115 research outputs found

    Coding-Complete Genome Sequence of a Black Queen Cell Virus Isolate from Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) in Italy

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    In this study, we documented the complete coding genome sequence of a Black queen cell virus (BQCV) isolate from honey bees in Italy. This genome sequence illustrates a high similarity with other BQCV isolates reported worldwide and could provide insights into BQCV genome phylogeny and divergence

    Xylella fastidiosa in Olive in Apulia: Where We Stand

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    A dramatic outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa decimating olive was discovered in 2013 in Apulia, Southern Italy. This pathogen is a quarantine bacterium in the European Union (EU) and created unprecedented turmoil for the local economy and posed critical challenges for its management. With the new emerging threat to susceptible crops in the EU, efforts were devoted to gain basic knowledge on the pathogen biology, host, and environmental interactions (e.g., bacterial strain(s) and pathogenicity, hosts, vector(s), and fundamental drivers of its epidemics) in order to find means to control or mitigate the impacts of the infections. Field surveys, greenhouse tests, and laboratory analyses proved that a single bacterial introduction occurred in the area, with a single genotype, belonging to the subspecies pauca, associated with the epidemic. Infections caused by isolates of this genotype turned to be extremely aggressive on the local olive cultivars, causing a new disease termed olive quick decline syndrome. Due to the initial extension of the foci and the rapid spread of the infections, eradication measures (i.e., pathogen elimination from the area) were soon replaced by containment measures including intense border surveys of the contaminated area, removal of infected trees, and mandatory vector control. However, implementation of containment measures encountered serious difficulties, including public reluctance to accept control measures, poor stakeholder cooperation, misinformation from some media outlets, and lack of robust responses by some governmental authorities. This scenario delayed and limited containment efforts and allowed the bacterium to continue its rapid dissemination over more areas in the region, as shown by the continuous expansion of the official borders of the infected area. At the research level, the European Commission and regional authorities are now supporting several programs aimed to find effective methods to mitigate and contain the impact of X. fastidiosa on olives, the predominant host affected in this epidemic. Preliminary evidence of the presence of resistance in some olive cultivars represents a promising approach currently under investigation for long-term management strategies. The present review describes the current status of the epidemic and major research achievements since 2013

    Modulation of actin polymerization affects nucleocytoplasmic transport in multiple forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology. Although defects in nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT) may be central to the pathogenesis of ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases, the molecular mechanisms modulating the nuclear pore function are still largely unknown. Here we show that genetic and pharmacological modulation of actin polymerization disrupts nuclear pore integrity, nuclear import, and downstream pathways such as mRNA post-transcriptional regulation. Importantly, we demonstrate that modulation of actin homeostasis can rescue nuclear pore instability and dysfunction caused by mutant PFN1 as well as by C9ORF72 repeat expansion, the most common mutation in ALS patients. Collectively, our data link NCT defects to ALS-associated cellular pathology and propose the regulation of actin homeostasis as a novel therapeutic strategy for ALS and other neurodegenerative diseases

    Renal Involvement in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: Not Only Acute Kidney Injury

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    Kidney involvement has been poorly investigated in SARS-CoV-2 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). To analyze the spectrum of renal involvement in MIS-C, we performed a single-center retrospective observational study including all MIS-C patients diagnosed at our Pediatric Department between April 2020 and May 2022. Demographic, clinical, pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission’s need and laboratory data were collected at onset and after 6 months. Among 55 MIS-C patients enrolled in the study, kidney involvement was present in 20 (36.4%): 13 with acute kidney injury (AKI) and 7 with isolated tubular dysfunction (TD). In eight patients, concomitant AKI and TD was present (AKI-TD). AKI patients needed higher levels of intensive care (PICU: 61.5%, p < 0.001; inotropes: 46.2%, p = 0.002; second-line immuno-therapy: 53.8%, p < 0.001) and showed lower levels of HCO3- (p = 0.012), higher inflammatory markers [neutrophils (p = 0.092), PCT (p = 0.04), IL-6 (p = 0.007)] as compared to no-AKI. TD markers showed that isolated TD presented higher levels of HCO3- and lower inflammatory markers than AKI-TD. Our results indicate a combination of both pre-renal and inflammatory damage in the pathogenesis of kidney injury in MIS-C syndrome. We highlight, for the first time, the presence of tubular involvement in MIS-C, providing new insights in the evaluation of kidney involvement and its management in this condition

    A Monitoring Framework with Integrated Sensing Technologies for Enhanced Food Safety and Traceability

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    A novel and low-cost framework for food traceability, composed by commercial and proprietary sensing devices, for the remote monitoring of air, water, soil parameters and herbicide contamination during the farming process, has been developed and verified in real crop environments. It offers an integrated approach to food traceability with embedded systems supervision, approaching the problem to testify the quality of the food product. Moreover, it fills the gap of missing low-cost systems for monitoring cropping environments and pesticides contamination, satisfying the wide interest of regulatory agencies and final customers for a sustainable farming. The novelty of the proposed monitoring framework lies in the realization and the adoption of a fully automated prototype for in situ glyphosate detection. This device consists of a custom-made and automated fluidic system which, leveraging on the Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) sensing technology, permits to detect unwanted glyphosate contamination. The custom electronic mainboard, called ElectroSense, exhibits both the potentiostatic read-out of the sensor and the fluidic control to accomplish continuous unattended measurements. The complementary monitored parameters from commercial sensing devices are: temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, volumetric water content, electrical conductivity of the soil, pH of the irrigation water, total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and equivalent CO (Formula presented.). The framework has been validated during the olive farming activity in an Italian company, proving its efficacy for food traceability. Finally, the system has been adopted in a different crop field where pesticides treatments are practiced. This has been done in order to prove its capability to perform first level detection of pesticide treatments. Good correlation results between chemical sensors signals and pesticides treatments are highlighted

    Links between Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) might occur within metabolic syndrome (MbS). One of the complications of T2D is an impaired (imp) cardiovascular autonomic function (CAF). Aims. In subjects with T2D and age ≤ 55 years, the prevalence of impCAF and its relationship with BMI, waist, HbA1c values, MbS, hypertension, and family history of T2D and/or hypertension were analysed. Methods. 180 subjects consecutively undergoing a day hospital for T2D were studied. The IDF criteria were used to diagnose MbS. To detect impCAF, 5 tests for the evaluation of CAF were performed with Cardionomic (Meteda, Italy). Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed. Results. The prevalence of impCAF and MbS were 33.9% and 67.8%, respectively. Among diabetics with impCAF, 86.9% had MbS. ImpCAF was significantly associated with MbS, overweight, and HbA1c > 7%. Both logistic (P = 0.0009) and Poisson (P = 0.0113) models showed a positive association between impCAF and MbS. The degree of ImpCAF showed a positive linear correlation with BMI and HbA1c values. Conclusions. The study demonstrates that glycaemic control and overweight influence CAF and that T2D + MbS is more strongly associated with impCAF than isolated T2D. We suggest that MbS not only increases the cardiovascular risk of relatively young subjects with T2D but is also associated with impCAF

    Next-generation sequencing and metagenomic analysis advances plant virus diagnosis and discovery

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    The advent of next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies dramatically advanced our ability to comprehensively investigate diseases of unknown etiology and expedited the entire process of virus discovery, identification, viral genome sequencing and, subsequently, the development of routine assays for new viral pathogens. Unlike traditional techniques, these novel approaches require no preliminary knowledge of the suspected virus(es). Currently, the RNA-Seq approach has been widely used to identify new viruses in infected plants, by analyzing virus-derived small interfering RNA populations, single- and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules extracted from infected plants. The method generates sequence in an unbiased fashion, likely allowing to detect all viruses that are present in a sample. We applied the Illumina NGS, coupled with metagenomic analysis, to generate large sequence dataset in different woody crops affected by diseases of unknown origin or infected with uncharacterized viruses or new strains. This approach allowed the identification of five novel viral species and, in addition, the sequencing of the whole genome of several viruses and viroids infecting Citrus spp., Prunus spp., grapes, fig, hazelnut, olive, persimmon and mulberry. Combined analysis of the datasets generated by using either siRNA fractions and dsRNA templates, enhanced the characterization of the whole virus-derived sequences in the infected tissues. Furthermore, profiling small RNAs from virus-infected plants led to a better understanding of host-plant response to virus and viroid infections in perennial plants. A general bioinformatic pipeline and an experimental validation strategy were developed and its application illustrated

    Draft Genome Sequence of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. Fastidiosa Strain IVIA5235, Isolated from Prunus avium in Mallorca Island, Spain

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    We report the complete annotated genome sequence of the plant-pathogenic bacterium Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa strain IVIA5235. This strain was recovered from a cherry tree in Mallorca, Spain