263 research outputs found

    The day the Earth smiled

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    Uranus and Neptune

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    The two icy giant planets, Uranus and Neptune, offer a wide population of icy moons and rings of great interest for the planetary geologist. Among moons, Miranda has a very rough surface, peculiar for such a small moon. Triton is characterized by the presence of active geysers on the south polar region and by a tenuous atmosphere made of nitrogen and methane. All moons show the presence of very volatile ices (nitrogen, ammonia, methane, water) thanks to their low surface temperatures

    The Rings of Saturn

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    One could become an expert on Saturn's iconic rings pretty easily in the early 1970s, as very little was known about them beyond the distinction between the A, B, and C rings, and the Cassini Division or "gap" between rings A and B (Alexander, 1962; Bobrov, 1970). Water ice was discovered spectroscopically on the ring particle surfaces, and radar and microwave emission observations proved that the particles must be centimeters to meters in size, consisting primarily, not just superficially, of water ice (Pollack, 1975). While a 2:1 orbital resonance with Mimas had long been suspected of having something to do with the Cassini Division, computers of the time were unable to model the subtle dynamical effects that we now know to dominate ring structure. This innocent state of affairs was exploded by the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters in 1980 and 1981. Spectacular images revealed filigree structure and odd regional color variations, and exquisitely detailed radial profiles of fluctuating particle abundance were obtained from the first stellar and radio occultations, having resolution almost at the scale of single particles. Voyager-era understanding was reviewed by Cuzzi et al. (1984) and Esposito et al. (1984). While the Voyager data kept ring scientists busy for decades, planning which led to the monumentally successful NASA-ESA-ASI Cassini mission, which arrived in 2004, had been under way even before Voyager got to Saturn. A review of pre-Cassini knowledge of Saturn's Rings can be found in Orton et al. (2009). This chapter will build on recent topical and process-specific reviews that treat the gamut of ring phenomena and its underlying physics in considerable detail (Colwell et al., 2009; Cuzzi et al., 2009; Horányi et al., 2009; Schmidt et al., 2009; Esposito, 2010; Tiscareno, 2013b; Esposito, 2014). We will follow and extend the general organization of Cuzzi et al. (2010), the most recent general discussion of Saturn's rings. For brevity and the benefit of the reader, we will frequently refer to the above review articles instead of directly to the primary literature they discuss. We will focus on new work since 2010, within a general context, and will connect our high-level discussions with more detailed chapters in this volume

    Chromophores from photolyzed ammonia reacting with acetylene: Application to Jupiter's Great Red Spot

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    The high altitude of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) may enhance the upward flux of gaseous ammonia (NH3) into the high troposphere, where NH3 molecules can be photodissociated and initiate a chain of chemical reactions with downwelling acetylene molecules (C2H2). These reactions, experimentally studied earlier by (Ferris and Ishikawa [1987] Nature 326, 777-778) and (Ferris and Ishikawa [1988] J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 110, 4306-4312), produce chromophores that absorb in the visible and ultraviolet regions. In this work we photolyzed mixtures of NH3 and C2H2 using ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 214 nm and measured the spectral transmission of the deposited films in the visible region (400-740 nm). From these transmission data we estimated the imaginary indices of refraction. Assuming that ammonia grains at the top of the GRS clouds are coated with this material, we performed layered sphere and radiative transfer calculations to predict GRS reflection spectra. Comparison of those results with observed and previously unreported Cassini visible spectra and with true-color images of the GRS show that the unknown GRS chromophore is spectrally consistent with the coupled NH3-C2H2 photochemical products produced in our laboratory experiments. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy we infer that the chromophore-containing residue is composed of aliphatic azine, azo, and diazo compounds. <P /

    Comet 67P/CG: surface temperature maps from Rosetta/VIRTIS during the pre-landing phase

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    It was seldom possible, with observations carried out from spaceborne facilities, to derive spatially-resolved thermal maps of small bodies, and even more rarely this result was achieved in the case of close observations of comets. The Visible InfraRed Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) onboard the Rosetta Orbiter Coradini (2007) is able to obtain hyperspectral images of the observed targets in 864 wavelengths simultaneously, in the overall spectral range 0.25-5.1 μm, with the major goal of inferring and mapping the surface composition and temperature of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. VIRTIS spectra acquired on the dayside of the comet’s nucleus show the thermal emission of the surface at wavelengths ¿ 3.5 μm, which can be ex- ploited to derive and map the surface temperature at different spatial scales and under changing lighting conditions. To do this, we rely on a Bayesian approach that was previously adopted to derive surface temperature maps of the two asteroids 2678 Steins and 21 Lutetia, encountered by Rosetta during its long cruise phase towards the comet Coradini (2011); Keihm (2012), and of the large asteroid Vesta from the entire infrared dataset acquired by the VIR instrument onboard the Dawn spacecraft Tosi (2014). In this paper we summarize the main results concerning the thermal mapping of comet 67P, obtained by VIRTIS in the first months of observation at a reso- lution between 1000 and 1 m, and at a heliocentric distance between 3.6 and 3.4 AU. Comet 67P was shown to be everywhere rich in organic materials with little to no water ice visible on the surface Capaccioni (2015). In the range of heliocentric distances from 3.59 to 2.74 AU, daytime surface temperatures were overall comprised in the range between 180 and 220 K Tosi (2015), which is incompatible with large exposures of water ice and is consistent with a low-albedo, organics-rich surface. Maximum temperature values as high as 230 K were recorded in very few places Tosi (2015). In the above period, the highest values of surface temperature were obtained with observations carried out at small phase angles, implying that the observed surface has a large predominance of small incidence angles, and local solar times centered around the max- imum daily insolation. In all cases, direct correlation with topographic features was observed, i.e. largest temperature values were generally associated with the smallest values of illumination angles, while no evidence was found of thermal anomalies, i.e. places of the surface that are intrinsically warmer or cooler than surrounding terrains observed at the same local solar time and under similar solar illumination

    Juno's Earth flyby: the Jovian infrared Auroral Mapper preliminary results

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    The Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper, JIRAM, is an image-spectrometer onboard the NASA Juno spacecraft flying to Jupiter. The instrument has been designed to study the aurora and the atmosphere of the planet in the spectral range 2-5 μm. The very first scientific observation taken with the instrument was at the Moon just before Juno's Earth fly-by occurred on October 9, 2013. The purpose was to check the instrument regular operation modes and to optimize the instrumental performances. The testing activity will be completed with pointing and a radiometric/spectral calibrations shortly after Jupiter Orbit Insertion. Then the reconstruction of some Moon infrared images, together with co-located spectra used to retrieve the lunar surface temperature, is a fundamental step in the instrument operation tuning. The main scope of this article is to serve as a reference to future users of the JIRAM datasets after public release with the NASA Planetary Data System

    A Mercury surface radiometric model for SIMBIO-SYS instrument suite on board of BepiColombo mission

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    The BepiColombo mission represents the cornerstone n.5 of the European Space Agency (ESA) and it is composed of two satellites: the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) realized by ESA and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The payload of the MPO is composed by 11 instruments. About half of the entire MPO data volume will be provided by the Spectrometer and Imagers for MPO BepiColombo Integrated Observatory System" (SIMBIO-SYS) instrument suite. The SIMBIO-SYS suite includes three imaging systems, two with stereo and high spatial resolution capabilities, which are the Stereoscopic Imaging Channel (STC) and High Resolution Imaging Channel (HRIC), and a hyper-spectral imager in the Vis-NIR range, named Visible and near Infrared Hyper-spectral Imager (VIHI). In order to test and predict the instrument performances, a radiometric model is needed. It consists in a tool that permits to know what fraction of the incoming light is measured by the detector. The obtained signal depends on the detector properties (such as quantum efficiency and dark current) and the instrument transmission characteristics (transmission of lenses and filter strips, mirrors reflectivity). The radiometric model allows to correlate the radiance of the source and the signal measured by each instrument. We used the Hapke model to obtain the Mercury reflectance, and we included it in the radiometric model applied to the STC, HRIC and VIHI channels. The radiometric model here presented is a useful tool to predict the instruments performance: it permits to calculate the expected optical response of the instrument (the position in latitude and longitude of the filter footprints, the on-ground px dimensions, the on-ground speed, the smearing and the illumination angles of the observed points), and the detector behavior (the expected signal and the integration time to reach a specific SNR). In this work we derive the input flux and the integration times for the three channels of SIMBIO-SYS, using the radiometric model to obtain the source radiance for each Mercury surface area observed

    Investigating the correlations between water coma emissions and active regions in comet 67P/ Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    Vibrational emission lines of H2O and CO2 at 2.67 and 4.27 μm, respectively, were identified by the VIRTIS spectrometer (Bockelée-Morvan et al., 2015; Migliorini et al., 2016; Fink et al., 2016) and mapped from the surface up to about 10 km altitude with a spatial resolution on the order of tens of meters per pixel (Migliorini et al., 2016).Data acquired in April 2015 with the VIRTIS spectrometer on board the Rosetta mission, provided information on the possible correlation between the H2O emission in the inner coma and the exposed water deposits detected in the Hapi region on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko surface (Migliorini et al., 2106; De Sanctis et al., 2015). Further bright spots attributed to exposed water ice have been identified in other regions by OSIRIS at visible wavelengths (Pommerol, et al., 2015) and confirmed in the infrared by VIRTIS-M in the Imothep region (Filacchione et al., 2016). The small dimensions of these icy spots - approximately 100x100 m (Filacchione et al., 2016) - and the relatively small amount of water ice (about 5%) make uncertain the correlation with the strong emissions in the coma.However, VIRTIS data show that the distribution of jet-like emissions seems to follow the distribution of cliffs and exposed areas identified in the North hemisphere with OSIRIS camera (Vincent et al., 2015). These areas are mainly concentrated in correspondence of comet's rough terrains, while a lack of active regions is observed in the comet's neck. Nevertheless, strong H2O emission is observed above the neck with VIRTIS. This might be a consequence of gas jets that are originated in the surrounding of the neck but converging towards the neck itself. This gaseous activity is the main driver of the dust upwelling (Migliorini et al, 2016; Rinaldi et al., in preparation)In this paper, we investigate the relationship between H2O vapour observed with VIRTIS within 5 km from the 67P/C-G nucleus and the exposed regions identified by OSIRIS on the surface (in the timeframe March to April 2015) with an attempt to address possible variations with the heliocentric distance

    From the Icy Satellites to Small Moons and Rings: Spectral Indicators by Cassini-VIMS Unveil Compositional Trends in the Saturnian System

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    Despite water ice being the most abundant species on Saturn satellites' surfaces and ring particles, remarkable spectral differences in the 0.35-5.0 μm range are observed among these objects. Here we report about the results of a comprehensive analysis of more than 3000 disk-integrated observations of regular satellites and small moons acquired by VIMS aboard Cassini mission between 2004 and 2016. These observations, taken from very different illumination and viewing geometries, allow us to classify satellites' and rings' compositions by means of spectral indicators, e.g. 350-550 nm - 550-950 nm spectral slopes and water ice band parameters [1,2,3]. Spectral classification is further supported by indirect retrieval of temperature by means of the 3.6 μm I/F peak wavelength [4,5]. The comparison with syntethic spectra modeled by means of Hapke's theory point to different compositional classes where water ice, amorphous carbon, tholins and CO2 ice in different quantities and mixing modalities are the principal endmembers [3, 6]. When compared to satellites, rings appear much more red at visible wavelengths and show more intense 1.5-2.0 μm band depths [7]. Our analysis shows that spectral classes are detected among the principal satellites with Enceladus and Tethys the ones with stronger water ice band depths and more neutral spectral slopes while Rhea evidences less intense band depths and more red visible spectra. Even more intense reddening in the 0.55-0.95 μm range is observed on Iapetus leading hemisphere [8] and on Hyperion [9]. With an intermediate reddening, the minor moons seems to be the spectral link between the principal satellites and main rings [10]: Prometheus and Pandora appear similar to Cassini Division ring particles. Epimetheus shows more intense water ice bands than Janus. Epimetheus' visible colors are similar to water ice rich moons while Janus is more similar to C ring particles. Finally, Dione and Tethys lagrangian satellites show a very flat reflectance in the visible, making them remarkably different with respect to the other small moons. Moreover, we have observed that the two Tethys' lagrangian moons appear spectrally different, with Calypso characterized by more intense water ice bands than Telesto. Conversely, at visible wavelengths Polydeuces, Telesto and Methone are in absolute the more blue objects in the Saturn's system. The red slopes measured in the visible range on disk-integrated spectral data, showing varying degrees on all of the satellites, could be caused more by exogenic processes than by geologic and endogenic events which are operating on more localized scales. The principal exogenic processes active in the Saturn's system [11] which alter the satellites and rings surfaces are the E ring particles bombardment, the interaction with corotating plasma and energetic particles, the bombardment of exogenic dark material [12] and the water ice photolysis. A discussion about the correlations between these processes and the o bserved spectral classes is given. With the approaching of the Cassini "Gran Finale" orbits, VIMS will unveil with unprecedented spatial resolution the spectral properties of many small moons and rings. These data will be extremely valuable to improve our classification of the Saturn's satellites and rings
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