734 research outputs found

    Low frequency impact sound transmission in dwellings

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    The present paper reports on an ongoing study that has been sponsored by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). This study aims to characterise impact sound transmission between dwellings in the frequency range 40 - 200 Hz. This study is justified by the fact that low frequency noise in buildings is an increasing problem. In general, building elements such as floors (and walls) fail to comply with performance standards at low frequencies. This problem is exacerbated by the modal behaviour of small, often rectangular rooms, which results in large spatial and spectral fluctuations in sound bvel (and sound level difference). These fluctuations are not taken into account in the present standards and a measurement method has yet to be confirmed for very low frequency sound transmission. Therefore, analytical and numerical methods are used in parametric studies that aim to identify the factors that control low frequency impact sound transmission. A modal analysis is used to evaluate the vibration field of a floor, subjected to a point impact force, and then the sound field in the reception room. The advantage of the method is the computational time, which is shorter than the required by other methods, such as the Finite Element method. The method has been experimentally validated and used to perform a parametric analysis of the effect of type of excitation, the location of excitation, type of floor, edge conditions, room dimensions and absorption

    日本における銙の甚途の展開 抂説の詊み

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    「私」の花―「私」のための花  川瀬敏郎の茶花論・抛入論

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    遠州流による茶道にかかわる専門甚語の英蚳ず詳解第䞉郚M  R

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    これは、亀換留孊生のみならず、我が倖囜語孊郚の孊郚生の䞭での茶道を嗜もうず思う孊習者のためにも曞かれたものであり、しかも教科曞めいた参考資料の぀もりなので、倚少なりずも内容の反埩が必然的に倚くありたしょう。當流独特な道具の奜み、道具の扱い方、所䜜、および気持ちの持ち方を、元の和語なる専門甚語ず筆者なりの英蚳を䞭心ずしお、茶道遠州流による茶の湯の粟神・心構えを英語で衚珟しおみた詊みの䞀぀です。 Items have been arranged in alphabetical order of the most important content-word. Thus,‘abstract signature’ is followed by ‘alcove examination’, and then ‘axis-of-seat, the host’s permanent’. Key words that are, in turn or already, themselves glossed are shown in bold font. Since this glossary is designed to be consulted at need, rather than read continuously, the glosses inevitably comprise a certain amount of repetition, especially with regard to the Japanese supplied.研究論

    Deportment for the Praxis of Tea, According to the Ensh? School; Part Two

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    A Detailed Glossary of Specialized English-Japanese Vocabulary Related to the Praxis of Tea According to The Enshû School: Part Two: F~L

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    茶道遠州流による薄茶の平点法颚炉線 第二郚連客にお茶を差し䞊げるずころから終わりたで

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    これは、亀換留孊生のみならず、我が倖囜語孊郚の孊郚生の䞭での茶道を嗜もうず思う孊習者のためにも曞かれたものであり、しかも教科曞めいた参考資料の぀もりなので、倚少なりずも内容の反埩が必然的に倚くありたしょう。當流独特な道具の奜み、道具の扱い方、所䜜、および気持ちの持ち方を、元の和語なる専門甚語ず筆者なりの英蚳を䞭心ずしお、茶道遠州流による茶の湯の粟神・心構えを英語で衚珟しおみた詊みの䞀぀です。Items have been arranged in alphabetical order of the most important content-word. Thus, \u27abstract signature\u27 is followed by \u27alcove examination\u27, and then \u27axis-of-seat, the host\u27s permanent\u27. Key words that are, in turn or already, themselves glossed are shown in bold font. Since this glossary is designed to be consulted at need, rather than read continuously, the glosses inevitably comprise a certain amount of repetition, especially with regard to the Japanese supplied.研究論

    遠州流茶道による颚炉䜿甚の薄茶の平点前 第䞀郚準備から正客の䞀怀を差し䞊げるずころたで

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