187 research outputs found

    Long-term impact of Global Health educational experiences in Rome. An attempt of measurement

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    Background Global health education (GHE) is spreading in Europe and in other parts of the world. Since 2008, Sapienza University of Rome has offered activities to medical and other health profession students related to global health (GH), which is grounded in the theory of social determinants of health and inspired by social justice. The educational activities included elective courses as well as community and service-learning experiences, referred to as GH gyms. This study attempts to measure the long-term impact of these educational experiences, especially to demonstrate their influence on the perceived social responsibility of future health professionals. Methods A questionnaire was elaborated and tested on a small sample of participants. It was sent to participants by e-mail. Quantitative results were analysed through descriptive statistics and qualitative answers were carefully read and classified. Results A total of 758 students from different faculties took part to the educational experiences. Only 488 e-mail addresses were available. One hundred and five (21.5%) questionnaires were returned. Participation in GH gyms was perceived to have had a higher influence on future professional and personal choices, when compared to participation in elective GH courses. Conclusions The study shows that consideration of health and social issues related with inequities in health and the use of interactive teaching methodologies had important effects on social responsibility of a large number of students. As there could be a selection bias among respondents, more research is needed to understand the impact of GH educational experiences. The inclusion of global health education in health and social curricula and the use of interactive methodologies with a correct evaluation of results are the indications that emerge from this research, together with the necessity of a strong involvement of students, professors and the whole academic reality

    Medical education: an Italian contribution to the discussion on global health education

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    Abstract Background In Italy an important contribution to the spread of global health education (GHE) grew from the establishment and work of the Italian Network for Global Health Education (INGHE). INGHE gave a national shared definition of global health (GH), grounded in the theory of determinants of health, inspired by a vision of social justice, and committed to reduce health inequities. The aim of this article is to share with the international community INGHE’s point of view on Medical Education. Methods To express its view of medical education at the national level, INGHE established a dedicated commission, which elaborated a first draft of the document and then shared and discussed it with all other members. Results INGHE elaborated a paper where it explained the need to change medical education in order to prepare future health professionals for the challenges of the globalized and unequal world. In this article the authors summarize the experience of INGHE and share with the international community its document. Conclusions The authors believe it is necessary now, more than ever, to insert this new approach to health at social and academic levels. Students should play a fundamental role in the spread of GHE, and activities related with GHE could be considered an important part of the third mission of universities to promote social justice

    Healthcare Associated Infections. educational intervention by "Adult Learning" in an Italian teaching hospital

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    An educational intervention for HAI prevention based on a combination of training, motivation and subsequent application in the current clinical practice in an Italian teaching hospital

    e-Learning e formazione universitaria nelle scienze mediche: indagine qualitativa su opinioni e aspettative di Docenti e Studenti

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    L’evoluzione degli strumenti dell’Information and Communication Technology rappresenta una sfida per la formazione universitaria nelle Scienze Mediche. Lo sviluppo di metodologie e-Learning in affiancamento alla didattica tradizionale risponde a bisogni formativi in evoluzione e alle nuove esigenze organizzative del contesto universitario.Introduction. The development of Information and Communication Technology is a challenge for university education in medical sciences. This study, sponsored and coordinated by the “Giovanni D’Addona” Remote Teaching Unit of the Sapienza – University of Rome, aims to provide useful indications for the implementation of e-Learning methodologies in medical sciences. Materials and methods. This qualitative study examined the opinions, attitudes and experiences of a sample of teachers, researchers and students of the Faculties of Medicine and Health Professions of the Sapienza - University of Rome. Focus groups, interviews and open-ended questions were used for data collection. A content analysis was performed with the aim of data reduction, naming data, obtaining analytical code and determining categories and themes. Results. The analysis revealed four main themes regarding the implementation of e-Learning methodologies in the study context. These were: advantages and potential of e-Learning, limitations, organizational constraints and prospects of e-Learning. Conclusions. In undergraduate medical education, traditional on-site learning is fundamental for clinical practice. The development of e-Learning methodologies allow to respond to changing educational needs of students and organizational requirements of the specific university context. The introduction of a blended learning approach requires organizational changes as well as modifications to the current teaching paradigms, with the involvement of professionals specialized in e-Learning methodologies

    La Prevalenza del Dolore Cronico Non Oncologico nell'Adulto e Patologie Associate: una revisione narrativa della letteratura

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    Il dolore cronico non oncologico rappresenta un problema sanitario sottostimato dal punto di vista epidemiologico ed in termini di salute pubblica. Esso è una malattia in senso stretto, e rappresenta una delle maggiori motivazioni per cui i soggetti si rivolgono ai servizi sanitari. La grandezza del fenomeno si esprime in termini di sofferenza umana e di costi sociali. L'obiettivo di questa revisione è quello di identificare le cause e la prevalenza del dolore cronico non oncologico nei soggetti adulti. E' stata realizzata una revisione della letteratura dal 1998 al 2012 utilizzando le emeroteche virtuali partendo dalle banche dati (Pub-Med, CINHAL, Cochrane). È stata effettuata una revisione narrativa degli articoli ottenuti. Sono stati esclusi articoli riguardanti cefalee, fasce di etí  pediatriche e geriatriche, oncologici e articoli specifici per patologia. Gli studi ottenuti sono stati classificati per anno, autore campione, metodi, fasce di etí  e definizione di dolore. Sono stati selezionati 7 articoli. Questi studi epidemiologici, realizzati in diverse parti del mondo, riportano un tasso di prevalenza relativo al dolore cronico tra il 16-53%. Emerge una elevata eterogeneití  di risultati relativi alle diagnosi e metodi. Seppure limitato il numero degli articoli, emerge una elevata complessití  del fenomeno.Parole chiave: Dolore Cronico, Prevalenza, EpidemiologiaABSTRACTThe chronic nonmalignant pain is an underestimated epidemiologic health problem. It is a disease in its own right. It is one of the major reasons because patients use health service. The magnitude of chronic pain is in terms of human suffering and costs to society. The aim of this review is to identify the diagnosis and the prevalence of nonmalignant chronic pain in the adults. We have done a review of the literature from 1998 to 2012 using the virtual newspaper libraries starting from data bases (Pub-Med, CINAHL, Cochrane). We have made a narrative review of the articles obtained. Excluding topics of headache, pain for pediatric and geriatric groups, cancer pain and disease-specific items. Studies were classified for year, author sample, methods, age groups and definition of pain. We have obtained 7 articles. These epidemiological studies conducted in different part of the world, reported prevalence rates of chronic pain ranging from 16-53%. They shows a high heterogeneity of results concerning diagnosis and methods. Although limited the number of articles, show the high complexity of the phenomenon.Key Words: Chronic Pain, Prevalence, Epidemiology.