184 research outputs found

    Localisation vs. globalisation of typical products and experiential consumption

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    The transformations taking place in the world economy can facilitate integration processes, both on a horizontal and vertical scale, and can be an opportunity for all businesses, of whatever size and sector. Nowadays, in this globalized economy consumers seem to be more and more interested in buying artisan products as synonymous of quality, tradition, culture and environment respect. The aim of this paper is to analyse and define characteristic local products in the framework of an economic model of experience. In this perspective, once having highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of this particular supply system, we intend to stretch the conceptual scheme of the typical product to the point of including in the concept of supply the relative experience connected to such specificity to be found only in their places of origin.Globalisation, local markets, typical products, experience economy.

    Multi-Party Media Partisanship Attention Score. Estimating Partisan Attention of News Media Sources Using Twitter Data in the Lead-up to 2018 Italian Election

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    The ongoing radical transformations in communication ecosystems have brought up concerns about the risks of partisan selective exposure and ideological polarization. Tra- ditionally, partisan selective exposure is measured by cross-tabulating survey responses to questions on vote intentions and media consumption. This process is expensive, limits the number of news outlets taken into account and is prone to the typical biases of self-reported data. Building upon previous works and with a specific focus on the online media environment, we introduce a new method to measure partisan media attention in a multi-party political system using Twitter data from 2018 Italian general election. Our first research question addresses the effectiveness of this method by measuring the extent to which our estimates correlate with partisan newspaper consumption measured by the latest Italian National Election Studies (ITANES) survey. Once established the reliability of our method, we employ these scores and measures to analyze the Italian digital media ecosystem in the lead-up to March 2018 election. The traditionally high level of political parallelism that characterizes both the Italian press and TV sectors is only partially reflected in a digital media ecosystem where partisan news sources seem to coexist with cross-partisan outlets. Results also point out that certain online partisan communities tend to rely more on exclusive news media sources

    It takes a village to manipulate the media: coordinated link sharing behavior during 2018 and 2019 Italian elections.

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    Over the last few years, a proliferation of attempts to define, understand and fight the spread of problematic information in contemporary media ecosystems emerged. Most of these attempts focus on false content and/or bad actors detection. In this paper, we argue for a wider ecological focus. Using the frame of media manipulation and a revised version of the ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ original definition, the paper presents a study based on an unprecedented combination of Facebook data, accessed through the CrowdTangle API, and two datasets of Italian political news stories published in the run-up to the 2018 Italian general election and 2019 European election. By focusing on actors’ collective behavior, we identified several networks of pages, groups, and verified public profiles (‘entities’), that shared the same political news articles on Facebook within a very short period of time. Some entities in our networks were openly political, while others, despite sharing political content too, deceptively presented themselves as entertainment venues. The proportion of inauthentic entities in a network affects the wideness of the range of news media sources they shared, thus pointing to different strategies and possible motivations. The paper has both theoretical and empirical implications: it frames the concept of ‘coordinated inauthentic behavior’ in existing literature, introduces a method to detect coordinated link sharing behavior and points out different strategies and methods employed by networks of actors willing to manipulate the media and public opinion

    TAILS N-terminomic and proteomic datasets of healthy human dental pulp

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    AbstractThe Data described here provide the in depth proteomic assessment of the human dental pulp proteome and N-terminome (Eckhard et al., 2015) [1]. A total of 9 human dental pulps were processed and analyzed by the positional proteomics technique TAILS (Terminal Amine Isotopic Labeling of Substrates) N-terminomics. 38 liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) datasets were collected and analyzed using four database search engines in combination with statistical downstream evaluation, to yield the by far largest proteomic and N-terminomic dataset of any dental tissue to date. The raw mass spectrometry data and the corresponding metadata have been deposited in ProteomeXchange with the PXD identifier <http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD002264>; Supplementary Tables described in this article are available via Mendeley Data (10.17632/555j3kk4sw.1)

    Central Europe towards Sustainable Building CESB10 Prague Advanced Building Design AN INTEGRATED APPROACH TO PRODUCTS AND PRODUCTIONS

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    Summary The environmental system is composed by living creatures connected with all the environment. The paper, although not related with biology, discusses, analyzes and proposes an integrated approach applicable to the industrial production goods. Due to the current crisis of the macroeconomic scenario, the production type approval of competing firms, but first of all the new environmental urgency, is rising the need of reconsider new production systems. The methodological approach of the Design by components (Luigi Bistagnino, 2008), appears as one of the possible open paths to successfully face the on-going change; thanks to this approach, that critically analyses all the parts of a current industrial product, we can redesign new typology of products/production chains as well as the system they are introduced in. The redesign of the object is not a mere styling of it, but is e reinterpretation of the whole structure that allows to extend the life cycle of the product (by easily updating, maintaining, reparing,…) by reducing its cost of energy consumption, maintenance (nowadays most of the object are not repaired because too costly). This approach, consequently, involve the redesign of the industrial structure that evolve in a more flexible, glocal, ethical , economical and environmental model. Such strategies must be urgently met, because the lack of even only one of them could compromise the entire policy implementation and its own reaction to changes

    The eIDAS Regulation: A Survey of Technological Trends for European Electronic Identity Schemes

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    The eIDAS regulation aims to provide an interoperable European framework to enable EU citizens to authenticate and communicate with services of other Member States by using their national electronic identity. While a number of high-level requirements (e.g., related to privacy and security) are established to make interoperability among Member States possible, the eIDAS regulation does not explicitly specify the technologies that can be adopted during the development phase to meet the requirements as mentioned earlier. To the best of our knowledge, there is no work available in the literature investigating the technological trends within the notified eIDAS electronic identity schemes used by Member States. To fill this gap, this paper analyzes how the different technological trends of notified schemes satisfy the requirements of the eIDAS regulation. To do this, we define a set of research questions that allow us to investigate the correlations between different design dimensions such as security, privacy, and usability. Based on these findings, we provide a set of lessons learned that would be valuable to the security community, as they can provide useful insights on how to more efficiently protect interoperable national digital identities. Furthermore, we provide a brief overview regarding the new eIDAS regulation (eIDAS 2.0) that aims to provide a more privacy-preserving electronic identity solution by moving from a centralized approach to a decentralized one


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    Nell’articolo, dopo una breve introduzione sul modello del mentoring con i minori a rischio, viene presentata una sintetica rassegna della letteratura sulle connessioni tra mentoring e service learning e successivamente su quali processi attiva una relazione di mentoring


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    Nell’articolo, dopo una breve introduzione sul modello del mentoring con i minori a rischio, viene presentata una sintetica rassegna della letteratura sulle connessioni tra mentoring e service learning e successivamente su quali processi attiva una relazione di mentoring
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