6 research outputs found

    Public and Private Schools Students' Anxiety in Online English Language Class During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The implementation of online learning in Indonesian schools as the effect of the covid-19 pandemic raises a relatively new circumstance for students. This research paper reports public and private school students' anxiety in online English language classes. To attain the study objective, the researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods. Data were collected using questionnaires as the instrument in the quantitative process and interviews in the qualitative method. An 18-item questionnaire based on Likert-scale and closed-ended questions was adapted from Kaisar and Chowdhury. One hundred and thirty-four students of the seven to nine graders of three public and three private junior high schools in Bitung city were the participants in the study. After the survey, the researchers conducted an in-depth interview using a semi-structured pattern. This study revealed that private junior high school students tend to be more anxious than public school students. The students in public schools are more familiar and ready to join online classes than those in private schools. However, both public and private school students do not think that the features of online teaching make them anxious. Students feel dissatisfied and uneasy if the teachers lack creativity and innovation during the online language learning class

    Mikrozonasi Seismic dan Analisis Respon Site Spec Ific Kota Palu

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    Beberapa peneliti telah melakukan penelitian dan membuat Peta Gempa Indonesia denganversi masing – masing, penelitian ini menyajikan penelitian untuk mendapatkan Peak GroundAcceleration (PGA) untuk beberapa tempat di Kota Palu berdasarkan metoda yang lebihlengkap, sistematis dan berusaha mengurangi faktor ketidak pastian dalam setiap langkahperhitungan yang dilakukan.Penelitian ini akan meliputi pengumpulan dan pengolahan data gempa, studi seismotektonikdan analisis resiko gempa. Data-data gempa dikumpulkan dari tahun 1904 – 2006. Data gempakemudian diolah sehingga didapat data gempa utama dan kelengkapannya.Untukmemperhitungkan faktor ketidak pastian dari masing - masing tahapan perhitungan dipakaimetoda logic tree.Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan program Equevalent Linear Earthquake Respons Analysis(EERA). Properties dinamik tanah dievaluasi dari data-data hasil penyelidikan tanah yangdikumpulkan dibeberapa tempat di Kota Palu. Hasil dari analisis respon site denganmenggunakan program EERA, dapat digunakan sebagai data masukan untuk pembuatanrespon spectr

    The Internet Use for Autonomous Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic and its Hindrances

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    The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has brought the dependence on the online activities as new behaviors in various aspects of society including education. It defines the reliance upon internet access for learning practices and the tendency toward learning autonomy. Yet, the sudden emergence of the pandemic causes problematic circumstances for learners. Not all learners are ready to be autonomous and to have internet infrastructure. Within this context, the current study addresses learners’ attitudes toward learning autonomy and examines what hinder them to be autonomous. As a descriptive research, this study involves 101 respondents living in Bitung city, a fast growing and harbor city in North Sulawesi, Eastern Indonesia. They are asked to fill the kind of Likert questionnaire which constitutes the source of data which are statistically analyzed. The results indicates that learners dominantly show positive attitude toward the idea of being autonomous in this pandemic era. In addition, several factors such as bad signal, distraction, self-discipline and lack of motivation occupy the dominant factors hinder learners to establish learning autonomy