23 research outputs found

    RNA (E6 and E7) Assays versus DNA (E6 and E7) Assays for Risk Evaluation for Women Infected with Human Papillomavirus▿

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    In the majority of cases, high-risk human papillomavirus (HR HPV) infections regress spontaneously, with only a small percentage progressing to high-grade lesions. Current screening methods are based on DNA detection. An alternative would be to monitor expression of the E6 and E7 viral oncogenes continuously expressed by malignant phenotypes. In the work reported in this paper, we compared the two methods for a group of women with high-risk HPV infections. Cervical specimens from 400 women, previously found to be HPV DNA positive, were analyzed for HPV DNA by a liquid hybridization assay and typed by multiplex PCR (for types 16, 18, 31, and 33). Identification of HR HPV E6 and E7 RNA transcripts was performed using real-time reverse transcription-PCR and nucleic acid sequence-based amplification assays. Results were compared with concurrent cytological data. HR HPVs were found in 61.2% of patients. The most common genotype was HPV type 16 (HPV-16) (47.1%), followed by HPV-18, HPV-31, and HPV-33. Nine percent of cases involved other genotypes. Among 223 HPV DNA-positive samples, only 118 were positive in the RNA test. Among HPV DNA-positive patients with normal cytology, we detected E6 and E7 RNA transcripts in two cases (18.2%). The rate of detection increased gradually with the grade of the observed lesions, rising from 20% for patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance to 48.1% for women with low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions and 86.3% for those with high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions. These results suggest that testing for HPV E6 and E7 transcripts could be a useful tool for screening and patient management, providing more accurate predictions of risk than those obtained by DNA testing

    Clinical Performance of Human Papillomavirus E6 and E7 mRNA Testing for High-Grade Lesions of the Cervix ▿

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    Infection with high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) is the major cause of cervical cancer. However, relatively few infections progress to malignant disease. Progression to malignancy requires the overexpression of the E6 and E7 genes in the integrated HPV genome. It follows that the E6 and E7 transcripts could be useful markers of disease progression. The study presented here tests this possibility, using data from colposcopy and from cytological and histological tests to compare RNA assays for the E6 and E7 genes with DNA testing. A total of 180 women underwent colposcopy, cytology, and biopsy of suspected lesions (143 cases). Cervical brush specimens were analyzed for HPV DNA and for E6 and E7 mRNA. DNA from HR HPV was found in 57.8% of the specimens; E6 and E7 transcripts were found in 45%. The rates of detection of HPV DNA and of E6 and E7 transcripts were 33.3% and 25%, respectively, for specimens with normal findings; 51.4% and 31.9%, respectively, for specimens with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1); and 61.1% and 44.2% for specimens with CIN2, respectively. All specimens with CIN3 and 95.5% of specimens from patients with squamous cell carcinoma were positive by both assays. Thirty-seven patients with normal colposcopy findings did not undergo biopsy. HPV DNA and mRNA transcripts were found in 32.4% and 18.9% of these cases, respectively. Comparisons with cytological tests produced similar results. Overall, the mRNA tests showed a higher specificity than the DNA tests for high-grade lesions (72.7% and 56.2%, respectively) and a higher positive predictive value (59.3% and 49.0%, respectively). These findings suggest that mRNA assays could be more powerful than DNA testing for predicting the risk of progression and offer a strong potential as a tool for triage and patient follow-up

    Aymptomatic intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma: case report and differential diagnosis with thyroid neoplasms

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    Aymptomatic intrathyroidal parathyroid adenoma: case report and differential diagnosis with thyroid neoplasm