA-mediated CDK1 knockdown

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    Alterations of the cell cycle checkpoints lead to uncontrolled cell growth and result in tumorigenesis. One of the genes essential for cell proliferation and cell cycle regulation is CDK1. This makes it a potential target in cancer therapy. In our previous study we have shown upregulation of this gene in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Here we analyze the impact of siRNA-mediated CDK1 knockdown on cell proliferation and viability, measured with cell growth monitoring and colorimetric test (CCK8 assay), respectively. We proved that a reduction of CDK1 expression by more than 50% has no effect on these cellular processes in LSCC cell lines (n=2). Moreover, using microarrays, we analyzed global gene expression deregulation in these cell lines after CDK1 knockdown. We searched for enriched ontologies in the group of identified 137 differentially expressed genes (>2-fold change). Within this group we found 3 enriched pathways: protein binding (GO:0005515), mitotic nuclear division (GO:0007067) and transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway (GO:0007169) and a group of 11 genes encoding proteins for which interaction with CDK1 was indicated with the use of bioinformatic tools. Among these genes we propose three: CDK6, CALD1 and FYN as potentially dependent on CDK1

    Loss of the MAF Transcription Factor in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    MAF is a transcription factor that may act either as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogene, depending on cell type. We have shown previously that the overexpressed miR-1290 influences MAF protein levels in LSCC (laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma) cell lines. In this study, we shed further light on the interaction between miR-1290 and MAF, as well as on cellular MAF protein localization in LSCC. We confirmed the direct interaction between miR-1290 and MAF 3'UTR by a dual-luciferase reporter assay. In addition, we used immunohistochemistry staining to analyze MAF protein distribution and observed loss of MAF nuclear expression in 58% LSCC samples, of which 10% showed complete absence of MAF, compared to nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression in 100% normal mucosa. Using TCGA data, bisulfite pyrosequencing and CNV analysis, we excluded the possibility that loss-of-function mutations, promoter region DNA methylation or CNV are responsible for MAF loss in LSCC. Finally, we identified genes involved in the regulation of apoptosis harboring the MAF binding motif in their promoter region by applied FIMO and DAVID GO analysis. Our results highlight the role of miR-1290 in suppressing MAF expression in LSCC. Furthermore, MAF loss or mislocalization in FFPE LSCC tumor samples might suggest that MAF acts as a LSCC tumor suppressor by regulating apoptosis.</p

    TNFAIP3 (A20) is a tumor suppressor gene in Hodgkin lymphoma and primary mediastinal B cell lymphoma

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    Proliferation and survival of Hodgkin and Reed/Sternberg (HRS) cells, the malignant cells of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), are dependent on constitutive activation of nuclear factor ÎșB (NF-ÎșB). NF-ÎșB activation through various stimuli is negatively regulated by the zinc finger protein A20. To determine whether A20 contributes to the pathogenesis of cHL, we sequenced TNFAIP3, encoding A20, in HL cell lines and laser-microdissected HRS cells from cHL biopsies. We detected somatic mutations in 16 out of 36 cHLs (44%), including missense mutations in 2 out of 16 Epstein-Barr virus–positive (EBV+) cHLs and a missense mutation, nonsense mutations, and frameshift-causing insertions or deletions in 14 out of 20 EBV− cHLs. In most mutated cases, both TNFAIP3 alleles were inactivated, including frequent chromosomal deletions of TNFAIP3. Reconstitution of wild-type TNFAIP3 in A20-deficient cHL cell lines revealed a significant decrease in transcripts of selected NF-ÎșB target genes and caused cytotoxicity. Extending the mutation analysis to primary mediastinal B cell lymphoma (PMBL), another lymphoma with constitutive NF-ÎșB activity, revealed destructive mutations in 5 out of 14 PMBLs (36%). This report identifies TNFAIP3 (A20), a key regulator of NF-ÎșB activity, as a novel tumor suppressor gene in cHL and PMBL. The significantly higher frequency of TNFAIP3 mutations in EBV− than EBV+ cHL suggests complementing functions of TNFAIP3 inactivation and EBV infection in cHL pathogenesis

    Focal structural variants revealed by whole genome sequencing disrupt the histone demethylase KDM4C in B cell lymphomas

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    Histone methylation-modifiers, like EZH2 and KMT2D, are recurrently altered in B-cell lymphomas. To comprehensively describe the landscape of alterations affecting genes encoding histone methylation-modifiers in lymphomagenesis we investigated whole genome and transcriptome data of 186 mature B-cell lymphomas sequenced in the ICGC MMML-Seq project. Besides confirming common alterations of KMT2D (47% of cases), EZH2 (17%), SETD1B (5%), PRDM9 (4%), KMT2C (4%), and SETD2 (4%) also identified by prior exome or RNAseq studies, we here unravel KDM4C in chromosome 9p24, encoding a histone demethylase, to be recurrently altered. Focal structural variation was the main mechanism of KDM4C alterations, which was independent from 9p24 amplification. We identified KDM4C alterations also in lymphoma cell lines including a focal homozygous deletion in a classical Hodgkin lymphoma cell line. By integrating RNAseq and genome sequencing data we predict KDM4C structural variants to result in loss-of-function. By functional reconstitution studies in cell lines, we provide evidence that KDM4C can act as tumor suppressor. Thus, we show that identification of structural variants in whole genome sequencing data adds to the comprehensive description of the mutational landscape of lymphomas and, moreover, establish KDM4C as putative tumor suppressive gene recurrently altered in subsets of B-cell derived lymphomas

    Molekularna charakterystyka uszkodzeƄ chromosomów w liniach komórkowych chƂoniaka Hodgkina oraz pƂaskonabƂonkowego raka krtani

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    Z molekularnego punktu widzenia zarĂłwno etap inicjacji, jak i progresji procesu nowotworowego charakteryzuje nadekspresja onkogenĂłw i obniĆŒenie (brak) ekspresji genĂłw supresji nowotworowej. Zmiany ekspresji onkogenĂłw i genĂłw supresorowych nie dotyczą caƂej ich puli, ale wykazują swoistoƛć wobec typu nowotworu oraz etapu onkogenezy (rozwoju nowotworu). PrawidƂowoƛć ta wymaga jednak wielu badaƄ szczegóƂowych. Celem pracy doktorskiej byƂo pogƂębienie wiedzy na temat przebiegu pƂaskonabƂonkowego raka krtani i chƂoniaka Hodgkina poprzez wskazanie nowych, dotychczas nieopisanych w literaturze genĂłw supresji nowotworowej inaktywowanych w przebiegu tych nowotworĂłw. Dokonano wyboru dwĂłch stosunkowo rĂłĆŒnych chorĂłb nowotworowych, dostrzegając w nich ewidentne podobieƄstwo polegające na wysokim poziomie niestabilnoƛci chromosomowej, prowadzącym z kolei do duĆŒej liczy aberracji chromosomowych. Skomplikowany obraz cytogenetyczny obu nowotworĂłw z mnogoƛcią delecji, amplifi kacji i translokacji, sugeruje potencjalną obecnoƛć takĆŒe mniejszych aberracji, jakimi są delecje homozygotyczne mogące powodować inaktywację genĂłw, w tym genĂłw supresji nowotworowej. Istnieje szereg doniesieƄ dowodzących, ĆŒe częstym mechanizmem inaktywacji genĂłw supresji nowotworowej są wƂaƛnie delecje homozygotyczne. Historycznie, większoƛć klasycznych genĂłw supresji nowotworowej, takich jak CDKN2A (p16) czy RB1, zostaƂa odkryta wƂaƛnie dzięki identyfi kacji delecji homozygotycznych w genomach komĂłrek nowotworowych

    hsa-miR-299-5p - a new tumor suppressor in LSCC

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    Assessing Various Control Samples for Microarray Gene Expression Profiling of Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Selection of optimal control samples is crucial in expression profiling tumor samples. To address this issue, we performed microarray expression profiling of control samples routinely used in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma studies: human bronchial and tracheal epithelial cells, squamous cells obtained by laser uvulopalatoplasty and tumor surgical margins. We compared the results using multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering versus tumor samples and laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. A general observation from our study is that the analyzed cohorts separated according to two dominant factors: “malignancy”, which separated controls from malignant samples and “cell culture-microenvironment” which reflected the differences between cultured and non-cultured samples. In conclusion, we advocate the use of cultured epithelial cells as controls for gene expression profiling of cancer cell lines. In contrast, comparisons of gene expression profiles of cancer cell lines versus surgical margin controls should be treated with caution, whereas fresh frozen surgical margins seem to be appropriate for gene expression profiling of tumor samples

    The tumor suppressive mir-148a is epigenetically inactivated in classical Hodgkin lymphoma

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    DNA methylation was shown previously to be a crucial mechanism responsible for transcriptional deregulation in the pathogenesis of classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL). To identify epigenetically inactivated miRNAs in cHL, we have analyzed the set of miRNAs downregulated in cHL cell lines using bisulfite pyrosequencing. We focused on miRNAs with promoter regions located within or <1000 bp from a CpG island. Most promising candidate miRNAs were further studied in primary Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells obtained by laser capture microdissection. Last, to evaluate the function of identified miRNAs, we performed a luciferase reporter assay to confirm miRNA: mRNA interactions and therefore established cHL cell lines with stable overexpression of selected miRNAs for proliferation tests. We found a significant reverse correlation between DNA methylation and expression levels of mir-339-3p, mir-148a-3p, mir-148a-5p and mir-193a-5 demonstrating epigenetic regulation of these miRNAs in cHL cell lines. Moreover, we demonstrated direct interaction between miR-148a-3p and IL15 and HOMER1 transcripts as well as between mir-148a-5p and SUB1 and SERPINH1 transcripts. Furthermore, mir-148a overexpression resulted in reduced cell proliferation in the KM-H2 cell line. In summary, we report that mir-148a is a novel tumor suppressor inactivated in cHL and that epigenetic silencing of miRNAs is a common phenomenon in cHL