26 research outputs found

    Overview of the elastic modulus of human vertebral bone tissue reported in the literature from wet microindentation tests performed at the BSU level, or from back-calculation procedures in combination with microFE models.

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    <p>Overview of the elastic modulus of human vertebral bone tissue reported in the literature from wet microindentation tests performed at the BSU level, or from back-calculation procedures in combination with microFE models.</p

    Linear regression analysis between experimental and predicted local displacements for a tissue modulus E<sub>t</sub> = 12.0GPa.

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    <p>Data are reported for predictions along the three Cartesian directions (X and Y in a transverse plane, Z in the axial direction) for the individual specimens and for pooled data.</p

    Regression analysis of microFE models predictions of local displacements per specimen and bone type.

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    <p>MicroFE models predictions and DVC measurements computed along the transverse (X, Y) and axial (Z) directions for each specimen within cortical (red circles) and trabecular (black crosses) bone regions.</p

    Workflow used to compare predicted and experimental local displacements and axial forces predicted.

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    <p>An example of the step-wise load displacement curve is reported on the top highlighting the Preloaded (1) and Loaded (5% apparent strain, 2) conditions. A picture of the loading jig and a scheme of the sample fixation are reported on the top-right corner. The Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) algorithm was applied to the Preloaded and Loaded images to calculate the map of displacement in the whole vertebral body. MicroFE models of the vertebral body between the PMMA pots were generated from the preloaded image after the application of a single level threshold chosen from the analyses of the frequency plot of the grey-values and visual inspection. The displacement values at the top and bottom layer of the microFE models were assigned by interpolation of the DVC measurements in those planes. Displacements along the axial (Z) and transverse (X, Y) directions were compared between microFE predictions and DVC measurements at the nodes of the DVC grid that lay within microFE elements. Predicted axial forces were compared to those measured from the experimental load-displacement curves (ΔF).</p

    sj-docx-1-tej-10.1177_20417314221113746 – Supplemental material for Comparison of bone formation mediated by bone morphogenetic protein delivered by nanoclay gels with clinical techniques (autograft and InductOs®) in an ovine bone model

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    Supplemental material, sj-docx-1-tej-10.1177_20417314221113746 for Comparison of bone formation mediated by bone morphogenetic protein delivered by nanoclay gels with clinical techniques (autograft and InductOs®) in an ovine bone model by Cameron Black, David Gibbs, Josephine McEwan, Janos Kanczler, Marta Peña Fernández, Gianluca Tozzi, Jonathan Dawson and Richard Oreffo in Journal of Tissue Engineering</p

    Fibre diffraction modelling B.

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    Blue bars: D-period (in nm) for the different I(q) curves in S4 Fig, calculated using the first moment of area method used in the main text. Black bars: True D-period, obtained by correcting for the artificial increase in D-period due to the skew, demonstrated in S5B Fig. (TIF)</p

    SAXS scans of full-length scan.

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    Colour map of the depth-wise variation in SAXS derived parameters across bovine bone-cartilage core of 5mm length and 2mm diameter for a full-length scan. This single sample was scanned across a greater depth in the trabecular bone but is otherwise similar to the samples imaged in Figs 2 and 3 in the main text. Step size of 20 microns, sample size ~0.38mm width, 5mm length. In this sample we were unable to resolve the thin superficial zone (SZ) at the top. Colour plots display: (A) Regions TZ: transitional zone, DZ: deep zone, CP: calcified plate, and TB: trabecular bone (as in Fig 1A, main text), (B) D-period (nm), reflecting collagen pre-strain, (C) total SAXS intensity (a.u.); areas of high intensity correspond to mineral-dense regions, (D) Total SAXS intensity from the background-corrected meridional collagen peak intensity; here, high intensity is observed in articular cartilage and (E) degree of orientation ρ (a.u.), showing high values in the deep zone (DZ), intermediate values in the calcified plate (CP) and transitional zone (TZ), and low values in trabecular bone (TB). (TIF)</p

    Region classification of samples.

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    Representation of the region classification into SZ, TZ, DZ, CP and TB, for the 6 samples used in the analysis. Note that Sample 2 does not have an observable superficial (SZ) zone. The colour indicates the type of tissue region across BCU. (TIF)</p