61 research outputs found

    Opportunity and/or necessity entrepreneurship? The impact of the socio-economic characteristics of entrepreneurs

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    Few studies have tried to identify the impact of the socio-economic characteristics of entrepreneurs on their opportunity-necessity positioning. Based on a sample of 538 entrepreneurs, we point out that individuals who get involved in an entrepreneurial process, have encountered a situation of necessity and/or opportunity and that the latter can take various forms. We point out the impact of the socio-economic characteristics of entrepreneurs on the alignment of their project with a necessity or opportunity entrepreneurial dynamics. The existence of sub-profiles of entrepreneurs within the necessity-opportunity typology is also highlighted. We point out, for instance, that not all jobseekers are necessity entrepreneurs and that new venture creation based on family pressure may convey both a necessity and opportunity dimension. Finally, our survey reveals a new kind of entrepreneurship: the hobby entrepreneurship.Necessity - Opportunity - motivations

    Necessity and/or opportunity entrepreneuship : which impact on the firm's creation?

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    This dissertation consists of four essays. The first essay offers a review of the literature devoted to necessity and opportunity entrepreneurship. The second essay focuses on the impact of the creator’s socio-economic characteristics on his/her necessity-opportunity positioning. The third and fourth essays analyze the impact of necessity and opportunity motivations on two aspects of the firm creation process. The third essay examines whether or not the necessity and/or the opportunity motivations can have an impact on the choice of the economic sector in which a business is started. The fourth essay focuses on the differences between necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs in terms of the gestation activities, i.e. the activities undertaken by nascent entrepreneurs during the organization’s creation process.(IAG 3) -- UCL, 201

    Novice creators: Personal identity and push pull dynamics

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    Our goal is to examine whether individuals’ (re)orientation towards entrepreneurship can be interpreted in terms of push-pull dynamics. We describe these dynamics and clarify the interaction between them and individual characteristics of entrepreneurs. We apply a principal component analysis on the results of a socio-economic survey to identify the differences between push and pull dynamics. We show that individuals who engage in entrepreneurial activities encountered disruptive situations or opportunities. These individuals can therefore be defined in terms of the push or pull dynamics they are affected by with various degrees of intensity. We also demonstrate that the disruptive situations and opportunities leading to entrepreneurial activities are of very different nature, and, consequently, that the push and pull dynamics can take a variety of forms. Finally, the results of our regression analysis highlight the influence of entrepreneurs’ social position and biographical past on their positioning in terms of push-pull dynamics

    (In)former les entrepreneurs

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    Les méthodologies quantitatives dans la recherche francophone en entrepreneuriat et en gestion des PME

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    Cet article examine la part et la nature des recherches quantitatives au sein de la littérature francophone en entrepreneuriat et en gestion des PME. Nous montrons que, depuis 2005, l’utilisation d’approches quantitatives, bien que demeurant minoritaire, est en croissance. Nous soulignons également la similitude entre les recherches francophones et anglophones en termes d’outils statistiques utilisés.This article examines the proportion and nature of quantitative methods in French-speaking entrepreneurship and small business research. We show that, since 2005, the use of quantitative methodologies has increased, even if it is still in minority. We also emphasize the similarity between the Englishspeaking and the French–speaking research in terms of statistical tools used

    Persistance dans le temps des déterminants de la croissance des PME

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    La littérature sur les déterminants de la croissance des PME est abondante. Les principaux facteurs étudiés concernent les caractéristiques de l’industrie, de l’entreprise, de la stratégie et de l’entrepreneur. L’idée soutenue dans ce travail est que les déterminants traditionnels de la croissance, et notamment les caractéristiques initiales du dirigeant (lors de la création), ont une influence variable au fil du temps sur celle-ci. Nous attendons notamment une diminution de l’influence des caractéristiques initiales du dirigeant. Afin de vérifier cette proposition, nous avons mesuré l’impact de facteurs considérés par la littérature comme explicatifs du développement de la PME trois puis cinq années après la création de celle-ci. Notre échantillon concerne 2 350 PME provenant de plusieurs secteurs d’activité. Nos résultats indiquent que les déterminants expliquent moins bien la croissance de la PME cinq ans après sa naissance que trois ans après. Cette diminution concerne particulièrement l’influence du dirigeant, le secteur et les caractéristiques de l’entreprise

    Entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions : The role of gender and culture

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    This paper examines how culture and gender shape entrepreneurial perceptions and intentions within Hofstede's cultural dimensions framework and gender role theory. We test whether gender differences exist in the way university students in three nations perceive barriers to entrepreneurship and whether gender has a moderating effect on the relationship between perceived barriers and entrepreneurial intentions across nations. Findings indicate significant gender differences in barrier perceptions. However, this gap is not consistent across cultures. Also, a moderating effect of gender on the relationship between barriers and entrepreneurial intentions is identified. Implications for research and practice are discussed. </jats:p

    University students and their faculty: perceptions of entrepreneurial optimism, overconfidence and entrepreneurial intentions

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    While an entrepreneurial career requires some level of optimism and confidence, unfounded optimism and overconfidence can be detrimental to entrepreneurial success. By comparing student and faculty perceptual differences, we assess whether university students are overly optimistic regarding the outcomes they expect from an entrepreneurial career as well as overconfident in their perceptions of barriers to entrepreneurship. Findings suggest that, overall, students are more optimistic but not more confident than faculty. Also, students who are more optimistic and more confident than their faculty, also perceive themselves to be more entrepreneurial and have stronger entrepreneurial intentions than their peers

    Entrepreneuriat contraint et volontaire: quel impact sur le choix sectoriel des entrepreneurs?

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    L’objectif de cette étude est de mettre en évidence l’influence des motivations de contrainte et volontaires sur le choix sectoriel de l’individu. Pour ce faire, nous utilisons un échantillon de 538 créateurs d’entreprises. À l’issue de notre étude, deux constats émergent. Premièrement, nos résultats indiquent qu’il existe bien entre les différents secteurs d’activité des sensibilités significativement différentes par rapport aux motivations de contrainte ou volontaires. Deuxièmement, notre recherche montre clairement que les motivations de contrainte et volontaires ont un impact significatif sur le choix sectoriel réalisé par l’individu. Les secteurs du commerce, de l’Horeca et des services, par exemple, correspondent davantage à un entrepreneuriat contraint et les secteurs de la finance, de l’industrie ou de la santé, à un entrepreneuriat volontaire.The objective of this study is to highlight the influence of necessity and opportunity motivations on the choice of the economic sector in which a business is started. To do this, we use a sample of 538 entrepreneurs. Our results first show that there are significant differences in terms of sectors of activity with respect to necessity and opportunity motivations. Second, our research also clearly shows that the necessity and opportunity motivations have a significant impact on the sector choice of the entrepreneur. Trade, Horeca and services sector correspond to a necessity entrepreneurship and financial, industry or health sectors to an opportunity entrepreneurship.El objetivo de este estudio es de resaltar la influencia de los motivos voluntarios e involuntarios sobre la elección sectorial del individuo. Para esto, utilizamos como muestra un conjunto de 538 creadores de empresa. Como resultado de este estudio surgen dos puntos fundamentales. Primero, nuestros resultados indican que entre sectores de actividades diferentes existen unas sensibilidades significativamente diferentes, en relacioñ a los motivos de involuntad o voluntad. Segundo, nuestro estudio muestra claramente que la motivacioñ voluntaria e involuntaria tiene un impacto significativo sobre la elección sectorial realizada por el individuo. Por ejemplo, los sectores del comercio, hosteleria y de la prestacioñ de servicios, corresponden en su mayoria a un empresariado involuntario, y los sectores de finanzas, industria o de la salud a un empresariado voluntario.Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es herauszufinden, inwiefern die Art der Gründungsmotivation – freiwillig oder notwendig – bei der Wahl eines Sektors eine Rolle spielt. Dazu verwenden wir eine Stichprobe von 538 Unternehmensgründern. Aus unserer Studie ergeben sich zwei Beobachtungen. Erstens zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass zwischen den verschiedenen Sektoren ein signifikanter Unterschied bezüglich der Motivation – Notwendigkeit oder Freiwilligkeit – existiert. Zweitens, kann klar aufgezeigt werden, dass die Wahl des Sektors durch die Motivationsart beeinflusst wird. So werden Handel, Gastronomie und Dienstleistungen beispielsweise aus Notwendigkeit gewählt, wogegen der Finanzsektor, die Industrie und die Gesundheit aus freiwilligem Unternehmertum ausgesucht werden
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