227 research outputs found

    Una sociologia della cultura materiale

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    Recuperata da settori di ricerca più propriamente antropologici, la tematica viene riproposta sul piano sociologico e su quello più specificamente linguistico-comunicativo. Di questo e di quello si mostrano le interne rilevanze con riferimento alla Nouvelle histoire francese

    European Union commitment towards RES market penetration: From the first legislative acts to the publication of the recent guidelines on State aid 2014/2020

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    Abstract During the last three decades, the European Union (EU) commitment towards the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) market penetration has been very complex, involving several aspects pertaining to the economic and political action of Member States. This paper seeks to overview the historical development of the legislative EU framework, including a description of the main financial programmes established and managed by the EU Directorates General. Moreover, the work will proceed with the picture of some Investment Funds, ad hoc created for RES undertakings, and managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) in collaboration with the EU or other foreign Bank Institutes. The delicate matter of State aid is discussed, paying particular attention to the transition from 1999 to the recent EU Guidelines (2014/2020), as these wider scopes could lead to an effective and well functioning European Energy Single Market. Focusing the attention on three case-studies, we have produced final remarks on the correct functioning of the EU political framework, giving attention to important improvements needed at infrastructural level. The EU awareness of the power grid limits, that are currently recorded in Europe has lead to further reforms of the legislation, as shown by the new EU Guidelines that will probably support Member States in dealing with the infrastructure challenge

    Measuring sustainable economic development through a multidimensional Gini index

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    This paper analyses the evolution of sustainable economic development inequality in Italy as regards the efforts made by each administrative Region, as a response to the main EU policies issued by the environmental and energy sector. For this purpose a multidimensional generalization of the Gini index has been performed, taking into account two different dimensions (energy and environment), in a time frame of six years (2008-2013). The multidimensional Gini results confirm the positive effect recorded by certain EU policies in determining a reduction in the inequality levels among the Italian Regions. A counterfactual analysis further underlined the relevant role played by the energetic dimension against the environmental one in strengthening Regional performance

    Generating synthetic power grids using exponential random graphs models

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    Synthetic power grids enable secure, real-world energy system simulations and are crucial for algorithm testing, resilience assessment, and policy formulation. We propose a novel method for the generation of synthetic transmission power grids using Exponential Random Graph (ERG) models. Our two main contributions are: (1) the formulation of an ERG model tailored specifically for capturing the topological nuances of power grids, and (2) a general procedure for estimating the parameters of such a model conditioned on working with connected graphs. From a modeling perspective, we identify the edge counts per bus type and kk-triangles as crucial topological characteristics for synthetic power grid generation. From a technical perspective, we develop a rigorous methodology to estimate the parameters of an ERG constrained to the space of connected graphs. The proposed model is flexible, easy to implement, and successfully captures the desired topological properties of power grids

    Translation Studies. Tradurre: manipolare e costruire realtà

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    Ricostruendo storicamente le teorie della traduzione l'autore prende in esame le azioni di manipolazione, volontaria o meno, che il traduttore di trova a praticare sul testo a lui affidato.Recostructing the history of translation, the book signs the caracter of manipulation that translator is engaged to make in his work, voluntary or not

    Una sociologia della condivisione. Comunicare per condividere due

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    Ricerca dedicata ai fenomeni di condivisione che si diffondono in questo tempo di crisi finanziaria e economica. Se ne studiano gli aspetti pi\uf9 diversi: dal socioantropologico al linguistico e comunicativo, dall'economico al politicoIt's a research on sharing facts: they refer to access and not to the property in a period of finance and economy crisis. The author studies many aspects: from socioanthropological to linguistic and communicative, from economic up to politic ones

    Quality certifications’ impact on wine industry assets performance

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    This study analyses the impact of third-party voluntary certifications on the asset of wineries operating in the Southern Italian regions. The study carried out both quantitative and qualitative approaches, with data extracted from the AIDA Bureau van Dijk International Database (including performance indicators). The analysed sector belongs to 11.02 ‘Manufacture of wine from grape’ of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE). The econometric elaboration (regression) was carried out by means of STATA software 14. Comparing certified and no certified wineries, results show a better asset performance of certified wineries, confirmed by a positive relationship between higher revenues and bigger size. The adoption of voluntary certifications requires the presence of highly qualified people, capable of managing innovations of product or process. Wine managers should consider that the expected impacts of the adoption of voluntary certification are not independent from both targeted business scopes and institutional context where the winery operates, being strictly linked to specific market and seller strategic decisions, including customer centricity approaches. For what in our knowledge, this work is the first attempt in investigating the impact of voluntary certifications in the Sicilian wine industries. Results are thus of relevant importance and originality and able to suggest new insights on business assets management for the wine industry, enabling managers to better approach the decision to get certified through sustainable standards

    Sharing Sociology. Il ruolo della comunicazione nella sociologia della condivisione

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    Il volume tratta del ruolo attribuito alla comunicazione in seno a tematiche connesse ad una condivisione quale viene elaborandosi in ambito francese sia sul piano socio-antropologico e comunicativo che sul piano politico.The work is interested to role of communication in main themes of a Sharing sociology that is in elaboration in France, in socioanthropological and communicative perspective, but over all in a political one


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    In the last years, Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) has gained relevant attention among the consumers, for its characteristics of environmental, economic and social sustainability. At the same time, recently some doubts has been raised about the environmental negative impacts that also SFSC is causing, despite the intrinsic “local” label. In particular, the reference is on the transport system and related CO2 emissions of SFSC that undermines the full achievement of environmental concerns. To deal with this challenge, electric vehicles (EVs) are seen as a viable and very promising alternative. Starting from these considerations, this study investigates the propensity of entrepreneurs operating in the SFSC to introduce EVs inside their business. In particular, in order to understand which factors affect this behaviour, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and New Ecological Paradigm have been used. Results show that farmers with high attitudes towards the shift from carbon transport systems to electrical ones, and which are more sensitive to ecological and environmental sustainability issues, are more willing to adopt EVs in their business. This is the first work that investigates the intention of local producers, operating in the SFSC, to introduce an EV for the freight transports, providing interesting theoretical, managerial and political implication, and addressing scholars towards future researches

    Comunicare per condividere. Relazioni sociali e mediazioni culturali per l'integrazione

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    Nel volume vien presa in esame la comunicazione interpersonale nelle sue diverse forme. Di essa si studiano le componenti verbali, non verbali e sociolinguistiche al cui interno si attivano processi di interazione che portano al costruirsi di reti di relazioni sociali operanti all'interno delle comunità. In questa direzione si mette a fuoco la comunicazione interculturale che favorisce i processi di integrazione