13 research outputs found

    L'Italia come modello per l'Europa e per il mondo nelle politiche sanitarie per il trattamento dell'epatite cronica da HCV

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    The World Health Organization foresees the elimination of HCV infection by 2030. In light of this and the curre nt, nearly worldwide, restriction in direct-acting agents (DAA) accessibility due to their high price, we aimed to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of two alternative DAA treatment policies: Policy 1 (universal): treat all patients, regardless of the fibrosis stage; Policy 2 (prioritized): treat only priori tized patients and delay treatment of the remaining patients until reaching stage F3. T he model was based on patient’s data from the PITER cohort. We demonstrated that extending HC V treatment of patients in any fibrosis stage improves health outcomes and is cost-effective

    Spinoza en Italie entre Lumières et Romantisme : de l’opposition à la confrontation

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    Durch die Analyse der in der Zeit zwischen Aufklärung und Romantik entstandenen Werke, unterscheidet A. drei verschiedene, jedoch zum Teil ineinander verflochtene Phasen der italienischen Philosophie. Diese wird sowohl im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Begriff des Spinozismus, als auch von dem Gesichtspunkt des Einflusses dieser I '’hre aus betrachtet. Eine erste Phase (die etwa vom zweitletzten Jahrzehnt des 18. en bis zum dritten des 19. en Jh. dauert) in welcher die Arten der Erfassung noch weitgehend jene sind, die man für den Zeitraum zwischen dem Tode Spinozas und 1785 als bezeichnend ansehen kann. Eine zweite (viertes und fünftes Jahrzehnt des 19. cn Jh. dts.), wo eine Veränderung in der Auffassung des Spinozismus deutlich wird, da er nicht mehr oder nicht mehr ausschließlich als Atheimus, sondern als Pantheismus und ‘Atheismus als Pantheismus’ betrachtet wird ; dagegen verlcugnete man subjektiv seinen leicht nachweisbaren Einfluß. Eine dritte Phase, während der ein neuer Begriff des Spinozismus entsteht, sein Einfluß Wurzel faßt, vor allem aber eine Veränderung in der Art der Auseinandersetzung mit ihm unverkennbar wird. Bedeutende Vertreter der ersten Phase : G.S. Gerdl, A. Valsccchi, P. Galluppi ; der zweiten : A. Rosmini, V. Gioberti. Anreger der dritten war B. Spaventa.By analysing the most significant texts of the period between enlightenment and romanticism we can distinguish three different but connected phases in the image Italian philosophy had of Spinozism and in the influence of Spinoza’s thought on Italian philosophy. The first phase (from the 1780’s to the third decade of the nineteenth century) is characterized by continuity with the attitudes present in the century ranging from Spinoza’s death to 1785. In the second phase (fourth and fifth decades of the nineteenth century) the image of Spinozism starts to change ; it is considered not, or not only, as atheism but as pantheism and atheism, in so far as it is pantheism, and its influence can be documentated while subjectively denied by philosophers of the period. The third phase witnesses a strengthening of the new image of Spinozism, its wider influence and, above all, a change in its estimation. G.S. Gerdil, A. Vaisecchi, P. Galluppi were important exponents of the first phase. A. Rosmini and V. Gioberti of the second. Spaventa was the initiator of the third phase.Par l’analyse des écrits des auteurs les plus significatifs de la période entre Lumières et Romantisme, l’A. distingue trois phases différentes mais en partie entrelacées dans la philosophie italienne considérée sous le double aspect de l’image que la philosophie italienne eut du spinozisme et de l’influence que le spinozisme a exercé sur elle. Une première (qui comprend la période entre 1780 et 1830 environ) prolonge les modalités de réception du spinozisme qui appartenaient au siècle qui va de la mort de Spinoza à 1785. Une deuxième (1830-1850 environ), dans laquelle commence à se profiler un changement de l’image du spinozisme, qui est maintenant considéré non plus, ou bien non seulement, comme athéisme, mais comme panthéisme et athéisme en tant que panthéisme ; on peut prouver son influence, mais elle est subjectivement désavouée. Une troisième, dans laquelle la nouvelle image du spinozisme se stabilise, son influence s’enracine et, surtout, change la manière de se rapporter à lui. Les représentants les plus importants de la première phase furent G. S. Gerdil, A. Vaisecchi, P. Galluppi. De la deuxième A. Rosmini et V. Gioberti. L’initiateur de la troisième fut B. Spaventa.Analizando los escritos más significativos del periodo que va de las Luces al Romanticismo, el autor distingue tres fases diferentes, aunque parcialmente entrelazadas, en la filosofía Italiana considerada bajo un doble aspecto : el de la imagen que tuvo la filosofía italiana del espinosísimo y el de la influencia que éste ejerció sobre ella. Una primera fase (periodo 1780-1830 aproximadamente) prolonga las modalidades de recepción del espinosismo correspondientes al siglo que va de la muerte de Spinoza a 1785. Una segunda fase (aproximadamente de 1830 a 1850), en la que empieza a perfilarse un cambio en la imagen del espinosismo, considerado ya no exclusivamente como ateismo sino como panteísmo y ateísmo por ser precisamente panteismo ; puede comprobarse su influencia, aunque sea subjetivamente negada. Una tercera fase, en la que se estabiliza la nueva imagen del espinosismo, se arraiga su influencia y, principalmente, cambia el modo de considerarlo. De la primera fase, los representantes más importantes fueron G.S. Gerdil, A. Vaisecchi, P. Galluppi. De la segunda A. Rosmini y V. Gioberti. El iniciador de la tercera fue B. Spaventa.Giancotti Emilia. Spinoza en Italie entre Lumières et Romantisme : de l’opposition à la confrontation. In: Cahiers de Fontenay, n°36-38, 1985. Spinoza entre Lumières et romantisme. pp. 267-278

    Religion et politique chez Spinoza

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    Die Beziehungen zwischen Religion und Politik werden im Theologisch Politischen Traktat erörtert, in dem sich die Analyse auf die Schrift der Heiligen Schrift im Lichte einer neuen Hermeneutik, aber auch der Ethik und des Politischen Traktates und ihrer Übereinstimmungen stützt. Spinoza unterscheidet zwischen wahrer und falscher Religion ; er führt die falsche Religion auf die inadäquate Erkenntnis zurück, die selbst noch in einem Rahmen der affirmativen Fassung einer Vernunftmacht des Menschen begriffen ist ; die Lösung der religiösen Probleme betrachtet er zugleich als die notwendigen Lösungen der politischen Probleme. Wenn es sich darum handelt, die wahre Religion zu definieren, begreift Spinoza darunter zwei Varianten : die Religion des Philosophen, der Gott versteht und die in der Ethik expliziert ist ; und schließlich die Religion des Gläubigen, der in den geweihten Texten den Glauben an den persönlichen Gott erlernt, ohne dabei dem schädlichen Aberglauben zu verfallen. Diese beiden Varianten ruhen zwar auf einer unterschiedlichen Idee Gottes auf, aber ihre praktischen Effekte sind vergleichbar : die sozialen Tugenden, die als Gerechtigkeit und Nächstenliebe zusammengefaßt werden.The relations between religion and politics are addressed in the Theological-Political Treatise where the analysis rests on a reading of the Scriptures in the light of a new hermeneutics, but are also considered in the Ethics, the Political Treatise and the correspondance. Spinoza distinguishes between true and false religion. He attributes false religion to insufficient knowledge, which is itself included in the context of a positive conception of the reasonable power of man. He considers the solution to the religious problem as necessary to the solution of political problems. Spinoza distinguishes two variants of true religion : the religion of the philosopher who understands God, a religion that is set out in the Ethics ; and the religion of the believer, who learns from the sacred texts to believe in a personal God, without this belief being tainted with superstition. These two variants rest on a different idea of God, but their practical effects are similar, namely the social virtues : justice and charity.Les rapports entre religion et politique sont abordés dans le Traité théologico-politique, où l'analyse s'appuie sur la lecture de l'Écriture Sainte à la lumière d'une nouvelle herméneutique, mais aussi dans l'Ethique, le Traité politique et la correspondance. Spinoza distingue entre vraie et fausse religion ; il rapporte la fausse religion à la connaissance inadéquate, elle-même comprise dans le cadre d’une conception affirmative de la puissance raisonnable de l'homme ; il considère la solution du problème religieux comme nécessaire à la solution des problèmes politiques. Lorsqu'il s’agit de définir la vraie religion, Spinoza en conçoit en fait deux variantes : la religion du philosophe qui comprend Dieu et qui est exposée dans l'Ethique ; la religion du fidèle qui apprend dans les textes sacrés la croyance au Dieu personnel, sans les détériorations dues à la superstition. Ces deux variantes reposent sur une idée différente de Dieu, mais leurs effets pratiques sont semblables : les vertus sociales résumées par la justice et la charité.Las relaciones entre religion y política son abordadas en el Tratado Teológico-Político, en el cual, el análisis se apoya en la lectura de la Sagrada Escritura a la luz de ima nueva hermenéutica, así como en la Etica, el Tratado Político y la correspondencia. Spinoza distingue entre religión verdadera y falsa ; relaciona la falsa religión con el conocimiento inadecuado, comprendido éste en el marco de una concepción afirmativa de la potencia racional del hombre. Spinoza considera la solución del problema religioso como una necesidad para la solución de los problemas políticos. Cuando se trata de definir la verdadera religión, Spinoza concibe dos variantes de ella : la religión del filósofo que comprende a Dios y que se expone en la ¿ ; por otro lado, la religión del fiel que aprende la creencia en un Dios personal en los textos sagrados, sin el deterioro debido a la superstición. Ambas variantes reposan sobre una idea diferente de Dios, pero sus efectos prácticos son semejantes : las virtudes sociales resumidas por la justicia y la caridad.Giancotti Emilia. Religion et politique chez Spinoza. In: Nature, croyance, raison. Mélanges offerts à Sylvain Zac

    Present, old and future strategies for anti-HCV treatment in patients infected by genotype-1: estimation of the drug costs in the Calabria Region in the era of the directly acting antivirals

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    BACKGROUND: In Italy, anti-HCV drugs are provided free of charge by the National Health System. Since 2011, three drug regimens including a directly acting antiviral (DAA) are considered the gold standard for HCV treatment. However, these drugs add a significant cost (roughly €26,000) to the combination of pegylated-interferon-α/ribavirin (PEG-IFN/RBV), which before DAA represented the unique treatment. To provide the National Health System potential useful information, we estimated costs to provide anti-HCV drugs to treat a population experienced for PEG-INF/RBV. METHODS: Genotype 1 HCV mono-infected or HIV/HCV co-infected individuals who were treated with PEG-IFN/RBV between 2008 and 2013 were included. The cost to treat these patients with PEG-IFN/RBV was calculated (cost 1). We also estimated costs if we had to treat these patients with a lead-in period of PEG-INF/RBV followed by PEG-IFN/RBV and a DAA in naïves (cost 2), in addition to cost 1 plus the estimated cost to re-treat with PEG-IFN/RBV and a DAA patients who had a relapse or a non response (cost 3). Moreover, all costs were normalized by SVR. Rates of foreseen response with DAA were obtained from literature data. RESULTS: The overall study population consisted of 104 patients. The rate of sustained virological response (SVR) was 55%, while it was estimated that SVR would be obtained in 75% of patients with a lead-in period with PEG-IFN/RBV followed by a DAA combination, and in 78% if this treatment is used to re-treat experienced patients with a DAA. Drug costs associated with these treatments were: €1,214,283 for cost 1, €3,474,977 for cost 2 and €3,002,095 for cost 3. Costs per SVR achieved were: €22,284 for cost 1, €44,643 for cost 2 and €38,322 for cost 3. CONCLUSIONS: Treatments including DAAs achieve a SVR in more patients than PEG-IFN/RBV but they cost around three times more than PEG-IFN/RBV alone regimens. Also, cost per SVR is almost twofold greater than PEG-IFN/RBV regimens. Therefore, it is mandatory to implement use of DAA in clinical practice, but the National Health System should allocate adequate resources to provide drugs, which challenges sustainability. Cost reduction for anti-HCV drugs should be pursued

    La Natura e il Metodo. La conoscenza come lotta per la libertà in Spinoza

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    The naturalistic approach to knowledge, as emerges from of Quine’s and Sellars’ works, puts an absolute trust in the way science operates, insomuch that it suggests that philosophy should adopt its criteria and methods. This subsumption of philosophy to science is possible only reducing every discourse on their relationship to a mere question of method. This article aims to point out, by using Spinoza’s thought, the possibility of an escape from this rigid dichotomy. For the Dutch philosopher the study of nature is, in fact, the occasion for a broader consideration on the possibilities of knowledge in contributing to the achievement of an authentic freedom

    p140Cap protein suppresses tumour cell properties, regulating Csk and Src kinase activity

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    We recently identified p140Cap as a novel adaptor protein, expressed in epithelial-rich tissues and phosphorylated upon cell matrix adhesion and growth factor treatment. Here, we characterise p140Cap as a novel Src-binding protein, which regulates Src activation via C-terminal Src kinase (Csk). p140Cap silencing increases cell spreading, migration rate and Src kinase activity. Accordingly, increased expression of p140Cap activates Csk, leading to inhibition of Src and downstream signalling as well as of cell motility and invasion. Moreover, cell proliferation and ‘in vivo' breast cancer cell growth are strongly impaired by high levels of p140Cap, providing the first evidence that p140Cap is a novel negative regulator of tumour growth