86 research outputs found

    A mobility analysis of the occupational status of the graduates of the University of Palermo in an economic crisis context

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    In such a global economic crisis context, our aims are describing the mobility of the Palermitan graduates in the labour market, identifying the variables that influence most their occupational status and finally outlining a transition probability structure among the states: Work, Search for a Job, Study, Other. The availability of a large amount of longitudinal data provided by the surveys carried out by STELLA (Statistics about Graduates and Labour Market) allowed us to analyze the mobility of the graduates of the University of Palermo among the different occupational states in three different times. We analyze data coming from a disproportionate stratified sample of graduates in 2009, interviewed three different times: one year (2010), three years (2012), five years (2014) after the graduation. To achieve our aim, first we provide a brief descriptive analysis of the main characteristics of the graduates gathered by the three different surveys; secondly we fit a time inhomogeneous multi-state Markov model with piecewise constant intensities; eventually implications from the main results are discussed

    Dati e \u201cpresi\u201d \u2026 dal mito ad un osservatorio sulla povert\ue0 sanitaria

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    Secondo l\u2019Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanit\ue0 la salute \ue8 uno stato di totale benessere fisico, mentale e sociale e non semplicemente l\u2019assenza di malattia o infermit\ue0.L\u2019Unione Europea emana, periodicamente, documenti, linee guida e direttive, valide per ogni Stato membro, per integrare, sostenere e aggiungere valore alle politiche del Welfare per migliorare la salute dei cittadini e ridurre le disuguaglianze in termini di salute. Nei documenti ci si riferisce anche alla dotazione, in ogni territorio, delle stesse strutture di cura, degli stessi protocolli e della stessa formazione del personale medico-sanitario. L\u2019idea di fondo del programma \ue8 che il mantenimento delle persone in buona salute generi effetti positivi sul Paese, fra cui la riduzione delle disuguaglianze in termini di salute e il pi\uf9 ambizioso obiettivo della \u201ccrescita inclusiva\u201d di tutti i cittadin

    Autism spectrum disorder in Italy: demand for an integrated epidemiological surveillance system.

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental syndrome of emerging public health concern, according to a documented significant increase of diagnosed cases of ASD in Europe and USA. In Italy, actually, it is not possible to estimate at national level a reliable ASD occurrence by using existing health and scholastic data flows. The lack of information has implications on social and healthcare services dedicated to subjects affected by ADS. The database of the Italian institute in charge of social and security assistance was accessed at the provincial level to investigate the ASD cases occurred in the Palermo province. The official reports of all subjects visited in 2013 by INPS physicians were analyzed by using an automatic software and diagnosis consistent with ASD were ex- tracted and flagged. Our findings support the choice of alternative use of INPS administrative database in order to define a reliable ASD occurrence estimate as first step to develop an integrated epidemiological surveillance system on AS

    Design of a 2-D Cementation Experiment in Porous Medium Using Numerical Simulation

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    International audienceThe validation and qualification of reactive transport simulation tools has motivated the design and simulation, at a laboratory scale, of an experiment in which flow, advective/dispersive transport of solutes and physicochemical transformation affecting a porous medium are strongly coupled. Several possible experimental setups (or designs) have been evaluated using numerical simulation. The selected experimental design involves the successive precipitation and perforation of a clogging obstacle composed of calcium oxalate. Before an experiment can actually be conducted, this problem is proposed as a numerical benchmark for reactive transport codes and simulated using the coupled reactive transport code Hytec (CIG-École des mines, France)

    Reactive transport codes for subsurface environmental simulation

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    The mobility and the job success of the Sicilian graduates

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    The paper focuses on the job success of Sicilians Graduates comparing people who remain in Sicily for work reasons (Stayers) and who moves from Sicily to another Italian region or abroad (Movers) during 2016. Data referred to the Almalaurea Consortium annual survey collecting data of first and second level graduates interviewed at one, three or five years from graduation. We model the probability to be a successful graduate by means of a logistic regression model considering job and curriculum characteristics. The results show that many factors influence the job success, with some differences between graduates interviwed 1 or 5 years after graduation, but it is clear that to be a Mover increases significantly the probability to be successful graduat
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