314 research outputs found

    Comparing the Evolution of the Galaxy Disk Sizes with CDM Models: The Hubble Deep Field

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    The intrinsic sizes of the field galaxies with I<26 in the Hubble and ESO-NTT Deep Fields are shown as a function of their redshifts and absolute magnitudes using photometric redshifts derived from the multicolor catalogs and are compared with the CDM predictions. Extending to lower luminosities and to higher z our previous analysis performed on the NTT field alone, we find that the distribution of the galaxy disk sizes at different cosmic epochs is within the range predicted by typical CDM models. However, the observed size distribution of faint (M_B>-19) galaxies is skewed with respect to the CDM predictions and an excess of small-size disks (R_d<2 kpc) is already present at z~ 0.5. The excess persists up to z~3 and involves brighter galaxies . Such an excess may be reduced if luminosity-dependent effects, like starburst activity in interacting galaxies, are included in the physical mechanisms governing the star formation history in CDM models.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, ApJ Letters in pres

    Probing the evolution of the near-IR luminosity function of galaxies to z ~ 3 in the Hubble Deep Field South

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    [Abridged] We present the rest-frame Js-band and Ks-band luminosity function of a sample of about 300 galaxies selected in the HDF-S at Ks<23 (Vega). We use calibrated photometric redshift together with spectroscopic redshift for 25% of the sample. The sample has allowed to probe the evolution of the LF in the three redshift bins [0;0.8), [0.8;1.9) and [1.9;4) centered at the median redshift z_m ~ [0.6,1.2,3]. The values of alpha we estimate are consistent with the local value and do not show any trend with redshift. We do not see evidence of evolution from z=0 to z_m ~ 0.6 suggesting that the population of local bright galaxies was already formed at z<0.8. On the contrary, we clearly detect an evolution of the LF to z_m ~ 1.2 characterized by a brightening of M* and by a decline of phi*. To z_m ~ 1.2 M* brightens by about 0.4-0.6 mag and phi* decreases by a factor 2-3. This trend persists, even if at a less extent, down to z_m ~ 3 both in the Js-band and in the Ks-band LF. The decline of the number density of bright galaxies seen at z>0.8 suggests that a significant fraction of them increases their stellar mass at 1<z<2-3 and that they underwent a strong evolution in this redshift range. On the other hand, this implies also that a significant fraction of local bright/massive galaxies was already in place at z>3. Thus, our results suggest that the assembly of high-mass galaxies is spread over a large redshift range and that the increase of their stellar mass has been very efficient also at very high redshift at least for a fraction of them.Comment: 18 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The B-Band Luminosity Function of Red and Blue Galaxies up to z=3.5

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    We have explored the redshift evolution of the luminosity function of red and blue galaxies up to z=3.5z=3.5. This was possible joining a deep I band composite galaxy sample, which includes the spectroscopic K20 sample and the HDFs samples, with the deep HAB=26H_{AB}=26 and KAB=25K_{AB}=25 samples derived from the deep NIR images of the Hubble Deep Fields North and South, respectively. About 30% of the sample has spectroscopic redshifts and the remaining fraction well-calibrated photometric redshifts. This allowed to select and measure galaxies in the rest-frame blue magnitude up to z∌3z\sim 3 and to derive the redshift evolution of the B-band luminosity function of galaxies separated by their rest-frame U−VU-V color or specific (i.e. per unit mass) star-formation rate. The class separation was derived from passive evolutionary tracks or from their observed bimodal distributions. Both distributions appear bimodal at least up to z∌2z\sim 2 and the locus of red/early galaxies is clearly identified up to these high redshifts. Both luminosity and density evolutions are needed to describe the cosmological behaviour of the red/early and blue/late populations. The density evolution is greater for the early population with a decrease by one order of magnitude at z∌2−3z\sim 2-3 with respect to the value at z∌0.4z\sim 0.4. The luminosity densities of the early and late type galaxies with MB1M_B1. Indeed while star-forming galaxies slightly increase or keep constant their luminosity density, "early" galaxies decrease in their luminosity density by a factor ∌5−6\sim 5-6 from z∌0.4z\sim 0.4 to z∌2.5−3z\sim 2.5-3. A comparison with one of the latest versions of the hierarchical CDM models shows a broad agreement with the observed number and luminosity density evolutions of both populations.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Quasar Evolution Driven by Galaxy Encounters in Hierarchical Structures

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    We link the evolution of the galaxies in the hierarchical clustering scenario with the changing accretion rates of cold gas onto the central massive black holes that power the quasars. We base on galaxy interactions as main triggers of accretion; the related scaling laws are taken up from Cavaliere & Vittorini (2000), and grafted to a semi-analytic code for galaxy formation. As a result, at high zz the protogalaxies grow rapidly by hierarchical merging; meanwhile, much fresh gas is imported and also destabilized, so the holes are fueled at their full Eddington rates. At lower zz the galactic dynamical events are mostly encounters in hierarchically growing groups; now the refueling peters out, as the residual gas is exhausted while the destabilizing encounters dwindle. So, with no parameter tuning other than needed for stellar observables, our model uniquely produces at z>3z>3 a rise, and at zâ‰Č2.5z\lesssim 2.5 a decline of the bright quasar population as steep as observed. In addition, our results closely fit the observed luminosity functions of quasars, their space density at different magnitudes from z≈5z\approx 5 to z≈0z\approx 0, and the local mBH−σm_{BH}-\sigma relation.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    A low escape fraction of ionizing photons of L>L* Lyman break galaxies at z=3.3

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    We present an upper limit for the relative escape fraction (f_{esc}^{rel}) of ionizing radiation at z~3.3 using a sample of 11 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) with deep imaging in the U band obtained with the Large Binocular Camera, mounted on the prime focus of the Large Binocular Telescope. We selected 11 LBGs with secure redshift in the range 3.27<z<3.35, from 3 independent fields. We stacked the images of our sources in the R and U band, which correspond to an effective rest-frame wavelength of 1500\AA and 900\AA respectively, obtaining a limit in the U band image of >=30.7(AB)mag at 1 sigma. We derive a 1 sigma upper limit of f_{esc}^{rel}~5%, which is one of the lowest values found in the literature so far at z~3.3. Assuming that the upper limit for the escape fraction that we derived from our sample holds for all galaxies at this redshift, the hydrogen ionization rate that we obtain (Gamma_{-12}<0.3 s^{-1}) is not enough to keep the IGM ionized and a substantial contribution to the UV background by faint AGNs is required. Since our sample is clearly still limited in size, larger z~3 LBG samples, at similar or even greater depths are necessary to confirm these results on a more firm statistical basis.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Escape of Ionizing Radiation from Starbursts

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra obtained with FUSEFUSE show that the strong CIIλCII\lambda1036 interstellar absorption-line is essentially black in five of the UV-brightest local starburst galaxies. Since the opacity of the neutral ISM below the Lyman-edge will be significantly larger than in the CIICII line, these data provide strong constraints on the escape of ionizing radiation from these starbursts. Interpreted as a a uniform absorbing slab, the implied optical depth at the Lyman edge is huge (τ0≄102\tau_0 \geq 10^2). Alternatively, the areal covering factor of opaque material is typically ≄\geq 94%. Thus, the fraction of ionizing stellar photons that escape the ISM of each galaxy is small: our conservative estimates typically yield fesc≀6f_{esc} \leq 6%. Inclusion of extinction due to dust will further decrease fescf_{esc}. An analogous analysis of the rest-UV spectrum of the star-forming galaxy MS1512−CB58MS 1512-CB58 at zz =2.7 leads to similar constraints on fescf_{esc}. These new results agree with the constraints provided by direct observations below the Lyman edge in a few other local starbursts. However, they differ from the recently reported properties of star-forming galaxies at z≄z \geq 3. We assess the idea that the strong galactic winds seen in many powerful starbursts clear channels through their neutral ISM. We show empirically that such outflows may be a necessary - but not sufficient - part of the process for creating a relatively porous ISM. We note that observations will soon document the cosmic evolution in the contribution of star-forming galaxies to the metagalactic ionizing background, with important implications for the evolution of the IGM.Comment: 17 pages; ApJ, in pres

    The Evolution of the Luminosity Function in Deep Fields: A Comparison with CDM Models

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    The galaxy Luminosity Function (LF) has been estimated in the rest frame B luminosity at 0<z<1.25 and at 1700 {\AA} for 2.5<z<4.5 from deep multicolor surveys in the HDF-N, HDF-S, NTT-DF. The results have been compared with a recent version of galaxy formation models in the framework of hierarchical clustering in a flat Cold Dark Matter Universe with cosmological constant. The results show a general agreement for z<= 1, although the model LF has a steeper average slope at the faint end; at z~3 such feature results in an overprediction of the number of faint (I_{AB}~ 27) galaxies, while the agreement at the bright end becomes critically sensitive to the details of dust absorption at such redshifts. The discrepancies at the faint end show that a refined treatement of the physical processes involving smaller galaxies is to be pursued in the models, in terms of aggregation processes and/or stellar feedback heavily affecting the luminosity of the low luminosity objects. The implications of our results on the evolution of the cosmological star formation rate are discussed.Comment: Revised version; corrected magnitudes at 1700 Angstrom in figure 2; ApJ

    The discovery of the optical/IR counterpart of the 12s transient X-ray pulsar GS 0834-43

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    We report the discovery of the optical/infra-red counterpart of the 12.3s transient X-ray pulsar GS0834-43. We re-analysed archival ROSAT PSPC observations of GS0834-43, obtaining two new refined positions, about 14" and 18" away from the previously published one, and a new spin period measurement. Within the new error circles we found a relatively faint (V=20.1) early type reddened star (V-R=2.24). The optical spectrum shows a strong Halpha emission line. The IR observations of the field confirm the presence of an IR excess for the Halpha-emitting star (K'=11.4, J-K'=1.94) which is likely surrounded by a conspicuous circumstellar envelope. Spectroscopic and photometric data indicate a B0-2 V-IIIe spectral-type star located at a distance of 3-5kpc and confirm the Be-star/X-ray binary nature of GS0834-43.Comment: 6 pages. Accepted for publication in MNRA
