1,768 research outputs found

    System development of the Screwworm Eradication Data System (SEDS) algorithm

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    The use of remotely sensed data is reported in the eradication of the screwworm and in the study of the role of the weather in the activity and development of the screwworm fly. As a result, the Screwworm Eradication Data System (SEDS) algorithm was developed

    Nonlocality vs. complementarity: a conservative approach to the information problem

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    A proposal for resolution of the information paradox is that "nice slice" states, which have been viewed as providing a sharp argument for information loss, do not in fact do so as they do not give a fully accurate description of the quantum state of a black hole. This however leaves an information *problem*, which is to provide a consistent description of how information escapes when a black hole evaporates. While a rather extreme form of nonlocality has been advocated in the form of complementarity, this paper argues that is not necessary, and more modest nonlocality could solve the information problem. One possible distinguishing characteristic of scenarios is the information retention time. The question of whether such nonlocality implies acausality, and particularly inconsistency, is briefly addressed. The need for such nonlocality, and its apparent tension with our empirical observations of local quantum field theory, may be a critical missing piece in understanding the principles of quantum gravity.Comment: 11 pages of text and figures, + references. v2 minor text. v3 small revisions to match final journal versio

    Entropy in Black Hole Pair Production

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    Pair production of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in a magnetic field can be described by a euclidean instanton. It is shown that the instanton amplitude contains an explicit factor of eA/4e^{A/4}, where AA is the area of the event horizon. This is consistent with the hypothesis that eA/4e^{A/4} measures the number of black hole states.Comment: 24 pages (harvmac l mode

    Comments on information loss and remnants

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    The information loss and remnant proposals for resolving the black hole information paradox are reconsidered. It is argued that in typical cases information loss implies energy loss, and thus can be thought of in terms of coupling to a spectrum of ``fictitious'' remnants. This suggests proposals for information loss that do not imply planckian energy fluctuations in the low energy world. However, if consistency of gravity prevents energy non-conservation, these remnants must then be considered to be real. In either case, the catastrophe corresponding to infinite pair production remains a potential problem. Using Reissner-Nordstrom black holes as a paradigm for a theory of remnants, it is argued that couplings in such a theory may give finite production despite an infinite spectrum. Evidence for this is found in analyzing the instanton for Schwinger production; fluctuations from the infinite number of states lead to a divergent stress tensor, spoiling the instanton calculation. Therefore naive arguements for infinite production fail.Comment: 30 pages (harvmac l mode) UCSBTH-93-35 (minor reference and typo corrections

    UV-Completion by Classicalization

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    We suggest a novel approach to UV-completion of a class of non-renormalizable theories, according to which the high-energy scattering amplitudes get unitarized by production of extended classical objects (classicalons), playing a role analogous to black holes, in the case of non-gravitational theories. The key property of classicalization is the existence of a classicalizer field that couples to energy-momentum sources. Such localized sources are excited in high-energy scattering processes and lead to the formation of classicalons. Two kinds of natural classicalizers are Nambu-Goldstone bosons (or, equivalently, longitudinal polarizations of massive gauge fields) and scalars coupled to energy-momentum type sources. Classicalization has interesting phenomenological applications for the UV-completion of the Standard Model both with or without the Higgs. In the Higgless Standard Model the high-energy scattering amplitudes of longitudinal WW-bosons self-unitarize via classicalization, without the help of any new weakly-coupled physics. Alternatively, in the presence of a Higgs boson, classicalization could explain the stabilization of the hierarchy. In both scenarios the high-energy scatterings are dominated by the formation of classicalons, which subsequently decay into many particle states. The experimental signatures at the LHC are quite distinctive, with sharp differences in the two cases.Comment: 37 page

    Risks and Rewards of Externships: Exploring Goals and Methods

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    This article explored the risks and rewards of designing and teaching in an externship program, the goals one might have, and the methods one might use. We have argued that it is important to pay attention to the principles of intentional design when developing an externship program. In particular, we have identified and challenged the assumption that skills development must be the predominant goal for externships. This is a common assumption on the part of legal education regulators in our respective home countries, the USA and Australia, as well as in England and Wales. Skills development can, but does not have to, be a focus for every externship. If it is to be a focus, the targeted skills should be articulated as clearly and specifically as possible. Students must learn the theory and methods behind the skills to be used in the placement, either through appropriate pre-requisites, a skills-focused classroom component, or a clear understanding that the placement supervisor will be able to impart both the relevant theory and methods. Then the reflection component also must be designed to enhance students’ acquisition of the identified skills. We have explored how this can be done with either the “tailor-made” or the “retail” externship structure. However, we believe the regulatory focus on skills has obscured the important values that can be acquired through a well-designed and well-taught externship

    Risks and Rewards of Externships: Exploring Goals and Methods

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    This article grew from a presentation relating externship clinical programs to the theme of the July 2016 International Journal of Clinical Legal Education and Association of Canadian Legal Education conference: The Risks and Rewards of Clinical Legal Education Programmes. Externships or field placement programs involve students placed away from the law school and supervised by a person who is not employed by the law school. Externships offer many potential rewards for students as well as other stakeholders, including especially community institutions. But there are also risks—risks that the externship will be expected to accomplish too much with too few resources or that the externship program will be held back in the potential for contribution due to inadequate imagination or planning. This article seeks to encourage externship teachers to put aside assumptions that are sometimes made about how externship programs “should be” and consider some alternative approaches to course design and possible goals for externship courses