29 research outputs found

    The photoperiodic control of growth and development of Chenopodium Rubrum L. plants in vitro

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    Influence of the photoperiod on growth, flowering, and seed development in vitro of Chenopodium rubrum L., a short day annual, was examined. Chenopodium rubrum plants modify their growth and reproductive development in accordance with the photoperiod. With an increase of day length, growth was stimulated, flowering was delayed, seed development occurred earlier, and the plants produced more seeds. By altering photoperiods during induction and evocation of flowering, it is shown that the photoperiod experienced by seedlings during early reproductive development determines the pattern of plant growth to the end of ontogenesis, the time to flowering, and the course of seed development. It is therefore concluded that growth and reproductive development of C. rubrum are photoperiod-sensitive to during a precise short part of its life cycle

    Manganese effects on in vitro development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce]

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    To determine the manganese requirement necessary for optimal development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce] in vitro, we investigated the effect of exogenously applied Mn on different developmental processes such as growth, flowering, fruiting, and seed germination. The application of Mn had no effect on stem length, except at the highest concentration of 10-2 M, which was inhibitory. In addition, C. pulchellum plants were capable of in vitro flowering and fruiting even on media without added Mn. However, Mn content in the media affected seed dimensions, since both length and width of the seeds increased with increasing Mn concentration. Moreover, both excess and absence of Mn in the media caused appearance of necrotic plants. Exogenously applied Mn had no effect on seed germination percentage, except at concentrations greater than 3x10-3 M

    Manganese effects on in vitro development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce]

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    To determine the manganese requirement necessary for optimal development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce] in vitro, we investigated the effect of exogenously applied Mn on different developmental processes such as growth, flowering, fruiting, and seed germination. The application of Mn had no effect on stem length, except at the highest concentration of 10-2 M, which was inhibitory. In addition, C. pulchellum plants were capable of in vitro flowering and fruiting even on media without added Mn. However, Mn content in the media affected seed dimensions, since both length and width of the seeds increased with increasing Mn concentration. Moreover, both excess and absence of Mn in the media caused appearance of necrotic plants. Exogenously applied Mn had no effect on seed germination percentage, except at concentrations greater than 3x10-3 M.U ovom radu proučavani su efekti egzogeno apliciranog mangana tokom procesa rasta, cvetanja, plodonoÅ”enja i klijanja semena kičice sitne [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce], gajene u kulturi in vitro. Rezultati su pokazali da Mn nema efekta na dužinu stabla. Jedino je najviÅ”a primenjena koncentracija Mn od 10-2 M imala inhibitorni efekt na posmatrani proces. Biljke kičice sitne mogu ne samo da rastu, već i da cvetaju i plodonose na medijumu bez apliciranog Mn. Međutim, dimenzije semena u mnogome zavise od koncentracije Mn u podlozi. Sa povećanjem koncentracije Mn u podlozi, raste i Å”irina i dužina semena. Izostanak Mn u podlozi, kao i njegove visoke koncentracije uzrokovale su pojavu nekrotičnih biljaka. Koncentracije Mn niže od 3 x 10-3 M nisu imale efekta na procenat proklijalih semena.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Effect of NaCl on seed germination in some Centaurium Hill. Species (Gentianaceae)

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    The influence of high NaCl concentrations on seed germination in both light and darkness was examined in the species Centaurium pulchellum, C. erythraea, C. littorale, C. spicatum, and C. tenuiflorum. Salt tolerance was found to depend on the life history of the seeds. To be specific, seeds of all five species failed to complete germination when exposed to continuous white light if kept all the time in the presence of 100-200 mM and greater NaCl concentrations. However, when after two weeks NaCl was rinsed from the seeds and the seeds were left in distilled water under white light for an additional two weeks, all species completed germination to a certain extent. The percent of germination not only depended on NaCl concentration in the prior medium, but was also species specific. Thus, seeds of C. pulchellum, C. erythraea, and C. littorale completed germination well almost irrespective of the salt concentration previously experienced. On the other hand, seeds of C. tenuiflorum completed germination poorly if NaCl concentrations in the prior media were greater than 200 mM. When seeds after washing were transferred to darkness for an additional 14 days, they failed to complete germination if previously imbibed on media containing NaCl concentrations greater than 400 mM. However, the seeds of all species, even if previously imbibed at 800 mM NaCl, could be induced to complete germination in darkness by 1 mM gibberellic acid. .Uticaj visokih koncentracija NaCl na klijanje semena, kako na svetlosti tako i u tami, ispitivano je kod vrsta Centaurium pulchellum, C. erythraea, C. littorale, C. spicatum i C. tenuiflorum. Tolerantnost ovih biljaka na natrijum-hlorid zavisi od životnog ciklusa semena. Zapravo, semena svih pet ispitivanih vrsta nisu zavrÅ”avala klijanje kada su bila izložena kontinuelnoj beloj svetlosti u prisustvu 100-200 mM i pri većim koncentracijama. Pored toga, semena svih ovih vrsta, izložena imbibiciji na 800 mM NaCl, mogla su biti indukovana da zavrÅ”e klijanje u mraku uz dodatak 1 mM giberelinske kiseline. .nul

    Manganese effects on in vitro development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce]

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    To determine the manganese requirement necessary for optimal development of lesser centaury [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce] in vitro, we investigated the effect of exogenously applied Mn on different developmental processes such as growth, flowering, fruiting, and seed germination. The application of Mn had no effect on stem length, except at the highest concentration of 10-2 M, which was inhibitory. In addition, C. pulchellum plants were capable of in vitro flowering and fruiting even on media without added Mn. However, Mn content in the media affected seed dimensions, since both length and width of the seeds increased with increasing Mn concentration. Moreover, both excess and absence of Mn in the media caused appearance of necrotic plants. Exogenously applied Mn had no effect on seed germination percentage, except at concentrations greater than 3x10-3 M.U ovom radu proučavani su efekti egzogeno apliciranog mangana tokom procesa rasta, cvetanja, plodonoÅ”enja i klijanja semena kičice sitne [Centaurium pulchellum (Sw.) Druce], gajene u kulturi in vitro. Rezultati su pokazali da Mn nema efekta na dužinu stabla. Jedino je najviÅ”a primenjena koncentracija Mn od 10-2 M imala inhibitorni efekt na posmatrani proces. Biljke kičice sitne mogu ne samo da rastu, već i da cvetaju i plodonose na medijumu bez apliciranog Mn. Međutim, dimenzije semena u mnogome zavise od koncentracije Mn u podlozi. Sa povećanjem koncentracije Mn u podlozi, raste i Å”irina i dužina semena. Izostanak Mn u podlozi, kao i njegove visoke koncentracije uzrokovale su pojavu nekrotičnih biljaka. Koncentracije Mn niže od 3 x 10-3 M nisu imale efekta na procenat proklijalih semena.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    The photoperiodic control of growth and development of Chenopodium rubrum L. plants in vitro

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    Influence of the photoperiod on growth, flowering, and seed development in vitro of Chenopodium rubrum L., a short day annual, was examined. Chenopodium rubrum plants modify their growth and reproductive development in accordance with the photoperiod. With an increase of day length, growth was stimulated, flowering was delayed, seed development occurred earlier, and the plants produced more seeds. By altering photoperiods during induction and evocation of flowering, it is shown that the photoperiod experienced by seedlings during early reproductive development determines the pattern of plant growth to the end of ontogenesis, the time to flowering, and the course of seed development. It is therefore concluded that growth and reproductive development of C. rubrum are photoperiod-sensitive to during a precise short part of its life cycle.


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    Abstract ā€“ Influence of the photoperiod on growth, flowering, and seed development in vitro of Chenopodium rubrum L., a short day annual, was examined. Chenopodium rubrum plants modify their growth and reproductive development in accordance with the photoperiod. With an increase of day length, growth was stimulated, flowering was delayed, seed development occurred earlier, and the plants produced more seeds. By altering photoperiods during induction and evocation of flowering, it is shown that the photoperiod experienced by seedlings during early reproductive development determines the pattern of plant growth to the end of ontogenesis, the time to flowering, and the course of seed development. It is therefore concluded that growth and reproductive development of C. rubrum are photoperiod-sensitive to during a precise short part of its life cycle


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    Abstract- Centaury seeds are light-requiring. Long-term red light irradiation caused more than 80 % of seeds to germinate. Seeds did not germinate in darkness. Gibberellic acid and GA 7 can replace light, but N-substituted phtalimide AC 94,377 was ineffective. Light-induced germination was inhibited by abscisic acid and growth retardants such as ancymidol, tetcyclacis, and paclobutrazole. Growth retardant-caused inhibition can be overcome by the addition of gibberellic acid

    Effect of NaCl on seed germination in some Centaurium Hill. Species (Gentianaceae)

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    Gibberellic acid nitrite stimulates germination of two species of light-requiring seeds via the nitric oxide pathway

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    We used two species of light-requiring seeds, Paulownia tomentosa, which have absolute light requirement (no germination in darkness), and Stellaria media seeds, which germinate in darkness to a certain extent because of presence of preformed active phytochrome, to obtain results strongly suggesting that gibberellic acid nitrite stimulates seed germination via its capability as a functional NO donor. Exogenous application of gibberellic acid nitrite stimulates gibberellin-insensitive Stellaria media seed germination in darkness as do a wide variety of NO donors. Pure gibberellic acid could replace the light requirement of P tomentosa seeds, thus enabling them to germinate in darkness. Gibberellic acid nitrite did not have this effect. A stimulative effect from gibberellic acid nitrite could be detected only after exposure of these seeds to short, 10 min, pulse of red light. Taken together, these results suggest that gibberellic activity of gibberellic acid nitrite is lost after nitrosation but, regarding to the presence of -O-NO moiety in the molecule, gibberellic acid nitrite shares stimulative properties in seed germination with other compounds with NO-releasing properties