130 research outputs found

    Chimeric antigen receptor-redirected T cells return to the bench

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    While the clinical progress of chimeric antigen receptor T cell (CAR-T) immunotherapy has garnered attention to the field, our understanding of the biology of these chimeric molecules is still emerging. Our aim within this review is to bring to light the mechanistic understanding of these multi-modular receptors and how these individual components confer particular properties to CAR-Ts. In addition, we will discuss extrinsic factors that can be manipulated to influence CAR-T performance such as choice of cellular population, culturing conditions and additional modifications that enhance their activity particularly in solid tumors. Finally, we will also consider the emerging toxicity associated with CAR-Ts. By breaking apart the CAR and examining the role of each piece, we can build a better functioning cellular vehicle for optimized treatment of cancer patients

    507. Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan 4 (CSPG4)-Redirected T Cells Eliminate Glioblastoma-Derived Neurospheres

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    Adoptive therapy with chimeric antigen receptor-redirected T cells (CAR-Ts) remains challenging for the treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) because of the heterogeneous expression of targetable tumor antigens, which leads to the selection of antigen-loss variants. In addition, the emerging role of GBM-derived neurospheres (GBM-NS) as a critical cell subset in causing GBM recurrence highlights the need to eradicate these cells to achieve sustained responses. By exploiting a well-established culture system, we generated and expanded GBM-NS from 23 surgical samples, and tested them using flow cytometry for the expression of CSPG4, a membrane bound tumor antigen found to be overexpressed in GBM by mRNA profiling. We observed that 70% of GBM-NS displayed high expression of CSPG4 (from 71% to 99%), 17% moderate-high expression (from 51% to 70%), and 13% moderate-low expression (<50%). Based on these results, we hypothesized that CSPG4-specific CAR-Ts would represent a broadly applicable strategy for the treatment of GBM. We generated CSPG4. CAR-Ts, encoding the 4-1BB endodomain, from 6 healthy donors and tested them against 19 of the 23 generated GBM-NS that robustly grow in vitro. CSPG4.CAR-Ts efficiently eliminated all GBM-NS, with high to moderate-low CSPG4 expression, in co-culture experiments at E:T ratios ranging from 2:5 to 1:5 (0.2±0.5% and 0.6±0.9% residual GBM-NS, respectively). By contrast, GBM-NS continued to grow in the presence of control T cells (60.7±17.6% residual GBM-NS). CSPG4.CAR-Ts, but not control T cells, also rapidly proliferated in response to GBM-NS as evaluated by the CFSE assay. CSPG4. CAR-Ts showed a Th1 cytokine profile in response to GBM-NS, releasing significantly more IFN-γ (3593.8±1718.1 pg/ml/2×10^5 cells) and IL-2 (258.8±153.3 pg/ml/2×10^5 cells) than control T cells (1.8±2.5 and 0.9±1.2 pg/ml/2×10^5 cells, respectively). For the in vivo experiments we compared CSPG4.CAR-Ts encoding CD28, 4-1BB, or CD28-4-1BB co-stimulatory endodomains. Two GBM-NS with moderate-low and high CSPG4 expression, respectively were selected and transduced to express the FFluciferase gene to monitor the tumor growth by in vivo bioluminescence imaging. Both GBM-NS and T cells were intracranially injected in 5 wks old female nude mice. CSPG4.CAR-Ts were efficient in controlling tumor growth of both moderate-low and high CSPG4-expressing GBM-NS. We observed an early eradication of the tumor mass in high-CSPG4 expressing GBM-NS, and a significant improved survival in both mice bearing high or moderate-low CSPG4-expressing GBM-NS. CAR-Ts encoding 4-1BB were significantly more efficient than those encoding CD28 or CD28-4-1BB in prolonging tumor free survival (p=0.04). Our data suggest that CSPG4 is an attractive target for CAR-Ts in GBM and that the strategy we have shown to be effective in mice has the potential to be translated to a clinical setting

    Inducible Caspase-9 Selectively Modulates the Toxicities of CD19-Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Modified T Cells

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    Immunotherapy with T cells expressing the chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) specific for the CD19 antigen (CD19.CAR-Ts) is a very effective treatment in B cell lymphoid malignancies. However, B cell aplasia and cytokine release syndrome (CRS) secondary to the infusion of CD19.CAR-Ts remain significant drawbacks. The inclusion of safety switches into the vector encoding the CAR is seen as the safest method to terminate the effects of CD19.CAR-Ts in case of severe toxicities or after achieving long-term sustained remissions. By contrast, the complete elimination of CD19.CAR-Ts when CRS occurs may jeopardize clinical responses as CRS and antitumor activity seem to concur. We have demonstrated, in a humanized mouse model, that the inducible caspase-9 () safety switch can eliminate CD19.CAR-Ts in a dose-dependent manner, allowing either a selective containment of CD19.CAR-T expansion in case of CRS or complete deletion on demand granting normal B cell reconstitution

    Serial Activation of the Inducible Caspase 9 Safety Switch After Human Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Activation of the inducible caspase 9 (iC9) safety gene by a dimerizing drug (chemical inducer of dimerization (CID) AP1903) effectively resolves the symptoms and signs of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) in haploidentical stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients. However, after CID treatment, 1% of iC9-T cells remain and can regrow over time; although these resurgent T cells do not cause recurrent GvHD, it remains unclear whether repeat CID treatments are a safe and feasible way to further deplete residual gene-modified T cells should any other adverse effects associated with them occur. Here, we report a patient who received an infusion of haploidentical iC9-T cells after HSCT and subsequently received three treatments with AP1903. There was a mild (grade 2) and transient pancytopenia following each AP1903 administration but no non-hematological toxicity. Ninety five percent of circulating iC9-T cells (CD3+CD19+) were eliminated after the first AP1903 treatment. Three months later, the residual cells had expanded more than eightfold and had a lower level of iC9 expression. Each repeated AP1903 administration eliminated a diminishing percentage of the residual repopulating cells, but elimination could be enhanced by T-cell activation. These data support the safety and efficiency of repeated CID treatments for persistent or recurring toxicity from T-cell therapies

    Clonal Dynamics In Vivo of Virus Integration Sites of T Cells Expressing a Safety Switch

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    Safety switches are becoming relevant for the clinical translation of T-cell-based immunotherapies. In patients receiving an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant, the inducible caspase-9 gene (iC9) safety switch expressed by donor-derived T lymphocytes efficiently controls acute graft versus host disease (GvHD). However, in vivo elimination of iC9-T cells by the chemical inducer of dimerization (CID) that activates the iC9 protein is incomplete. To study this effect, we characterized the clonal diversity and dynamics of vector insertion sites (VIS) in iC9-T cells pre- and post-CID administration in four patients who developed GvHD. We identified 3,203 VIS among four patients and followed their in vivo clonal dynamics up to 161 days post-CID. VIS were categorized by their proximity to host genome elements, gene associations, and cis-modulatory relationship to mapped promoters. We found that VIS are preferentially located near open chromatin and promoter regions; furthermore, there was no evidence for selection bias among VIS surviving the CID treatment. The majority of iC9-T cells with high normalized VIS copy number at the time of GvHD onset were eliminated by CID, while iC9-T cells detectable post-CID generally have low normalized VIS copy number. We propose that suboptimal iC9 transgene expression is responsible for the incomplete elimination of iC9-T cells and illustrate here by simple model how cis-modulatory influences of local genome context and T-cell receptor activation status at time of CID treatment contribute to stochastic sparing of iC9-T cells

    Characterization and Functional Analysis of scFv-based Chimeric Antigen Receptors to Redirect T Cells to IL13Rα2-positive Glioma

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    Immunotherapy with T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) is an attractive approach to improve outcomes for patients with glioblastoma (GBM). IL13Rα2 is expressed at a high frequency in GBM but not in normal brain, making it a promising CAR T-cell therapy target. IL13Rα2-specific CARs generated up to date contain mutated forms of IL13 as an antigen-binding domain. While these CARs target IL13Rα2, they also recognize IL13Rα1, which is broadly expressed. To overcome this limitation, we constructed a panel of IL13Rα2-specific CARs that contain the IL13Rα2-specific single-chain variable fragment (scFv) 47 as an antigen binding domain, short or long spacer regions, a transmembrane domain, and endodomains derived from costimulatory molecules and CD3.ζ (IL13Rα2-CARs). IL13Rα2-CAR T cells recognized IL13Rα2-positive target cells in coculture and cytotoxicity assays with no cross-reactivity to IL13Rα1. However, only IL13Rα2-CAR T cells with a short spacer region produced IL2 in an antigen-dependent fashion. In vivo, T cells expressing IL13Rα2-CARs with short spacer regions and CD28.ζ, 41BB.ζ, and CD28.OX40.ζ endodomains had potent anti-glioma activity conferring a significant survival advantage in comparison to mice that received control T cells. Thus, IL13Rα2-CAR T cells hold the promise to improve current IL13Rα2-targeted immunotherapy approaches for GBM and other IL13Rα2-positive malignancies

    THEMIS-SHP1 Recruitment by 4-1BB Tunes LCK-Mediated Priming of Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Redirected T Cells

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    Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell costimulation mediated by CD28 and 4-1BB is essential for CAR-T cell-induced tumor regression. However, CD28 and 4-1BB differentially modulate kinetics, metabolism and persistence of CAR-T cells, and the mechanisms governing these differences are not fully understood. We found that LCK recruited into the synapse of CD28-encoding CAR by co-receptors causes antigen-independent CAR-CD3z phosphorylation and increased antigen-dependent T cell activation. In contrast, the synapse formed by 4-1BB-encoding CAR recruits the THEMIS-SHP1 phosphatase complex that attenuates CAR-CD3z phosphorylation. We further demonstrated that the CAR synapse can be engineered to recruit either LCK to enhance the kinetics of tumor killing of 4-1BB CAR-T cells or SHP1 to tune down cytokine release of CD28 CAR-T cells

    CD62L+ NKT cells have prolonged persistence and antitumor activity in vivo

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    Vα24-invariant natural killer T cells (NKTs) localize to tumors and have inherent antitumor properties, making them attractive chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) carriers for redirected cancer immunotherapy. However, clinical application of CAR-NKTs has been impeded, as mechanisms responsible for NKT expansion and the in vivo persistence of these cells are unknown. Here, we demonstrated that antigen-induced expansion of primary NKTs in vitro associates with the accumulation of a CD62L+ subset and exhaustion of CD62L– cells. Only CD62L+ NKTs survived and proliferated in response to secondary stimulation. When transferred to immune-deficient NSG mice, CD62L+ NKTs persisted 5 times longer than CD62L– NKTs. Moreover, CD62L+ cells transduced with a CD19-specific CAR achieved sustained tumor regression in a B cell lymphoma model. Proliferating CD62L+ cells downregulated or maintained CD62L expression when activated via T cell receptor alone or in combination with costimulatory receptors. We generated HLAnull K562 cell clones that were engineered to express CD1d and costimulatory ligands. Clone B-8-2 (HLAnullCD1dmedCD86high4-1BBLmedOX40Lhigh) induced the highest rates of NKT expansion and CD62L expression. B-8-2–expanded CAR-NKTs exhibited prolonged in vivo persistence and superior therapeutic activities in models of lymphoma and neuroblastoma. Therefore, we have identified CD62L as a marker of a distinct NKT subset endowed with high proliferative potential and have developed artificial antigen-presenting cells that generate CD62L-enriched NKTs for effective cancer immunotherapy

    STING suppresses mitochondrial VDAC2 to govern RCC growth independent of innate immunity

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    STING is an innate immune sensor for immune surveillance of viral/bacterial infection and maintenance of an immune-friendly microenvironment to prevent tumorigenesis. However, if and how STING exerts innate immunity-independent function remains elusive. Here, the authors report that STING expression is increased in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients and governs tumor growth through non-canonical innate immune signaling involving mitochondrial ROS maintenance and calcium homeostasis. Mitochondrial voltage-dependent anion channel VDAC2 is identified as a new STING binding partner. STING depletion potentiates VDAC2/GRP75-mediated MERC (mitochondria-ER contact) formation to increase mitochondrial ROS/calcium levels, impairs mitochondria function, and suppresses mTORC1/S6K signaling leading to RCC growth retardation. STING interaction with VDAC2 occurs through STING-C88/C91 palmitoylation and inhibiting STING palmitoyl-transferases ZDHHCs by 2-BP significantly impedes RCC cell growth alone or in combination with sorafenib. Together, these studies reveal an innate immunity-independent function of STING in regulating mitochondrial function and growth in RCC, providing a rationale to target the STING/VDAC2 interaction in treating RCC
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