2 research outputs found

    Beyond ‘BRICS’: ten theses on South–South cooperation in the twenty-first century

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    Grounded in a review of past and present academic South–South cooperation literatures, this article advances ten theses that problematise empirical, theoretical, conceptual and methodological issues essential to discussions of South–South cooperation in the 21st century. This endeavour is motivated by the perceived undermining, especially in the contemporary Anglophone academic South–South cooperation literature, of the emancipatory potential historically associated with South–South cooperation. By drawing on the interventionist South–South cooperation agendas of ‘left’-leaning Latin America-Caribbean governments, the article seeks to establish a dialogue between social science theories and less ‘visible’ analyses from academic (semi)peripheries. The ten theses culminate in an exploration of the potential of South–South cooperation to promote ‘alternative’ development

    Hugo Chávez foreign policy towards Africa (2004-2010)

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    La política exterior del gobierno de Hugo Chávez hacia África ha despertado el interés por conocer cuál es el estado reciente de las relaciones con esta región. Es por esto que en este artículo se pretende esbozar una descripción de esta política pública, partiendo de tres dimensiones: la político-diplomática, la comercial y la sociocultural. En este sentido, el trabajo hace un recorrido por los principales temas encarados y las acciones y proyectos emprendidos por la Casa Amarilla hacia la totalidad de los países de este [email protected]’s foreign policy towards the African continent during the Hugo Chávez government has sparked an interest in learning about the recent developments in this matter. Th at is why the aim of this article is to outline a description of that public policy on three dimensions: the diplomatic one, the commercial one and the socio-cultural one. In this sense, the paper discusses the main issues faced and the actions and projects undertaken by the Yellow House toward the totality of that continent’s countries