35 research outputs found

    Articular Cartilage Repair of the Knee in Children and Adolescents

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    Articular cartilage predominantly serves a biomechanical function, which begins in utero and further develops during growth and locomotion. With regard to its 2-tissue structure (chondrocytes and matrix), the regenerative potential of hyaline cartilage defects is limited. Children and adolescents are increasingly suffering from articular cartilage and osteochondral deficiencies. Traumatic incidents often result in damage to the joint surfaces, while repetitive microtrauma may cause osteochondritis dissecans. When compared with their adult counterparts, children and adolescents have a greater capacity to regenerate articular cartilage defects. Even so, articular cartilage injuries in this age group may predispose them to premature osteoarthritis. Consequently, surgery is indicated in young patients when conservative measures fail. The operative techniques for articular cartilage injuries traditionally performed in adults may be performed in children, although an individualized approach must be tailored according to patient and defect characteristics. Clear guidelines for defect dimension–associated techniques have not been reported. Knee joint dimensions must be considered and correlated with respect to the cartilage defect size. Particular attention must be given to the subchondral bone, which is frequently affected in children and adolescents. Articular cartilage repair techniques appear to be safe in this cohort of patients, and no differences in complication rates have been reported when compared with adult patients. Particularly, autologous chondrocyte implantation has good biological potential, especially for large-diameter joint surface defects

    Clinical Trial and In Vitro

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    Practical execution of defect preparation prior to surgical cartilage intervention: results from a representative meeting survey among experts

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    During a specialised orthopedic meeting held on ‘the state of the art in cartilage defect repair’, all previously fully-registered participants were requested to participate in an electronic survey by the use of a moderator-presented “Power Point Presentation-based” 9-item questionnaire. The aim of this survey was to assess indication, approach, and treatment execution of cartilage defect debridement prior to planned microfracture (MFX) or autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI). All participants completed the questionnaire (n = 146) resulting in a return rate of 100 %. An uncertainty exists as to whether the removal of the calcifying layer prior to cartilage repair must be carried out or not. The same was true for the acceptability of subchondral bleeding prior to microfracturing and its handling prior to autologous chondrocyte implantation. There is a degree of unanimity among experts regarding the management of osteophytes and bone marrow edema. In a homogenous society collective of consultants that frequently deal with cartilage defective pathologies, there still remain a significant heterogeneity in selected topics of defect debridement

    Clinical Trial and In Vitro Study for the Role of Cartilage and Synovia in Acute Articular Infection

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    Objective. Osteoarthritis is a long-term complication of acute articular infections. However, the roles of cartilage and synovia in this process are not yet fully understood. Methods. Patients with acute joint infections were enrolled in a prospective clinical trial and the cytokine composition of effusions compared in patients with arthroplasty (n = 8) or with intact joints (n = 67). Cytokines and cell function were also analyzed using a human in vitro model of joint infection. Results. Synovial IL-1β levels were significantly higher in patients with arthroplasty (p = 0.004). Higher IL-1β concentrations were also found in the in vitro model without chondrocytes (p < 0.05). The anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4 and IL-10 were consistently expressed in vivo and in vitro, showing no association with the presence of cartilage or chondrocytes. In contrast, FasL levels increased steadily in vitro, reaching higher levels without chondrocytes (p < 0.05). Likewise, the viability of synovial fibroblasts (SFB) during infection was higher in the presence of chondrocytes. The cartilage-metabolism markers aggrecan and bFGF were at higher concentrations in intact joints, but also synthesized by SFB. Conclusions. Our data suggest an anti-inflammatory effect of cartilage associated with the SFBs’ increased resistance to infections, which displayed the ability to effectively synthesize cartilage metabolites.The trial is registered with DRKS 00003536, MISSinG

    Microfracture for Treatment of Knee Cartilage Defects in Children and Adolescents

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    Even though operative microfracture is the most frequent method for treatment of limited knee joint cartilage lesions among adults, data about ouctome in children and adolescents are rare. We performed a retrospective chart review and telephone interview to analyze for the clinical outcome following knee joint cartilage defect microfracturing among 10 children. Mean postoperative Lysholm was 92.1±9.9 and Tegner was 7.0±1.9. Clinical outcome differed across knee joint regions, as well as in dependence of varying pre-operative symptom duration, although this was not significant. Regression analysis did not reveal a significant impact of patient or defect characteristics on clinical outcome. Arthroscopic microfracturing for treatment of limited size symptomatic knee joint cartilage defects among children and adolescents is considered a reasonable surgical option. However, long-term outcome and larger patient cohorts are required

    The Validity of Motion Capture Analysis System against the Gold Standard Long-Standing Radiography in the Measurement of Lower Extremity Alignment

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    Motion capture analysis (MCA) has the advantage of providing a static and dynamic leg axis analysis without radiation. Nevertheless, there is a lack of evidence regarding the accuracy of this technique. To test whether mechanical femorotibial axis angle (MAA) measurement recorded with a non-invasive MCA system is equal to the gold standard static long-standing full-leg radiographs (LSX) and if the degree of malalignment or other parameters (BMI, body mass, height, age) influence the accuracy, a total of 102 consecutive patients were examined using LSX and MCA. Static as well as all gait motion phases at 3 km/h were analyzed regarding the difference between the two angles. There was no statistical difference for MAA between LSX (MAArad) and MCA (MAAstat) (p = 0.091). There was a strong correlation (rs = 0.858, p s = 0.549; terminal stance rs = 0.815; p < 0.001). BMI, body mass, and height did not influence the accuracy of MCA. MCA enables frontal alignment analysis with high accuracy and without the side effect of radiation

    Arthroscopic Minced Cartilage Implantation (MCI): A Technical Note

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    Articular cartilage lesions are identified with increasing frequency. Several cartilage repair techniques are available to treat symptomatic cartilage defects. The ultimate goal of any cartilage repair procedure is the prevention of premature osteoarthritis. Autologous chondrocyte implantation provides the best tissue quality. However, 2 operations and a resource-intense culturing process with high regulatory demands are disadvantages of this cartilage repair procedure. Furthermore, cellular dedifferentiation and senescence display further cell culture-associated drawbacks that hamper the procedure. Minced cartilage implantation is a relatively simple and cost-effective one-step procedure with promising biologic potential and satisfying clinical results. We present an arthroscopic surgical technique where the surgeon can apply autologous chondrocytes in a one-step procedure to treat articular cartilage defects at the knee joint