1 research outputs found

    Participatory Process for Implementing a Colorectal Cancer Screening Intervention: an Action Plan for Local Sustainability

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    Background: Rigid protocols can hamper translation of evidence-based interventions from research to real-world settings. This investigation aimed to develop procedures for modifying the study protocol of a community-based participatory research (CBPR) project and to analyze the theoretical constructs that underlie this process. Methods: The research project is a dissemination and implementation study of the Educational Program to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening (EPICS), an evidence-based intervention targeting African Americans in the United States. The study is being conducted in a partnership with community coalitions in 15 different cities. Each site initially presented unique issues that required modification of the study protocol. Results: In order to honor underlying CBPR theory, it was necessary to negotiate protocol changes with the community coalition at each site, while insuring preservation of the core elements of the intervention. Conclusions: We discuss the ways in which this represents a narrowing of the gap between CBPR and traditional research approaches