9 research outputs found

    Multicentre Italian study of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents, preliminary data as at 10 April 2020

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    Data on features of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in children and adolescents are scarce. We report preliminary results of an Italian multicentre study comprising 168 laboratory-confirmed paediatric cases (median: 2.3 years, range: 1 day-17.7 years, 55.9% males), of which 67.9% were hospitalised and 19.6% had comorbidities. Fever was the most common symptom, gastrointestinal manifestations were frequent; two children required intensive care, five had seizures, 49 received experimental treatments and all recovered

    Progettazione e attivazione di un servizio di consulenza infermieristica formalmente riconosciuto all'interno del presidio ospedaliero San Giovanni Bosco di Torino

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    RIASSUNTO La figura dell'Infermiere Consulente è prevista in alcuni paesi esteri. La letteratura sottolinea l'esperienza del Regno Unito che ne ha formalmente definito il ruolo e il profilo. In Italia si hanno poche esperienze in materia e tutte di iniziativa locale, nonostante il Codice Deontologico riconosca all'infermiere la possibilití  di esercitare attivití  di consulenza. Nel Presidio Ospedaliero San Giovanni Bosco di Torino, in conseguenza di maggiore complessití  dei pazienti da trattare, si è si è sviluppata, a livello informale, l'attivití  di consulenza infermieristica. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è di descrivere la metodologia seguita per la realizzazione di un progetto di attivazione di un servizio di consulenze infermieristiche, formalmente riconosciuto, all'interno del Presidio e di presentare i risultati raggiunti dalla sua applicazione. Si è costituito un gruppo di lavoro, revisionato la letteratura e condiviso la definizione di "Infermiere Consulente". Si è provveduto alla: Somministrazione di un questionario validato per mappare le tipologie di consulenze richieste sia erogate che erogabili; Graduazione delle tipologie rilevate attraverso un sistema di pesatura basata su frequenza, urgenza e gravití ; Elaborazione della struttura di ogni profilo con la declinazione dei requisiti attivando focus group con professionisti esperti e l'elaborazione una procedura per l'attivazione delle consulenze, Programmazione della formazione. I risultati sono stati l'individuazione di 5 tipologie di consulenze prioritarie e redazione del relativo profilo, l'accertamento dei requisiti del personale per l'idoneití  alla copertura della posizione. Redazione di una procedura operativa che disciplina le modalití  di funzionamento del servizio all'interno del Presidi Parole Chiave: consulente infermieristico, ruolo infermieristico, complessití  delle cure, assistenza infermieristica avanzata ABSTRACT In some countries the figure of the Consultant Nurse already exists. The literature highlights the experience of the United Kingdom has formally defined the role and profile. In Italy there are few experiences in this area and all local initiative, although the Code of Ethics recognizes the nurse the opportunity to engage in counseling. In the Hospital San Giovanni Bosco di Torino as a result of increased complexity of patients to be treated has been developed at the informal advisory nursing. The aim of this paper is to describe the methodology used for the realization of plans to activate a service of advice nursing, recognized, in the Presidio and to present the results achieved from its application. It is a working group, reviewed the literature and shared the definition of "Nurse Consultant". This is done to administration of a validated questionnaire to map the types of assistance required and paid and payable, graduation of the types detected by means of a weighing system based on frequency, urgency and seriousness, elaboration of the structure of each profile with the declination of the requirements enabling focus groups with experienced professionals, develop a procedure for the activation of the advice and the schedule training. Results are identification of 5 types of advice and drafting of the profile priority, establishment of requirements for the suitability of staff to cover the position and drafting an operating procedure which governs the operation of the service within the Presidio. Keywords: Nursing consultancy, out-patient service, complex care, advanced nursin

    Epidemiology, Clinical Features and Prognostic Factors of Pediatric SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results From an Italian Multicenter Study

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    Background: Many aspects of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents remain unclear and optimal treatment is debated. The objective of our study was to investigate epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic characteristics of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 infection, focusing on risk factors for complicated and critical disease. Methods: The present multicenter Italian study was promoted by the Italian Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, involving both pediatric hospitals and general pediatricians/family doctors. All subjects under 18 years of age with documented SARS-CoV-2 infection and referred to the coordinating center were enrolled from March 2020. Results: As of 15 September 2020, 759 children were enrolled (median age 7.2 years, IQR 1.4; 12.4). Among the 688 symptomatic children, fever was the most common symptom (81.9%). Barely 47% of children were hospitalized for COVID-19. Age was inversely related to hospital admission (p < 0.01) and linearly to length of stay (p = 0.014). One hundred forty-nine children (19.6%) developed complications. Comorbidities were risk factors for complications (p < 0.001). Viral coinfections, underlying clinical conditions, age 5-9 years and lymphopenia were statistically related to ICU admission (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Complications of COVID-19 in children are related to comorbidities and increase with age. Viral co-infections are additional risk factors for disease progression and multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporarily related to COVID-19 (MIS-C) for ICU admission