12 research outputs found

    Safety and efficacy of ketorolac continuous infusion for multimodal analgesia of vaso-occlusive crisis in patients with sickle cell disease

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    Pain is an hallmark of sickle-cell-related acute clinical manifestations as part of acute vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). In SCD pain has different origins such as vascular or neuropathic pain, which requires multimodal analgesia. This is based on the administration of drugs with different pharmacological mechanisms of action, maximizing analgesia and minimizing their adverse events and the risk of drug-addition in patients experiencing acute-recurrent pain events as in SCD. Ketorolac is a potent non-narcotic analgesic, being relatively safe and effective during pain-management in children and adults. Up to now, there is a lack of safety information on continuous infusion ketorolac as used to control acute pain in patients with SCD, and the benefits/risks ratio needs to be investigated. Here, we report for the first time the safety profile of ketorolac in the special population of patients with SCD. We confirmed that ketorolac in combination with tramadol, an opioid like molecule, is effective in pain control of adult patients with SCD experiencing acute severe VOCs defined by pain visual analog scale. Our study shows that short term (72 h) continuous infusion of ketorolac plus tramadol is not associated with adverse events such as liver or kidney acute disfunction or abnormalities in coagulation parameters during patients' hospitalization and within 30 days after patients discharge. This is extremely important for patients with SCD, who should have access to multimodal therapy to control recurrent acute pain crisis in order to limit central sensitization a fearsome issue of undertreated recurrent acute pain and of chronic pain

    The Clinical Efficacy of Multidose Oritavancin: A Systematic Review

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    Oritavancin (ORI) is a semisynthetic lipoglycopeptide approved as a single 1200 mg dose intravenous infusion for the treatment of acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs) caused by Gram-positive organisms in adults. The pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) linear kinetic profile and long terminal half-life (similar to 393 h) of ORI make it therapeutically attractive for the treatment of other Gram-positive infections for which prolonged therapy is needed. Multidose regimens are adopted in real-world clinical practice with promising results, but aggregated efficacy data are still lacking. A comprehensive search on PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Cochrane and Google Scholar databases was performed to include papers published up to the end of January 2023. All articles on ORI multiple doses usage, including case reports, with quantitative data and relevant clinical information were included. Two reviewers independently assessed papers against the inclusion/exclusion criteria and for methodological quality. Differences in opinion were adjudicated by a third party. From 1751 potentially relevant papers identified by this search, a total of 16 studies met the inclusion criteria and were processed further in the final data analysis. We extracted data concerning clinical response, bacteriologic response, mortality and adverse events (AEs). From the 16 included papers, 301 cases of treatment with multidose ORIs were identified. Multidose regimens comprised an initial ORI dose of 1200 mg followed by 1200 mg or 800 mg subsequent doses with a varying total number and frequency of reinfusions. The most often treated infections and isolates were osteomyelitis (148; 54.4%), ABSSSI (35; 12.9%) and cellulitis (14; 5.1%); and MRSA (121), MSSA (66), CoNS (17), E. faecalis (13) and E. faecium (12), respectively. Clinical cure and improvement by multidose ORI regimens were observed in 85% (231/272) and 8% (22/272) patients, respectively. Multidose ORI was safe and well tolerated; the most frequent AEs were infusion-related reactions and hypoglycemia. A multidose ORI regimen may be beneficial in treating other Gram-positive infections besides ABSSSIs, with a good safety profile. Further studies are warranted to ascertain the superiority of one multidose ORI scheme or posology over the other

    Precision fluoropyrimidines dosing in a compound heterozygous variant carrier of the DPYD gene: a case report

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    Background: Fluoropyrimidines (FPs) form still nowadays the backbone of chemotherapic schemes in colorectal cancer (CRC). Inter-patient variability of the toxicity profile of FPs may be partially accounted for by variable expression of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD). DPD rate activity is genetically determined by its extremely polymorphic coding gene DPYD. In spite of pharmacogenetic guideline-directed-dosing of FPs based regimens treating carrier of multiple variants of DPYD gene remains still challenging. Case presentation: We present a case of a 48-year-old Caucasian man, compound heterozygous variant carrier of the DPYD gene (HapB3 and c.2194G>A) who had a diagnosis of adenocarcinoma of the left colon and was safely treated with a pharmacogenetic-guided 25% dose reduction of the standard CAP adjuvant treatment. Compound heterozygosis may have been responsible for an earlier over exposure to CAP resulting into low-grade toxicity with an anticipated median time to toxicity of the c.2194G>A variant to the 4th vs. 6th cycles. Some haplotypes of DPYD variants may have an advantage in terms of survival compared to wild-type patients. Our patient may also have benefitted from compound heterozygosis, as shown by no evidence of disease (NED) at 6-month follow-up. Conclusion: Pharmacogenetic-guided dosing of DPYD intermediate metabolizer compound heterozygous HapB3 and c.2194G>A variant carries should be managed by a multidisciplinary team with a dose reduction ranging from 25 to 50% to maintain effectiveness and close clinical monitoring for early detection of ADRs

    Dose optimization and target attainment of vancomycin in children

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    Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that has been adopted in clinical practice to treat gram-positive infections for more than 70 years. Despite vancomycin's long history of therapeutic use, optimal dose adjustments and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) target attainment in children are still under debate. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has been widely integrated into pediatric clinical practice to maximize efficacy and safety of vancomycin treatment. Area under the curve (AUC)-guided TDM has been recently recommended instead of trough-only TDM to ensure PK/PD target attainment of AUC(0-24h)/minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) > 400 to 600 and minimize acute kidney injury risk. Bayesian forecasting in pediatric patients allows estimation of population PK to accurately predict individual vancomycin concentrations over time, and consequently total vancomycin exposure. AUC-guided TDM for vancomycin, preferably with Bayesian forecasting, is therefore suggested for all pediatric age groups and special pediatric populations. In this review we aim to analyze the current literature on the pediatric use of vancomycin and summarize the current knowledge on dosing optimization for target attainment in special patient populations

    Clinical care pathway appropriateness of the intoxicated paediatric patient: a retrospective evaluation with Poisoning Severity Score

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    Objectives: to assess the clinical care impact resulting from the lack of a regional reference Centre for Paediatric Poisoning in Liguria Region (Northern Italy) and to describe the demo-graphic and clinical characteristics of paediatric patients who accessed the Emergency Department of the 'Gaslini' Paediat-ric Hospital (Genoa, Liguria Region) for intoxication.Design: retrospective cohort study.Setting and participants: patients' cases of both sexes, <18 years old, who accessed the Emergency Department of the 'Gaslini' Paediatric Hospital between January 2017 and December 2019 for intoxication.Main outcome measures: the Poisoning Severity Score (PSS), a simple and reliable scoring system to describe pois-onings and define their severity, was used. The primary ob- jective was pursued by investigating the percentage of cases of intoxication which followed, in the study period, a clinical care pathway inconsistent with the degree of severity ascer-tained through the retrospective application of the PSS. Clin-ical-demographic data, triage tag color-coding, and causes of intoxication of cases were also collected. Descriptive stat-istics were used to summarize results.Results: a total of 172 cases were identified over the study period; 28 did not meet the inclusion criteria. The final ana- lysis involved 144 cases of intoxication, 70 were from fe-males and 74 from males, with a median age of 3 years-old; 60% of study cases followed a clinical care pathway consist-ent with the intoxication severity ascertained trough the PSS, in 40% of study cases the clinical care pathway was incon-sistent with PSS. The triage tag colour-code assigned was green in 16% of accesses, yellow in 82%, and red in only 2%. Out of the total of accesses, 40% of cases were attributed to drug intoxication in which the agents most involved were an-algesics and sedative-hypnotic drugs, 30% to carbon monox-ide and fumes poisoning, 23% to food/other substance intox-ication, and 7% to alcohol intoxication.Conclusions: implementing a referral Centre for Paediat-ric Poisoning could potentially affect 40% of access to the Emergency Department. Further analysis should be carried out to clarify whether an integrated Telemedicine Service could guide the correct management of intoxicated paediat-ric patients by referring them, through the Poisoning Sever-ity Score system, for home monitoring or immediate hospit-alization, if necessary

    Antitumor Potential of Antiepileptic Drugs in Human Glioblastoma: Pharmacological Targets and Clinical Benefits

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is characterized by fast-growing cells, genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, and radio-chemo-therapy resistance, contributing to its dismal prognosis. Various medical comorbidities are associated with the natural history of GBM. The most disabling and greatly affecting patients’ quality of life are neurodegeneration, cognitive impairment, and GBM-related epilepsy (GRE). Hallmarks of GBM include molecular intrinsic mediators and pathways, but emerging evidence supports the key role of non-malignant cells within the tumor microenvironment in GBM aggressive behavior. In this context, hyper-excitability of neurons, mediated by glutamatergic and GABAergic imbalance, contributing to GBM growth strengthens the cancer-nervous system crosstalk. Pathogenic mechanisms, clinical features, and pharmacological management of GRE with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) and their interactions are poorly explored, yet it is a potentially promising field of research in cancer neuroscience. The present review summarizes emerging cooperative mechanisms in oncogenesis and epileptogenesis, focusing on the neuron-to-glioma interface. The main effects and efficacy of selected AEDs used in the management of GRE are discussed in this paper, as well as their potential beneficial activity as antitumor treatment. Overall, although still many unclear processes overlapping in GBM growth and seizure onset need to be elucidated, this review focuses on the intriguing targeting of GBM-neuron mutual interactions to improve the outcome of the so challenging to treat GBM

    Altered plasma levels of apixaban in major gastrointestinal tract surgery: A case report and review of the literature

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    Altered direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) plasma levels can lead either to spontaneous hemorrhagic or thrombotic complications. We describe a case of suspected altered apixaban disposition in a patient with an upper gastrointestinal cancer resection treated with apixaban for non-valvular atrial fibrillation. Diagnosis of ischemic stroke for left hemiparesis was confirmed due to recent emergence of a hypodense area in the posterior capsular nucleus of ischemic reference in a context of binuclear capsular lacunar lesions. Thus, apixaban underexposure was suspected from anamnestic data and oral anticoagulation was switched to parenteral at the next scheduled dose for stroke recurrence. Before switching apixaban pharmacokinetic analysis was performed and unexpectedly showed apixaban plasma overexposure. After 3 days from the switch, the patient experienced spontaneous bleeding complications, for which the risk-benefit profile of continuing anticoagulant treatment for stroke recurrences warranted treatment discontinuation. Unexpected DOAC plasma exposure may present in special patient populations with thrombotic and bleeding complications. Though universally recognized therapeutic ranges have yet to be established for DOACs, periodic drug monitoring may aid in guiding optimization of DOAC therapy and reduce the risk of adverse events in special patient populations

    A Novel LC-MS/MS Method for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Baricitinib in Plasma of Pediatric Patients

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    Background: Janus kinase inhibitors are antirheumatic immunosuppressive drugs that target intracellular Janus kinases (JAKs). Baricitinib is a selective and reversible orally administered JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor approved for treating rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, and alopecia areata in adult patients. Expanded access to baricitinib has been approved for treating pediatric patients affected by rare Mendelian autoinflammatory diseases with type I interferon-mediated damage. Knowledge of the pharmacokinetic properties and target plasma levels of baricitinib in pediatric patients is limited. In this study, a novel LC-MS/MS method for measuring baricitinib in plasma, validated according to the ICH M10 guidelines, is presented. Methods: Sample preparation was performed by adding 10 μL of IS working solution (150 ng/mL) and 200 μL of MeOH to each plasma sample. Chromatographic separation was conducted using a Thermo Scientific Accucore Polar Premium column (50 mm × 2.1 mm, i.d. 2.6 m). This method was applied to 7 real anonymous plasma samples obtained from pediatric patients treated with baricitinib at IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini (Genoa, Italy). Patients of both sexes had a median age of 14 years (range, 10–17 years). Results: The LC-MS/MS method resulted linear over wide concentration ranges (1.024–100 ng/mL) and was accurate and reproducible in the absence of matrix effects, allowing for robust, specific, and rapid quantification of baricitinib from a low amount of plasma (50 μL). The plasma concentration of baricitinib in the samples of the patients, expressed as mean ± SD, was 11.25 ± 10.86 ng/mL. Conclusions: This novel LC-MS/MS method is suitable for the therapeutic drug monitoring of baricitinib and can help guide therapy optimization in pediatric patients

    Development and Validation of a Novel LC-MS/MS Method for a TDM-Guided Personalization of HSCT Conditioning with High-Dose Busulfan in Children

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    Personalization of busulfan (Bu) exposure via therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is recommended for patients treated with high-dose conditioning regimens. Several laboratories’ developed methods are available in the literature with a lack of standardization. The aim of this study is to develop a new standardized LC-MS/MS method and validate it according to the international ICH M10 (EMA) guidelines. Our method is based on rapid protein precipitation from 50 µL plasma followed by separation on a reversed-phase C-18 UHPLC column after the addition of deuterated internal standard and has been tested on real samples from pediatric patients treated with myeloablative conditioning regimens, including Bu, before autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The validated LC-MS/MS method is linear over wide concentration ranges (125–2000 ng/mL), accurate, and reproducible in the absence of matrix effects, allowing for the specific and rapid quantification of Bu and allowing next-dose recommendations to be made in a timely fashion to answer clinicians’ needs. Given the lack of data on the stability of Bu in real clinical samples, stability was assessed both on quality controls and on real samples to set up a robust protocol in real-life conditions. This novel LC-MS/MS method is suitable for application to the TDM-guided personalization of conditioning treatments with high-dose busulfan in pediatric patients undergoing HSCT