7 research outputs found

    Regorafenib in Glioblastoma Recurrence: How to Deal With MR Imaging Treatments Changes

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    The treatment of recurrent high-grade gliomas remains a major challenge of daily neuro-oncology practice, and imaging ļ¬ndings of new therapies may be challenging. Regorafenib is a multi-kinase inhibitor that has recently been introduced into clinical practice to treat recurrent glioblastoma, bringing with it a novel panel of MRI imaging ļ¬ndings. On the basis of the few data in the literature and on our personal experience, we have identiļ¬ed the main MRI changes during regorafenib therapy, and then, we deļ¬ned two different patterns, trying to create a simple summary line of the main changes of pathological tissue during therapy. We named these patterns, respectively, pattern A (less frequent, similar to classical progression disease) and pattern B (more frequent, with decreased diffusivity and decrease contrast-enhancement). We have also reported MR changes concerning signal intensity on T1-weighted and T2-weighted images, SWI, and perfusion imaging, derived from the literature (small series or case reports) and from our clinical experience. The clinical implication of these imaging modiļ¬cations remains to be deļ¬ned, taking into account that we are still at the dawn in the evaluation of such imaging modiļ¬cation

    Role and Importance of IGF-1 in Traumatic Brain Injuries

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    It is increasingly affirmed that most of the long-term consequences of TBI are due to molecular and cellular changes occurring during the acute phase of the injury and which may, afterwards, persist or progress. Understanding how to prevent secondary damage and improve outcome in trauma patients, has been always a target of scientific interest. Plans of studies focused their attention on the posttraumatic neuroendocrine dysfunction in order to achieve a correlation between hormone blood level and TBI outcomes. The somatotropic axis (GH and IGF-1) seems to be the most affected, with different alterations between the acute and late phases. IGF-1 plays an important role in brain growth and development, and it is related to repair responses to damage for both the central and peripheral nervous system. The IGF-1 blood levels result prone to decrease during both the early and late phases after TBI. Despite this, experimental studies on animals have shown that the CNS responds to the injury upregulating the expression of IGF-1; thus it appears to be related to the secondary mechanisms of response to posttraumatic damage. We review the mechanisms involving IGF-1 in TBI, analyzing how its expression and metabolism may affect prognosis and outcome in head trauma patients

    Decompressive craniectomy and hydrocephalus: proposal of a therapeutic flow-chart

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    The decompressive craniectomy (DC), procedure that may be necessary to save lives of patients suffering from intracranial hypertension, is not complication-free. The two main complications are hydrocephalus and the sinking skin flap syndrome (SSFS). The radiological findings and the clinical evaluation may be not enough to decide when and/or how to treat hydrocephalus in a decompressed patient. SSFS and hydrocephalus may be not unrelated. In fact, a patient affected by hydrocephalus, after the ventriculoperitoneal shunt, can develop SSFS; on the other hand, SSFS per se can cause hydrocephalus.Treating hydrocephalus in decompressed patients can be challenging. Radiological findings and clinical evaluation may not be enough to define the most appropriate therapeutic strategy. CSF dynamics and metabolic evaluations can represent important diagnostic tools for assessing the need of a CSF shunt in patients with a poor baseline neurologic status. Based on our experience, we propose a flow-chart for treating decompressed patients affected by ventriculomegaly

    Role and Importance of IGF-1 in Traumatic Brain Injuries

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    It is increasingly affirmed that most of the long-term consequences of TBI are due to molecular and cellular changes occurring during the acute phase of the injury and which may, afterwards, persist or progress. Understanding how to prevent secondary damage and improve outcome in trauma patients, has been always a target of scientific interest. Plans of studies focused their attention on the posttraumatic neuroendocrine dysfunction in order to achieve a correlation between hormone blood level and TBI outcomes. The somatotropic axis (GH and IGF-1) seems to be the most affected, with different alterations between the acute and late phases. IGF-1 plays an important role in brain growth and development, and it is related to repair responses to damage for both the central and peripheral nervous system. The IGF-1 blood levels result prone to decrease during both the early and late phases after TBI. Despite this, experimental studies on animals have shown that the CNS responds to the injury upregulating the expression of IGF-1; thus it appears to be related to the secondary mechanisms of response to posttraumatic damage. We review the mechanisms involving IGF-1 in TBI, analyzing how its expression and metabolism may affect prognosis and outcome in head trauma patients

    Application and advantages of monoenergetic reconstruction images for the reduction of metallic artifacts using dual-energy CT in knee and hip prostheses

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    The study aimed to assess image quality when using dual-energy CT (DECT) to reduce metal artifacts in subjects with knee and hip prostheses. Twenty-two knee and 10 hip prostheses were examined in 31 patients using a DECT protocol (tube voltages 100 and 140 kVp). Monoenergetic reconstructions were extrapolated at 64, 69, 88, 105, 110, 120, 140, 170, and 190 kilo-electron volts (keV) and the optimal energy was manually selected. The B60-140 and Fast DE reconstructions were made by CT. The image quality and diagnostic value were subjectively and objectively determined. Double-blind qualitative assessment was performed by two radiologists using a Likert scale. For quantitative analysis, a circular region of interest (ROI) was placed by a third radiologist within the most evident streak artifacts on every image. Another ROI was placed in surrounding tissues without artifacts as a reference. The inter-reader agreement for the qualitative assessment was nearly 100%. The best overall image quality (37.8% rated "excellent") was the Fast DE Siemens reconstruction, followed by B60-140 and Opt KeV (20.5 and 10.2% rated excellent). On the other hand, DECT images at 64, 69 and 88 keV had the worse scores. The number of artifacts was significantly different between monoenergetic images. Nevertheless, because of the high number of pairwise comparisons, no differences were found in the post hoc analysis except for a trend toward statistical significance when comparing the 170 and 64 keV doses. DECT with specific post-processing may reduce metal artifacts and significantly enhance the image quality and diagnostic value when evaluating metallic implant

    Antiangiogenic therapy for high-grade gliomas: current concepts and limitations

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is associated with a high degree of angiogenesis. Therefore, antiangiogenic therapy could have a role in the treatment of this tumor. The currently available treatment approaches acting against angiogenesis are mainly directed toward three pathways: VEGF pathway, VEGF-independent pathways and inhibition of vascular endothelial cell migration. It has been demonstrated that antiangiogenic therapy can produce a rapid radiological response and a decrease of brain edema, without significantly influencing survival. Future studies should consider that: animal models are inadequate and cells used for animal models (mainly U87) are deeply different from patient GBM cells; GBM cells may become resistant to antiangiogenic therapy and some cells may be resistant to antiangiogenic therapy ab initio; and angiogenesis in the peritumor tissue has been poorly investigated. Therefore, the ideal target of angiogenesis is probably yet to be identified