46 research outputs found

    Identification of a pegivirus (GBV-like virus) that infects horses

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    The recent identification of nonprimate hepaciviruses in dogs and then in horses prompted us to look for pegiviruses (GB virus-like viruses) in these species. Although none were detected in canines, we found widespread natural infection of horses by a novel pegivirus. Unique genomic features and phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the tentatively named equine pegivirus (EPgV) represents a novel species within the Pegivirus genus. We also determined that EPgV causes persistent viremia whereas its clinical significance is undetermined

    Factors Predicting Early Failure of Etanercept in Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Analysis From the Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulla Early Arthritis (Italian Group for the Study of Early Arthritis) Registry

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate the factors associated with early discontinuation (within one year) of etanercept (ETA) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who began ETA as first biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (bDMARD) and who were entered into the Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulla Early Arthritis (Italian Group for the Study of Early Arthritis; GISEA) registry.Patients and methods: This registry-based cohort study included 477 RA patients (95 males, 382 females; median age 53 years; range 18 to 83 years) who began ETA as first bDMARD. Patient demographics, disease features and drugs were re-evaluated after 12 months. Baseline predictors of ETA discontinuation were estimated by univariate and multivariate analyses using Cox regression model.Results: Seventy patients (14.7%) discontinued ETA during the first year (for inefficacy in 55.8%, adverse events in 28.6%, and other reasons in 6.5%). Concurrent conventional synthetic DMARDs (csDMARDs) were reported in 54.3% of patients, mainly methotrexate (MTX), while 52.4% of subjects took low doses of glucocorticoids. Patients stopping ETA more frequently showed one or more comorbidities, mainly cardiovascular diseases (28.6% vs. 15.7% in patients stopping and continuing ETA, respectively, p=0.009). The presence of comorbidities and a combination therapy with csDMARDs other than MTX were independent factors associated with early discontinuation of ETA at multivariate Cox analysis.Conclusion: Although ETA demonstrated a high persistence in biologic-naive RA patients, about 15% of patients discontinued the treatment within 12 months. The presence of comorbidities and a combination therapy with csDMARDs other than MTX were the main factors for an early withdrawal of the drug

    Disease: A Hitherto Unexplored Constraint on the Spread of Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) in Pre-Columbian South America

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    Although debate continues, there is agreement that dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) were first domesticated in Eurasia, spreading from there to other parts of the world. However, while that expansion already extended as far as Europe, China, and North America by the early Holocene, dogs spread into (and south of) the tropics only much later. In South America, for example, the earliest well attested instances of their presence do not reach back much beyond 3000 cal. BC, and dogs were still absent from large parts of the continent – Amazonia, the Gran Chaco, and much of the Southern Cone – at European contact. Previous explanations for these patterns have focused on cultural choice, the unsuitability of dogs for hunting certain kinds of tropical forest prey, and otherwise unspecified environmental hazards, while acknowledging that Neotropical lowland forests witness high rates of canine mortality. Building on previous work in Sub-Saharan Africa (Mitchell 2015) and noting that the dog’s closest relatives, the grey wolf (C. lupus) and the coyote (C. latrans), were likewise absent from South and most of Central America in Pre- Columbian times, this paper explores instead the possibility that infectious disease constrained the spread of dogs into Neotropical environments. Four diseases are considered, all likely to be native and/or endemic to South America: canine distemper, canine trypanosomiasis, canine rangeliosis, and canine visceral leishmaniasis caused by infection with Leishmania amazonensis and L. colombiensis. The paper concludes by suggesting ways in which the hypothesis that disease constrained the expansion of dogs into South America can be developed further

    Calidad del agua para la producción animal.

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    En este artículo comentaremos cómo la calidad del recurso hídrico nacional se vincula con la producción animal en tres ámbitos: (1) el agua como nutriente, (2) el agua como fuente potencial de transmisión de patógenos y (3) el agua como medio de disolución de fármacos veterinarios para ser administrados por vía oral

    Encefalitis asociada a astrovirus bovino neurotrópico, ¿una enfermedad subdiagnosticada en Sudamérica?.[Neurotropic bovine astrovirus-associated encephalitis: An underdiagnosed disease in South America?].

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    Resumen: Describimos un caso de encefalitis asociada a infección por astrovirus bovino neurotrópico en una vaca lechera, raza Jersey, del departamento de San José, Uruguay. Este representa el segundo caso reportado de esta condición en el hemisferio sur. La vaca, únicaafectada de un rodeo de 70 bovinos, manifestó signos clínicos neurológicos con curso de 2 días, luego de los que murió espontáneamente. El examen histopatológico reveló meningoencefalitis linfocítica, histiocítica y plasmacítica, con necrosis neuronal, sin cuerpos de inclusión. No sedetectaron en el cerebro otros agentes infecciosos, incluyendo el virus de la rabia (Lyssavirus), alfaherpesvirus bovino-1 y alfaherpesvirus bovino-5 (Varicellovirus), virus de la diarrea viral bovina (Pestivirus), virus del Nilo Occidental (Flavivirus), Listeria monocytogenes, Histophilus somni y otras bacterias. Dado que el descubrimiento de astrovirus neurotrópicos en varias especies de mamíferos, incluidos humanos, es reciente, proponemos que los casos de encefalitis por astrovirus pudieron haber pasado inadvertidos en Sudamérica. Discutimos brevementeel diagnóstico patológico diferencial de encefalitis infecciosas en bovinos. bstract We describe a case of neurotropic bovine astrovirus-associated encephalitis in a Jersey dairy cow from the department of San José, Uruguay. This represents the second case of thiscondition reported in the Southern Hemisphere. The cow was the only one affected in a herd of 70 cows, showing neurological signs with a 2-day clinical course, before dying spontaneously. Histopathological examination revealed lymphocytic, histiocytic, and plasmacytic meningoencephalitis with neuronal necrosis, without detectable inclusion bodies. Other infectious agents, including Rabies virus (Lyssavirus), Bovine alphaherpesvirus-1 and Bovine alphaherpesvirus-5 (Varicellovirus), Bovine viral diarrhea virus (Pestivirus), West Nile virus (Flavivirus), Listeria monocytogenes, Histophilus somni and other bacteria, were not detected in the brain. We propose that given the recent discovery of neurotropic astroviruses in various mammalian species, including humans, cases of astrovirus encephalitis may have gone undetected in South America.We briefly discuss the differential pathologic diagnosis of infectious bovine encephalitis.Abstract We describe a case of neurotropic bovine astrovirus-associated encephalitis in a Jersey dairy cow from the department of San José, Uruguay. This represents the second case of this condition reported in the Southern Hemisphere. The cow was the only one affected in a herd of 70 cows, showing neurological signs with a 2-day clinical course, before dying spontaneously. Histopathological examination revealed lymphocytic, histiocytic, and plasmacytic meningoencephalitis with neuronal necrosis, without detectable inclusion bodies. Other infectious agents,including Rabies virus (Lyssavirus), Bovine alphaherpesvirus-1 and Bovine alphaherpesvirus-5 (Varicellovirus), Bovine viral diarrhea virus (Pestivirus), West Nile virus (Flavivirus), Listeriamonocytogenes, Histophilus somni and other bacteria, were not detected in the brain. We propose that given the recent discovery of neurotropic astroviruses in various mammalian species,including humans, cases of astrovirus encephalitis may have gone undetected in South America.We briefly discuss the differential pathologic diagnosis of infectious bovine encephalitis.© 2021 Asociacion´ Argentina de Microbiolog´?

    The first case of bovine astrovirus-associated encephalitis in the southern hemisphere (Uruguay), uncovers evidence of viral introduction to the Americas from Europe.

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    Abstract: Astrovirus species members of the Mamastrovirus genus (family Astroviridae) have been increasingly recognized as neuroinvasive pathogens in various mammals, including humans, mink, cattle, sheep, and pigs. While cases of astrovirus-associated encephalitis have been reported in North America, Europe, and Asia, their presence has never been documented in the Southern hemisphere. This paper describes a case of astrovirus-associated encephalitis in cattle in Uruguay that broadens the geographic distribution and genetic diversity of neuroinvasive astroviruses and provides phylogeographic evidence of viral introduction to the Americas from Europe. A 22-month-old Holstein steer from a farm in Colonia Department, Uruguay developed progressive neurological signs over a 3-days period before dying. Histopathological examination of the brain and proximal cervical spinal cord revealed disseminated, moderate to severe lymphocytic, histiocytic, and plasmacytic poliomeningoencephalomyelitis with neuronal necrosis. A Mamastrovirus strain in the CH13/NeuroS1 clade, that we called bovine astrovirus (BoAstV)-Neuro-Uy, was identified by reverse transcriptase PCR followed by nearly complete genome sequencing. Additionally, BoAstV was detected intralesionally in the brain by chromogenic RNA in situ hybridization within neuronal perikarya, axons and dendrites. Phylogenetic analysis of BoAstV-Neuro-Uy revealed a close relationship to neurotropic BoAstVs within the Virginia/Human-Mink-Ovine clade, which contains a growing cadre of neuroinvasive astroviruses. Analyzing the complete coding region of neuroinvasive BoAstVs sequences available in GenBank, we estimated an evolutionary rate of 4.27 × 10-4 (95% HPD 2.19?6.46 × 10-4) nucleotide substitutions/site/year. Phylogeographic analysis suggests that the common viral ancestor circulated in Europe between 1794?1940, and was introduced in Uruguay between 1849?1967, to later spread to North America and Japan