4 research outputs found

    Estudio de Factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de entretenimiento playero en el balneario las Palmas, Ciudad Esmeraldas

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    Plaza Camino, Gianella; "Estudio de Factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de entretenimiento playero en el balneario las Palmas, Ciudad Esmeraldas" ; 141 p. ; Tesis previa obtención del título de Ingeniera Comercial mención ProductividadEl desarrollo de esta investigación parte del objetivo principal "Determinar Factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de entretenimiento playero en el balneario las Palmas, Ciudad Esmeraldas, mediante la elaboración de estrictos procesos para una óptima entrega del servicio. Dentro de la metodología aplicada se empleó los siguientes métodos; analítico, deductivo, y descriptivo, con los que se obtuvo información relevante y de credibilidad para la investigación. A través de la elaboración de este proyecto se determinaron los gustos y preferencias de los visitantes de la playa Las Palas y se identificó además el gasto promedio que realizan exclusivamente en entretenimiento, por medio de una investigación de mercado con la finalidad de crear un servicio que satisfaga sus necesidades. De la misma forma se definieron los servicios a ofrecerse, estabeciendo principalmente los deportes acuáticos que podrían praticarse, obviamente tomando en cuenta las características físicas de la zona de estudio y los posibles impactos que surgirán con la construcción de la empresa en mención

    Mediterranean diet and psychological well-being intervention to reverse metabolic syndrome in Chile (CHILEMED trial)

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    Psychosocial status and lifestyle are key risk factors of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which, in turn, are main drivers of healthcare costs and morbimortality worldwide, including Chile. Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) is one of the healthiest dietary patterns under study. However, its impact on high-risk conditions, such as metabolic syndrome (MetS), and NCDs outside the Mediterranean Basin remains mostly unexplored. Even though Central Chile has an environment, food production, and culinary traditions comparable to those present in Mediterranean countries, few studies -some with significant methodological limitations- have evaluated the effect of MedDiet on health and/or disease in Chilean subjects. Importantly, a Mediterranean lifestyle is a modus vivendi that integrates physical health with mental and social well-being. Psychological well-being (PWB) is associated with healthy behaviors, positive health outcomes, and longevity, thereby emerging as a novel healthcare goal. We report here an ongoing randomized controlled clinical trial in Chilean patients with MetS seeking to test whether (1) a PWB theory-based intervention facilitates induction to and increases long-term adherence to a locally adapted MedDiet, and (2) a MedDiet intervention -implemented alone or combined with well-being promotion- is more effective at reversing MetS compared to individuals following a low-fat diet without psychological support. The CHILEan MEDiterranean (CHILEMED) diet intervention study is a 1-year trial including patients with MetS living in Chile. Participants will be assigned randomly by a computer-generated random number sequence to one of the three intervention arms: a) low-fat diet as control group, b) MedDiet alone, and c) MedDiet plus well-being support. Patients will be followed-up by individual and/or group online nutritional sessions or phone cal as well as 6- and 12-month in-person re-assessment of medical history, medication use, food intake, PWB, anthropometrics/physical exam, and blood collection for laboratory analysis. The primary outcome of the trial will be the effect of the MedDiet -with or without PWB intervention- on overall reversal of MetS compared to low-fat diet alone. Based on a statistical superiority trial, expected impact, and patient loss, the estimated study sample is 339 subjects (113 individuals per arm in 3 equal-sized groups). Currently, we have enrolled 179 patients, predominantly women, evenly distributed by age (group means ranging from 45.7 to 48,9 years-old), 3/4 are obese with almost all of them showing abdominal obesity, 70% are hypertensive, whereas <10% exhibit diabetes. If findings turn out as expected (e.g., MedDiet -with or without PWB intervention- is better than the low-fat diet for reversion of MetS at 1-year follow-up), CHILEMED will provide further beneficial evidence of the MedDiet on NCD risk conditions beyond the Mediterranean region

    Universal and Local Understanding of Poverty in Peru

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    The purpose of this survey of the literature on poverty in Peru is to contribute to universal and interdisciplinary understanding, while at the same time giving due weight to discipline-specific contributions. The first three sections review relevant literature on Peru by economists, social anthropologists and sociologists. The strict positivism of much economic literature renders it susceptible to neglect power relations and assume a benign and universal process of modernization. Anthropologists have revealed the importance of local cultural identity, but at the risk of downplaying universal dimensions of well-being. Sociologists struggle to reconcile a universal analysis of class structure with renewed emphasis on individual and collective agency in adversity. The last section puts forward an integrating theoretical framework centred on the concepts of inclusion and exclusion. In contrast to the ‘tragic optimism’ of Sender this theory of social exclusion can best be summed up as ‘constructive pessimism’