13 research outputs found

    The parvocellular vasotocin system of Japanese quail: a developmental and adult model for the study of influences of gonadal hormones on sexually differentiated and behaviorally relevant neural circuits.

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    Vasotocin (VT; the antidiuretic hormone of birds) is synthesized by diencephalic magnocellular neurons projecting to the neurohypophysis. A sexually dimorphic system of VT-immunoreactive (ir) parvocellular elements has been described within the male medial preoptic nucleus (POM) and the nucleus of the stria terminalis, pars medialis (BSTm). VT-ir fibers are present in many diencephalic and extradiencephalic locations, and quantitative morphometric analyses demonstrated their sexually dimorphic distribution in regions involved in the control of different aspects of reproduction. Moreover, systemic or intracerebroventricular injections of VT markedly inhibit the expression of some aspects of male sexual behavior. In adult animals, circulating levels of testosterone (T) have a profound influence on the VT immunoreactivity within BSTm, POM, and lateral septum. Castration markedly decreases the immunoreaction, whereas T-replacement therapy restores a situation similar to the intact birds. We observed no changes in gonadectomized females treated with T. These changes parallel similar changes in male copulatory behavior (not present in castrated male quail, fully expressed in castrated, T-treated males). The restoration by T of the VT immunoreactivity in castrated male quail could be fully mimicked by a treatment with estradiol (E(2)), suggesting that the aromatization of T into E(2) may play a key limiting role in both the activation of male sexual behavior and the induction of VT synthesis. This dimorphism has an organizational nature: administration of E(2) to quail embryos (a treatment that abolishes male sexual behavior) results in a dramatic decrease of the VT immunoreactivity in sexually dimorphic regions. Conversely, the inhibition of E(2) synthesis during embryonic life (a treatment that stimulates the expression of male copulatory behavior in treated females exposed in adulthood to T) results in a malelike distribution of VT immunoreactivity. The VT parvocellular system of the Japanese quail can therefore be considered an accurate marker of the sexual differentiation of brain circuits mediating copulatory behavior and could be a very sensitive indicator of the activity of estrogenlike substances on neural circuits

    Neurosteroidogenesis today: Novel targets for neuroactive steroid synthesis and action and their relevance for translational research.

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    Neuroactive steroids are endogenous neuromodulators synthesised in the brain that rapidly alter neuronal excitability by binding to membrane receptors, in addition to the regulation of gene expression via intracellular steroid receptors. Neuroactive steroids induce potent anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant, sedative, analgesic and amnesic effects, mainly through interaction with the γ-amino-butyric type A (GABAA ) receptor. They also exert neuroprotective, neurotrophic and antiapoptotic effects in several animal models of neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroactive steroids regulate many physiological functions such as stress response, puberty, ovarian cycle, pregnancy and reward. Their levels are altered in several neuropsychiatric and neurologic diseases and both preclinical and clinical studies emphasise a therapeutic potential of neuroactive steroids for these diseases, whereby symptomatology ameliorates upon restoration of neuroactive steroid concentrations. However, direct administration of neuroactive steroids has several challenges, including pharmacokinetics, low bioavailability, addiction potential, safety and tolerability that limit its therapeutic use. Therefore, modulation of neurosteroidogenesis to restore the altered endogenous neuroactive steroid tone may represent a better therapeutic approach. This review summarizes recent approaches that target the neuroactive steroid biosynthetic pathway at different levels in order to promote neurosteroidogenesis. These include modulation of neurosteroidogenesis through ligands of the translocator protein 18 kDa (TSPO), and the pregnane xenobiotic receptor (PXR), as well as targeting of specific neurosteroidogenic enzymes like 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 10 (17β-HSD10) or P450 side chain cleavage (P450scc). Enhanced neurosteroidogenesis through these targets may be beneficial for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer\u27s disease and age-related dementia, but also for neuropsychiatric diseases, including alcohol use disorders. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved